3. Refeeding Syndrome Flashcards
What happens during early starvation?
Glucose levels decline and insulin levels decrease
Glucagon levels increase
Glycogenolysis in liver and lipolysis producing fatty acids and glycerol
Used by tissues for energy and converted to ketone bodies in liver
Gluconeogenesis then stimulated
What is the main outcome in starvation?
Body switches the main energy source from carbohydrate to protein and fat, electrolytes are depleted and water and sodium are retained
What are the metabolic change to reintroduction of nutrition?
Increased insulin production
Decreased glucagon secretion
Increased cellular uptake of glucose, phosphate, potassium
Reactivation of Na+/K+ membrane pump leads to increased K+ into cells and increased Na+ and fluid loss out of cells
Decreased ability to excrete Na+ and fluid resulting in fluid overload
What is the main outcome of reintroduction of nutrition?
Return to carbohydrate metabolism and increased uptake of electrolytes intracellularly resulting in low serum levels
What can refeeding syndrome cause?
Hypokalaemia Hypomagnesaemia Hypophosphataemia Thiamine deficiency Salt and water retention - oedema
What are the high risk factors of refeeding syndrome?
Dietary intake very little or none Low BMI % weight loss in last 3-6 months Electrolyte levels low Alcohol abuse, use of insulin, chemotherapy, antacids or diuretics Malabsorption (vomiting, diarrhoea)
What should be done immediately before and after feeding in refeeding syndrome?
Full dose of IV vitamin B