3: Introduction to LE Positioning - Smith Flashcards
portion closest to film cassette
portion which the x-ray beam enters
anterior-posterior projection could also be called…
posterior-anterior view
on a lateral view, the fibula sits ____ to tibia
define sesamoids
bones within a tendon
sesamoid under the first metatarsal are constant
talocalcaneal joint aka
talonavicular joint and calcaneocuboid joint aka
midtarsal or choparts joints
joint b/w tarsal bones and five metatarsals
tarsometatarsal or lisfrancs joint
structures demonstrated in AP projection
tarsal bones
central ray of AP image
angle 15* cephald
base of third metatarsal
pt position AP projection
standing with foot on exposable side of film in angle and base of gait on orthoposer
medial oblique view aka
lateral oblique projection
structures demonstrated in MO
tarsal bones
central ray for MO
angle tube 45* aim at lateral cuneiform
pt position MO and lateral oblique view and lateral projection
standing in angle and base of gait on Orthoposer
structures demonstrated in lateral oblique view/ medial oblique projection
tarsal bones
central ray for lateral oblique view
angle tube 45* aim at medial cuneiform
structures demonstrated in lateral projection of foot
first met hallux medial cuneiform navicular talus calcaneus
central ray lateral projection
90* or perpendicular to the lateral cuneiform
structures demonstrated with raised lateral hallux
proximal and distal phalanges of the hallux
central ray for raised lateral hallux
90* or perpendicular to center of hallux
pt position raised lateral hallux
standing in angle and base of gait on orthoposer with foam under hallux to decrease overlap of other toes
structures demonstrated with sesamoid or plantar axial
inferior aspect of the metatarsals and sesamoids
central ray for sesamoid or plantar axial
90* or perpendicular to the film and aim at inferior heel
pt position sesamoid or plantar axial
standing with foot on block or kneel on the tip toes
structures demonstrated on calcaneal axial
subtalar or talocalcaneal joint and the calcaneus
central ray for calcaneal axial
45* aimed at posterior subtalar or talocalcaneal joint
pt position calcaneal axial
pt standing on the film in angle and base of gait
structures demonstrated on AP of ankle
ankle joint
central ray AP of ankle
anterior ankle joint
pt position AP of ankle
pt standing on orthoposer with back of leg against film
structures demonstrated in ankle mortise
talus and ankle joint
why use an ankle mortise?
decreases overlap b/w tibia and fibula
central ray for ankle mortise
anterior ankle joint
pt position ankle mortise
same as AP with foot rotated toward midline 15*
structures demonstrated with lateral projection of ankle
tibia fibula talus calcaneus ankle joint
central ray lateral projeciton of the ankle
90* or perpendicular to the film with ray entering lateral malleolus
pt position lateral projection of akle
standing with medial malleolus against film
ottawa rules =
ability to walk 4 steps
pain in posterior edge or tip of maleoli
pain at navicular or base of 5th met
designed to rule out unnecessary x-rays
if don’t have any of these, dont have fracture (98% sensitive)