3- growth of parliamentary democracy Flashcards
what did the radicals call the political system
“old corruption”
what percentage of the population coud vote pre-reform
less than 5%
in 1831 how many people had the right to vote out of what population
400,000 electorate
13.89 million population
how many MPs could a county send to parliament
what was the standard county franchise (pre-reform)
someone who held a freehold piece of land worth 40 shillings a year
what were the 6 types of boroughs
rotten, pocket, scot and lot, potwalloper, corporation, freeman
what was a rotten borough
a constituency so depopulated that an mp was selected by a very small number of people (often they could buy the votes)
what was a pocket borough
a borough where wealthy landowners owned all of the land, they bribed or pressured voters into voting for their favoured candidates
what was a scot and lot borough
men who paid local taxes such as the poor rate could vote
what was a potwalloper borough
a boroughin which one could vote if their house had a fireplace large enough to boil a pot
what was a corporation borough
only members of the local cpuncil could vote,w
what percent of corperation boroughs had less then 50 voters
what was the freeman borough
all men who had aquired the title of ‘freeman’ were qualified to vote
how many boroughs had fewer than 40 voters
what 4 big towns had no MPs
birmingham, manchester, leeds, sheffield
In 1831 what was lancashires population
1.3 million
How many MPs did Lancashire have in 1831
What was cornwalls population in 1831
How many MPs did Cornwall have in 1831
What percent of elections were uncontested (pre reform)
What was ‘treating’
Where candidates would pay for their supporters food drink and accommodation during election
What were ‘lambs’
They were groups of armed thugs who intimidated voters
What was ‘cooping’
The kidnapping of rivals supporters until the end of the election
What became increasingly politicised post 1780s
Clubs, discussion groups and societies
How many daily newspapers did London have
How many tri-weekly newspapers did London have
How many provincial newspapers were there outside of London
What did William Pitt propose (that was defeated)
To disenfranchise 36 of the worst boroughs
Who was John Wilkes
A man who made a name for himself because he asserted the right of voters to choose MPs
franchise defanition
the right to vote in an election
sedition defanition
inciting revolution
yeomanry defanition
armed voulentry cavalry force used to maintain order
under lord liverpool how many reforms where there
12 moderate ecanomic reforms
what did edmund burke write
“reflections on the revolution in france” 1790
what did burke call the revolutionaries in france
“swinish multitudes”
what did the tories argue about reform -1800
they argues that it would increase social tensions
when was the sheffield society for constitutional information formed
in may 1792 how many signitures did the SSFCI get
what was the SSFCI’s petition that got 10,000 signitures for
male suffrage
when was the london corresponding society formed
how many members did thomas hardy claime were in LCS and how many were actually
how much did joining the LCS cost
1penny a week
what was the larges society of the 1780s to 1800s
the london corresponding society
when did thomas paine write the rights of man
by 1793 how many copies of the rights of man had been sold
when was thomas paine charged with treason
what was the british population in 1801 and in 1821
10.5 million- 1801
14.1 million- 1821
what percentage of britons were under 15 in 1821
what did poor relief grow by
£2million - 1775
£8million - 1817
when did napoleon blockade britain
when did the usa declare war
what did national debt grow by (c1800-1820)
£238 million to £902 million
how many ironworkers lost their jobs in shropshire foillowing the war
what did the corn law cause the price of corn to raise to
10 shillings a bushel
what did indirect tax raise to an from (1790s 1816)
£16-17 million 1720
£50-60 illion 1816-
how much did cartwright travel 1813
900 miles in 29 days
when did cartwright travel 900 miles
what was major john cartwrights aim
to educate the workers and campaign pecafully for universal sufferage
how many signitures on how many petitions did cartwright gain
130,000 signitures
430 petitions
wht did william cobbett do
from november 1816 he republished the leading article from his weekly political register in a 2nd pamphlet
what did the government create to infultrate secret societies
alien section and secret service
what was thomas muir charged with
14 yeard of transportation due to being a prominent radical
what was thomas palmer charged with and why
he was encoraging people to read paines ‘the rights of man’ and he was sentacned to 7 years transportatiuon
when was heabus corpus suspended
in december 1795 what was passed
the “two acts”
what were the “two acts”
treasonable and sediotios practices act
(it broadened the law od treason, meetings of over 50 were banned)
what are three conservative propeganda publications fromn the 1790s
the oracle
the sun
the true briton
what were “church and king” clubs
anglican clubs loyal to the crown and establishment
what were two major disturbances caused by C&K clubs
birmingham 1791
manchester 1792
how many branches nationwide did the assosiation for preserving liberty and property against republicans and levellers
what were government volunteers
people encoraged by the government to voulenteer and help keep order against the french
by 1804 how many people were voulenteers
when was the corn law introduced
when was income tax repealed
what was caused by the income tax repeal
indirect taxes were increased on popular items such as beer and sugar
when were the game laws introduced
what were the game laws
they made poaching against a landowner punishable by 7 years imprisonment or transportation
what caused the suspension of heabus corpus
the spa fields meetings 1816
how long did the suspension of heabus corpus last
a year
when were the six acts