3. Moral Hazard- Variable Investment Flashcards
How does investment yield income?
Yields income RI proportional to investment (CRS) in the case of success and 0 in the case of failure
When does the project have positive NPV?
If the entrepreneur exerts effort PhR>1
When does the project have negative NPV?
When the entrepreneur doesn’t exert effort
Which condition ensures that investment is finite and states that the pledgeable income per unit of investment is less than 1?
PhR< 1+ PhB/delta P
What is the entrepreneurs incentive comparability constraint?
Delta P x Rb>= BI
What is the lenders break even condition?
Ph(IR-Rb)>= I-A
What is the entrepreneur’s net utility equal to?
The investments social surplus
Ub = (PhR-1)I
What imposes a limit on investment and thus on borrowing capacity of the entrepreneur?
The incentive compatibility constraint and the participation constraint
Proposition 1. How can wealth be levered?
k>1 wealth can be levered
PhR<1+ PhB/delta P
implies that the denominator of
k=1/(1-Ph(R-B/delta P)) is positive.
PhR>1 and 1>PlR+ B imply that delta PR>B and therefore the denominator is less than 1
Proposition 2. What does the multiplier depend on?
The multiplier depends on the two measures of agency costs (a) the private benefit B (negatively) and (b) the likelihood ratio delta P/ Ph (positively)
In the variable investment model which firms exhibit a higher sensitivity of investment to cash flow?
Those with a low agency cost (these firms have a higher multiplier)
What is IR^s and IR^F?
Investment yields IR^s in the case of success and IR^F in the case of failure (salvage value of assets). Let RI= (R^s-R^F)I
What does the optimal contract do?
Maximise the entrepreneur’s expected compensation subject to the entrepreneur’s incentive constraint and the investors break even constraint
Proposition 3. Optimal contract
The optimal contract is Rb^s, Rb^F = ((PhR+ R^F -1)I+A)/Ph, 0
This can be derived from the fixed investment model as long as the projects salvage value when it fails is positive
What does proposition 1 imply about contracts?
That an all equity contract isn’t optimal. The optimal financial structure requires that investors hold debt D>= IR^F
Proposition 4. What dictates a firm’s capacity for outside financing?
Firms with lower agency costs (as measured by either the private benefit B or the inverse of the likelihood ratio delta P/Ph keeping Ph and therefore profitability constant) have higher outside financing capacities
How does the project yield private benefit?
BI>0 proportional to investment
How is k related to investment and cash?
Where k= 1/(1-Ph(R-B/delta P))
Give the equation specifying sensitivity of investment to cash flow
dk/dpo= 1/(1-Ph(R-B/delta P))^2
What is the NPV per unit of investment and the pledgable income per unit of investment?
The NPV per unit of investment is positive while the pledgable income per unit of investment is negative
PhR + R^F > 1 > Ph(R-B/delta P) + R^F
Steps of finding the optimal contract
- Suppose breakeven constraint isnt binding. Increase Rb^s and Rb^F an equal amount. This change increases entrepreneurs payoff therefore original contract can’t be optimal.
- Suppose incentive constraint isn’t binding. Then optimal investment would be infinite violating the two constraints combined.
- Rb^F=0. Suppose it is positive. Can make a small increase in Rb^s and a small decrease in Rb^F keeping the objective function and breakeven constraint constant but the incentive is now slack.
- To derive Rb^s set 1 and 2 equal and Rb^F=0
Suppose that pledgable income per unit of investment is greater than 1. How would this change affect the results of the model?
The constraint is not binding. There isn’t moral hazard so the size of the project is infinite