3) Puberty & Abnormalities of Menstruation Flashcards
At what age does puberty take place in girls?
8-13 years
At what age does puberty take place in boys?
9-14 years
What changes take place in a boy at puberty?
Genital development begins
Adrenarche (pubic hair growth)
Spermatogenesis begins
Growth spurt (10cm/year)
What changes take place in a girl during puberty?
Thelarche - breast bud development, 1st sign of puberty
Adrenarche - pubic hair growth
Growth spurt (9cm/year)
Menarche - onset of menstrual cycles
Puberty is under hormonal control. Which hormones are involved?
Onset of puberty:
Rise in FSH & LH (brain initiates)
due to Pulsatile GnRH secretion
What is the significance of body weight and puberty?
Body weight most important factor in timing of puberty
47kg critical weight for menarche
What happens to the reproductive cycle if body weight falls significantly below 47kg?
Reproductive cycle ceases
May be signalled to brain by leptins
At what weight does the growth spurt start in boys & girls?
30kg girls
55kg boys
What is adrenarche and how does it occur?
Pubic and axillary hair growth
Depends on androgens in both sexes
From adrenal glands in girls
What causes the growth spurt in girls & boys during puberty?
Growth hormone & Steroids
Ended by epiphyseal fusion
Oestrogen closes epiphyses earlier in girls
Growth spurt earlier & shorter in girls
What is thelarche?
Breast development
dependant on oestrogen
What is male genital development dependant on?
What is precocious puberty?
Development of signs of puberty before 8yrs in girls or 9yrs in boys
What causes precocious puberty?
Can be due to:
Neurological causes, inappropriate GnRH secretion
- Pineal tumours, meningitis
Uncontrolled gonadotrophin or steroid secretion
- Hormone secreting tumours
What happens during pre-menopause and what age does it occur?
>40 years Changes in menstrual cycle Follicular phase shortens, ovulation early or absent Less oestrogen secreted Less -ve feedback - FSH & LH rise FSH rises more - loss of inhibin too Reduced fertility
What changes occur during menopause?
Cessation of menstrual cycles Average age 49-50 Female has run out of follicles Oestrogen falls dramatically Less -ve feedback - FSH & LH rise FSH rise dramatically - loss of inhibin
What are the vascular effects of menopause?
Hot flushes (80%)
Transient rises in skin temp
Relieved by oestrogen treatment
What are the effects of menopause on oestrogen sensitive tissues?
Uterus: regression of endometrium, shrinkage of myometrium
Thinning of cervix
Vaginal rugae lost (thinner, less distensible)
Involution of some breast tissue
Changes in skin
Reduction in bladder tone