3. Cranial Movements and Strain Patterns Flashcards
What is the axis in which midline/unpaired (SBS) bones move?
Usually the transverse axis in an AP direction
Which axis do paired bones move about?
Internal/External rotation
Usually move about AP axis in lateral/rotation movement
In SBS flexion, which way do the wings of the sphenoid move?
In what axis?
Anteriorly about a transverse axis
Vice verse for extension
In SBS flexion, which way does the base of the occiput move?
In what axis?
Posteriorly and inferiorly about a transverse axis
Vice versa for extension
Which unpaired bones move in the same direction?
Sphenoid and vomer go in the same direction
Occiput and ethmoid move in the same direction
In SBS flexion, which way does the vomer move?
Same as the sphenoid!
In SBS flexion, which way does the ethmoid move?
Posterior and (Superior)
Just like the occiput
In SBS extension, which way does the vomer move?
Just like the sphenoid
In SBS extension, which way does the ethmoid move?
Anterior and (Inferior)
Just like the occiput
Describe vault contact in terms of the 6 points of contact?
- Index finger on sphenoid wings
- Middle finger are anterior to ear
- Ring finger on mastoid
- Pinky stretches as far back on occiput as possible
- Palms rested on parietals
- Thumbs contact the frontal bones
What type of axis(es) does a lateral strain have?
Two vertical, parallel axises
Does motion happen about the same direction of axises in lateral strain?
If your index fingers tip to the right, and your pinky fingers tip left, which type of strain?
What is it named for?
Left lateral strain
-named for base of sphenoid!
“Like a parallelogram”
If your index fingers tip left and your pinky fingers tip right, which type of strain?
What is it named for?
Right Lateral Strain
-named for base of spenoid
“like a parallelogram”
What type of axis(es) does a vertical strain have?
Two parallel axises in a transverse plane
Does motion happen about the same direction of axises in vertical strain?
Yes, both will tip backward or forward
If your index fingers tip forward away from you, and pinky fingers tip back toward you, what type of strain?
What is it named by?
Superior Vertical Strain
-named for base of sphenoid
Like pt is looking down
If your index fingers tip backward toward you, and pinky fingers tip forward away from you, what type of strain?
Inferior Vertical Strain
-named for base of sphenoid
Like pt is looking up
What type of axis(es) does a torsion strain have?
One sagittal axis, in an AP plane
Does motion in the sphenoid and occiput happen in the same direction during torsion strain?
In what axis?
No, different directions
One side will be higher, one side will be lower
If your left pinky and index finger are higher than your right pinky and index finger, which torsion is it?
What is it named by?
Left torsion
-named for the side that has the higher greater wing of sphenoid
If your left pinky and index finger are lower than your right pinky and index finger, which torsion is it?
What is it named by?
Right torsion
-named for the side that has the higher greater wing of sphenoid
What type of axis(es) does a sidebending rotation strain have?
One sagittal (AP plane), and two vertical axises (superior-inferior)
Does motion happen about the same direction of axises in sidebending rotation strain?
What happens to the bones?
Motion IS in the same direction for sagittal plane (Unlike Torsion)
-greater wing and occiput come together or get farther apart
Motion IS NOT in the same direction for the vertical
If your pinky and index finger on your right hand are spread farther apart compared to your left, which sidebending rotation torsion do you have?
Named for the side that feels fuller
What is Compression Strain due to?
What Axis?
What can it mimic?
Trauma, Anxiety, Depression
Sagittal Axis
Other strain Patterns
(Think about this when none of the others fit)
In SBS flexion, what is the direction of the sacrum called?
Where does SBS connect to Sacrum at?
If SBS pulls upwards (Flexion), what direction does sacrum move?
SBS connected to sacrum at posterior S2
-SBS it pulls upward, sacrum moves posterior
In SBS extension, what is the direction of the sacrum called?
Where is SBS connected to sacrum at?
When SBS relaxes, which way does Sacrum move?
Nutition==towards the nuts
SBS connected to sacrum at posterior S2
-when SBS relaxes, allows sacrum to tip forward towards the nuts
What axis does nutition and counternutition move the sacrum about?
Superior Transverse Axis
Describe the type of trauma that would create a lateral strain?
Hit from the side, either anterior to or posterior to SBS
So if you were hit from the right side anterior to SBS, which lateral strain would you have?
Left Lateral
-would move base of sphenoid to left
So if you were hit from the right side posterior to SBS, which lateral strain would you have?
Right lateral
-would move occiput to the left in relation to the sphenoid base=Sphenoid base to the right
Describe the type of trauma that would create a vertical strain?
Hit from the top or bottom, either in from of or behind the SBS
So if you were hit from the top anterior to SBS, which vertical strain would you have?
What about posterior to SBS?
Inferior Strain
Superior Strain
So if you were hit from the bottom anterior to SBS, which vertical strain would you have?
What about Posterior to SBS from bottom?
Superior Strain
Inferior Strain
What type of blow would cause a torsion strain?
A glancing blow, either anterior or posterior to the SBS (uppercut)
-strikes it from the side and at a diagonal angle
Where is the blow to the head that would cause a sidebending rotation strain?
Directly at the SBS
If you were hit directly on the right SBS, which sidebending rotational strain would you have?
Left Sidebending rotation strain
-Right side will come together, left side will feel “more full”
Lateral Strain
- Axis and Plane
- Direction
- Named by
Vertical Strain
- Axis and Plane
- Direction
- Named By
Torsion Strain
- Axis and Plane
- Direction
- Named By
Sidebending Rotation
- Axis and Plane
- Direction
- Named By
1) Lateral Strain
2 Vertical Parallel Axis
Same Direction
Base of Sphenoid
2) Vertical Strain
2 Parallel Axis in Transverse Plane
Same Direction
Base of Sphenoid
3) Torsion Strain
Sagittal Axis in AP Plane
Opposite Direction
Greater Wing of Sphenoid
4) Sidebending Rotation
1 Sagittal in AP Plane (Same direction), 2 Vertical parallel (opposite direction)
Named by convexity developed