3 - Emergency Drugs in Adults Flashcards
What is the SBAR tool?
What is the dosage and route of administration for epinephrine/adrenaline when used in an emergency?
Anaphylaxis (A and B2 stimulation)
0.5mg every 5 minutes IM
CPR (B1 stimulation)
1mg every 3-5 minutes IV injection as required
Acute Hypotension
100ng/kg/minute continuous IV
What is the dosage and route of administration of hydrocortisone in an emergency situation?
Give as sodium succinate
Asthma/Thyrotoxic Crisis
IV injection 100mg/6hrs until oral prednisolone can be given
100-300mg IV
Adrenocortical Insufficiency
50mg/6hrs IV
What is the dosage and route of administration of chlorphenamine in an emergency situation?
Anaphylaxis >12 years
- 10mg IV/IM up to 4 times a day
What is the dosage and route of administration of atropine for treatment of post MI bradycardia?
- 500 micrograms (0.5mg) every 3–5 minutes IV
- Maximum 3 mg per course
What is the dosage and route of administration for aspirin in an emergency situation?
- MI/TIA/Ischaemic stroke
- 300mg PO
What is the dosage and route of administration for clopidogrel in an emergency situation?
- Prevent VTE in PCI
- Used in MI/TIA if aspirin intolerance
- 300mg PO then 75mg follow up
What is the dosage and route of administration of Calcium Gluconate in an emergency situation?
Used to correct low Ca levels, high K levels and Mg Toxicity
K+>6.5 mmol or ECG changes or Severe HypoCa/HypoCa Tetany
- 10-20ml 10% slow IV with dose titrated and adjusted to ECG
- Repeat as requred or continuous to stop recurrence, max 50ml/hr
- 100ml of Ca Gluconate in 1litre glucose 5% or NaCl 0.9%
What is the dosage and route of administration for IV dextrose in an emergency situation?
Glucose 10% IV infusion 150-200ml over 15 minutes for unconscious hypoglycaemia
(or 75-100ml 20%)
What is the dosage and route of administration for insulin in an emergency situation?
0.1units/kg/hr by IV diluted in 0.9% saline to the concentration of 1unit/ml
e.g 50 units in 50ml saline
What are the emergency treatments for hypoglycaemia in adults?
- Glucose by mouth 15-20g (3-4 teaspoons of sugar in water, 150-200ml pure fruit juice, 4-7 glucose tablets) repeated in 15 minutes if necessary
- If unresponsive or cannot have PO give 1mg of glucagon IM (1mg/ml so 1ml)
- If unresponsive or not responding to glucagon after 10 minutes give 150-200ml 10% dextrose over 15 minutes IV
What is the dosage and route of administration for diazepam in an emergency situation?
Status Epilepticus/Convulsions
- 10 mg IV, then 10 mg after 10 minutes if required, administered at a rate of 1 mL (5 mg) per minute
- 10-20mg rectally then again after 10 minutes
Acute Anxiety and Agitation
- 500ug (micro)/kg or 250ug/kg if elderly rectally then again after 12 hours
Acute Alcohol Withdrawal/Muscle Spasm
10mg/4hours IM or slow IV
What is the dosage and route of administration for Lorazepam in an emergency situation?
Acute Panic Attack
- 25–30 ug (micro)/kg every 6 hours if required slow IV (or IM if cannot PO or IV)
Status Epilepticus
- 4mg every 10 minutes by slow IV
What is the dosage and route of administration for salbutamol nebuliser in an emergency situation of acute asthma?
5mg repeated every 20-30 minutes by oxygen-driven nebuliser
What is the dosage and route of administration for prednisolone in an asthamtic emergency?
40-50mg PO daily for at least 5 days
30mg PO daily for 7-14 days