2. Moral Hazard- Fixed Investment Flashcards
What does A stand for?
Cash/ net worth of the entrepreneur/borrower that can be either invested or used for consumption
What happens if the project succeeds and entrepreneur exerts effort?
The project will yield no private benefit
What happens if the project succeeds but the entrepreneur exerts no effort?
The project will yield private benefit B>0
What is delta P?
Delta P= Ph-Pl
What are the preferences of the entrepreneur and potential lenders?
Risk neutral. There is no time preference
How does the loan market work?
The riskless rate is equal to 0, the market is competitive (loan makes zero profits) and the borrower is protected by limited liability
What do the entrepreneur and lenders earn if the project is successful?
Entrepreneur receives Rb and lenders earn Rl
What is the rate of interest rate given by?
Rl= (1+i)(I-A) or 1+i = 1/Ph
What is the zero profit constraint for the lenders
PhRl= I-A
Under the assumption that the loan agreement induces the borrower to exert effort
When does the project have a positive NPV?
If the entrepreneur exerts effort the project has positive NPV PhR-I>0
If the entrepreneur doesn’t exert effort then the project has negative NPV PlR-I+B<0
When will the entrepreneur exert effort?
If the following incentive comparability constraint is satisfied
PhRb>= PlRb + B
Delta P x Rb>= B
What does the incentive compatibility constraint imply the highest income in the case of success that can be pledged to lenders is?
R-B/delta P
When will lenders offer a loan?
When the following participation constraint is satisfied
Ph(R-B/delta P) >=I-A
Thus a necessary condition for a loan is A>=Ā
Where we assume Ā>0
Why do we assume that Ā>0?
Because otherwise even an entrepreneur with zero net worth would be able to obtain a loan
Proposition 1. When is there credit rationing and what happens in this case?
When A<Ā there is credit rationing. Projects with the positive NPV will not be financed despite the willingness of entrepreneurs to pay high interest rates