3 - Organization: Organization Effectiveness & Development (From Study Group) Flashcards
- High levels of conflict and dissent
- Leader’s role: Enforce ground rules, increase levels of engagement, provide coaching
Bruce Tuckman
Redesigning the Organization
Organizational design optimizes elements that support an organization’s functioning, including:
- The organization’s mission and vision and the strategies it is pursuing to achieve its goals.
- The way decisions are made.
- The way information is communicated.
- The processes used to perform work and the degree to which and how those processes connect parts of the organization’s structure.
- The systems used to align the organization’s needs with the resources required to fill those needs.
Talent Development Interventions
Identify talent needs.
- Clarify performance standards.
- Identify competency deficiencies.
Develop existing staff.
- Coordinate selection processes.
- Develop comprehensive workforce development initiatives.
Build talent pool.
- Communicate performance expectations.
- Develop coaching or mentoring programs and internal social networks.
Matrix Structures
- Combines departmentalization by division or program and function to gain the benefits of both.
- An organization may use when the vertical hierarchy begins to obstruct value activities—when silos get in the way of collaboration.
- Includes cross-functional teams who may work together to design, develop, and market products.
- Creates a dual rather than single chain of command. As a result, some employees report to two managers rather than one, with neither manager assuming a superior role
Product or Customer Structure
Functional departments are grouped under major product divisions
Characteristics of Effective Interventions
- Strategically aligned
- Collaborative
- Supported by top management
- Producing sustainable results
- Supporting continuous improvement
- Using common tools
- Using common language
- Explicit assumptions
- Fact-based
- Oriented toward systems and processes
- Flexibility
- Multiple perspectives
Team Formation
Bruce Tuckman
- Forming
- Storming
- Norming
- Performing
Organizational Culture Intervention
- Describe current culture
- Identify the aspirational culture
- Identify gaps and conflicts
- Develop change initatives
Mechanistic and Organic Organizations
- Mechanistic organization tends to be highly specialized, hierarchical, and formal
- Organic organization job boundaries are less distinct and there are fewer levels of decision makers and a more flexible approach to structures and rules.
Team or Unit Interventions
Goal may be to improve team processes and interactions through:
- Developing a team identity.
- Correcting dysfunctional behaviors.
- Redefining processes to remove conflicts and improve coordination.
- Building trust and helping diverse teams overcome cultural and geographic distances.
- Growing sense of common direction, defined responsibilities and processes
- Leader’s role: facilitate communication and group decision making
Bruce Tuckman
Staff units
- Assist the line units by performing specialized services for the organization
- Accounting or HR.
- Low levels of commitment and communication
- Leader’s role: provide vision, describe expectations, encourage perseverance
Bruce Tuckman
- The extent to which rules, policies, and procedures govern the behavior of employees in the organization.
- The more formal the organization, the greater the written documentation, rules, and regulations.
Functional Structure
Departments are defined by the services they contribute to the organization’s overall mission, such as marketing and sales, operations, and HR
- Easy to understand
- Specializations develop
- Economies of scale
- Easier communication within functions
- Clear career paths
- Weaker customer or product focus
- Potentially weak communication among functions
- Weak grasp of broader organizational issues