10: CT Scans - Smith Flashcards
2 images taken in CT scan
axial/transverse and coronal/frontal
some computers will make a sagittal from this info
scout view
axail positioning
obtained with feet perpendicular to gantry table
coronal positioning
knees flexed with feet flat against the gantry table
pixel size
1.3 mm x 1.3 mm
each pixel correlates to the density of the tissue in that pixel
pixel attenuation units
hounsfield units HU
bone window v. soft tissue window
wide gray scale or window to pick up tissue with high attenuation or hugh HU
narrow gray scale or window to pick up tissue with low attenuation or low HU
average radiation exposure for CT exam
2.6 rads for about 20 slices
comparison - 5 convential xras is 0.1 rads
how long does a CT exam last?
3-5 sec per slice
about 30 min for whole exam
older machines can take 20 sec per slice
gold standard osseous anatomy
CT scan
soft tissue things better seen with MRI