3. Media & Learning Flashcards
consuming high amounts of media leads to poor academic achievement
what is media use correlated with?
- Academic performance
- Test scores
- Poorer educational achievement
time displacement
media takes away from intellectually beneficial activities (Media consumption replaces time spent on academic activities)
exception of time displacement
screen media displaces reading in young children (impacting reading acquisition)
why is time displacement not fully supported by data?
- media displaces other media (viddy games displace TV)
- media only affects reading for young children (choosing TV over reading) dont see this pattern in older kids
when does reading displacement really make a difference?
young kids (older kids are already good at reading)
mental effort theory
media use is passive, and causes passive thinking to become the norm
- Reduces our thinking
- No evidence to support this
Attention & Impulsivity theory
media use shortens attention spans, and increases impulsive behaviours
- Media is fast-paced and therefore reduces our attention spans
- No evidence to support
what are the main arguments for reduction hypothesis (3)
- time displacement - little evidence
- mental effort - no evidence
- attention and impulsivity - no evidence
mental effort
media use is passive, and causes passive thinking to become the norm (reduces our thinking)
is there evidence to support mental effort?
no. when watching media with young children, they are often interacting with the material, asking questions, etc.
explain Attention & Impulsivity
media use shortens attention spans, and increases impulsive behaviours (no evidence here either)
how long per day do 2-10 yr olds spend consuming educational media
1hr / day
informal vs. formal education
informal -> - often involves social skills and prosocial skills
- Eg: Blues Clues → problem solving, DragonTales → pro-sociality, sharing
formal -> in school
what is the correlation between educational media and academic outcomes?
- Kids consuming more educational media did better in academics
- Strongest for the younger age group