3. Consonants Flashcards
In Spanish. which two consonants have the same sound in Spanish words? Why?
B and v are the two consonants that have the same sound in words. The v sound found in English does not exist in Spanish.
When B/V occur at the beginning of a breath group, or following l, m, or n what sound do these two consonants make in a Spanish word?
B/V - they make the same sound as the b in boat at the beginning of a breath group. There is a softer sound produced through slightly opened lips when they’re found elsewhere.
Burro - donkey Embargo - embargo Alba - sunrise Invierno - winter El voto - The vote
Havana - capital of Cuba and largest city
Cuba - country located in the Northern Caribbean
When “d” occurs at the beginning of a breath group, or following l or n what sound does this letter make?
This letter makes the d in dog sound when found at the beginning of word. D makes the “th” sound when found elsewhere in a word.
D in dog sound:
Donde - where
Th sound: Boda - wedding Falda - skirt Conde - count Poder - power
What sound does the Spanish letter f make?
The Spanish letter f is pronounced the same as the English f in fish
F in fish sound:
Futuro - Future
Fila - Row
Oficina - office
What sound does the Spanish g make before a, o, u, or before a consonant? What sound does g make before e or I?
The g in game sound before a, o, u, or before a consonant. The h in hat sound before e or I.
G in game sound:
Gusto - like
Grande - large
H in hat sound:
Genio - genius
Generoso - generous
Gitano - gypsy
Which spanish consonant is silent in words?
The spanish h is silent in words.
Words w/ silent h:
Hasta - until
Hombre - man
Hablar - talk
What sound does the Spanish j make in words?
The Spanish J makes the English H sound in words. It can also be given a slightly guttural sound.
English h sound:
Ojo - eye
Mujer - woman
What sound does the Spanish k make in words?
The Spanish k makes the same sound as the English k in words.
English k sound
Kilómetro - kilometer
What sound does the Spanish L make in words?
Spanish “L” makes the same sound as the English “L” in words but with the tip of the tongue touching the roof of your mouth.
Same as the English “L” sound :
El - the
Mil - one thousand
What sound does the Spanish “ll” make in words?
The Spanish letter “ll” makes the y sound in beyond, or in some countries, the s sound in pleasure.
Caballo - horse
Bello - beautiful
Llave - key
What sound does the Spanish “m” make in words?
The Spanish letter “m” makes the same sound as the English letter “m” in words
Menos - less
Marrón - brown
What sound does the Spanish letter “n” make in words?
The Spanish letter “n” makes the same sound as the English letter “n” in words
Nota - note
Nación - nation
Nariz - nose
What sound does the Spanish letter “ñ” make in words?
The Spanish letter “ñ” makes the same sound as the “ny” in canyon or the “ni” in onion.
Mañana - tomorrow
España - Spain
What sound does the Spanish letter “p” make in words?
The Spanish letter “p” makes the same sound as the English “p”, but not explosive (w/o the puff or air in the English sound).
Persona - person
Pobre - poor
What sound does the Spanish letter “q” make in words? ***Ask Rebecca to help make sense of this in the book
The Spanish letter “q” makes the “k” in key when found in qui. ***Ask Rebecca to help make sense of this in the book
Quito - is the capital and largest city in Ecuador
Equipo - team
What sound does the Spanish “r” make in words? ***Ask Rebecca to help make sense of this in the book
The Spanish letter “r” makes the dd in ladder (a single tongue flap) sound
The “r” at the beginning of a word or after l, n, or s is trilled like “rr”.
Caro - expensive
Barato - cheap
Rosa - pink
El río - the river
Las rosas - the roses
What sound does the Spanish letter “rr” make in words?
A trill or tongue roll - there is no equivalent in English.
Perro - dog
Carro - car
What sound does the Spanish “s” make in words?
The Spanish “s” makes the same sound as the English “s” in words.
Sala - living room
Blusa - blouse
What sound does the Spanish “t” make in words?
The Spanish “t” makes the same sound as the English “t” in words, but not explosive - with the tip of the tongue against the back front teeth.
Torta - cake
Tesoro - treasure
Talento - talent
What sound does the Spanish “v” make in words?
The Spanish “v” makes the same sound as the Spanish “b” - there is no v sound in Spanish.
This letter exists in Spanish only in words of foreign origin and is not considered part of the Spanish alphabet.
The letter is w.
What sound does the Spanish “x” make in words?
The Spanish “x” makes the same sound as the English “x” in words.
Experto - expert
Examen - exam
What sound does the Spanish “y” make in words?
The Spanish “y” is the same as the Spanish “ll” - the “y” sound in beyond or in some countries the “s” in pleasure.
Papagayo - parrot
Ayer - yesterday
What sound does the Spanish “z” make in words?
The Spanish “z” makes the “s” in sail sound.
Azul - blue
Brazo - arm
Luz - light