3. Present; kommen; Sagen 2 Flashcards
საიდან ხარ?
Wo kommst du her?
Woher kommst du?
- Where are you from?
როდის მოდის ის (ქალი)?
Wann kommt sie?
- When is she coming?
ის (კაცი) ამ საღამოს გამოივლის
Er kommt heute Abend vorbei
- He is coming over tonight
ახლავე მოვდივარ
Ich komme gleich.
- I’m coming right away.
მოდიხარ ჩემთან ერთად?
Kommst du mit mir?
- Are you coming with me?
მოდიხარ ვახშამზე?
Kommst du zum Abendessen?
- Are you coming for dinner?
ის (ქალი) გერმანიიდან არის
Sie kommt aus Deutschland.
- She comes from Germany.
უბრალოდ შემოდი
(ცოტა ხნით შემოდი)
Komm einfach rein.
- Just come in.
როდის მოდის ავტობუსი?
Wann kommt der Bus?
- When is the bus coming?
თქვენ ახლავე დაბრუნდებით, ხომ?
Ihr kommt gleich zurück, ja (nicht wahr)?
- You are coming back soon, right?
მეგობრებო, ხვალ მოდიხართ წვეულებაზე?
Freunde, kommt ihr morgen zur Party?
- Guys/friends, are you coming to the party tomorrow?
Komm her! - Come here!
Wo kommst du gerade her? - Where are you coming from?
Kommst du mit uns ins Kino? - Are you coming to the cinema with us?
Was sagst du? - What are you saying?
Kannst du das bitte noch einmal sagen? - Can you please say that again?
Ich habe dir bereits alles gesagt. - I’ve already told you everything.
Was sagst du dazu? - What do you say about that?
Das kann ich nicht genau sagen. - I can’t say exactly.
Lass mich dir etwas sagen. - Let me tell you something.
Was hast du gerade gesagt? - What did you just say?
Ich muss dir etwas Wichtiges sagen. - I have to tell you something important.
Wie sagt man das auf Deutsch? - How do you say that in German?
Sag mir die Wahrheit. - Tell me the truth.