3) Abnormal and Emergency Procedures Flashcards
Which FCOM part/chapter is not applicable to EZY operations?
How is a QRH A&E checklist excecuted? (Roles PF/PM)
- PM reads the challenge and response as written in the QRH
- In accordance with task sharing, PF or PM executes (depending on switches)
- After having performed the action, the executing pilot will repeat the response
What does DODAR stand for?
D- Diagnosis
O- Options
D- Decide
A- Assign and Action
R- Review decision
What is the general guideline to declare a MAY DAY?
Declare a MAYDAY if the successfull outcome of the situation is expected to be in jeopardy
When do you use PAN PAN?
In case of URGENCY
When do you use MAY DAY?
In case of DISTRESS
What does a MAYDAY take care of?
- It ensures priority over other traffic
- It puts the destination AND surrounding airports on emergency standby
What does a PAN PAN take care of?
- You get priority over other traffic
- The destination/diversion airport services are put on standby
How do you deal with a possible system reset?
- Check QRH tables (if not listed, call MOC)
- Perform procedure
- Adhere to sequence and time delay
- If successful, make entry in the techlog
- If unsuccessful, it is an open defect, check MEL for dispatch
How do you enter a reset in the techlog?
All is entered in the defect column of the techlog page
- fault discription, i.e. “COM CIDS 1 + 2 FAULT”
- Flight Phase, i.e. “in flight phase 2”
- A/C action during flight phase, i.e. “during taxi out”
- Flight Crew action during plight phase, i.e. “starting eng #2”
- Outcome: successful, “RESET AS PER QRH”
- Outcome: unsuccessful, “OPEN DEFECT”
- Name
- Date
Describe the different Airbus Flight Phases
What are your actions when you had a lightning strike?
- Consult with MOC to obtain an inspection
- File an ASR as per OM(A)
What are the 4 main FMGS Anomalies that require a FMGS FEED BACK form to be completed?
- MAP SHIFT (move of the MAP display from a position to another)
- RESET/TIME OUT (FM transient failures)
3. LATERAL F-PLN/NAVIGATION(unexpected behaviour during transition, F-PLN modifications)
- VERTICAL F-PLN/PERFORMANCE(unexpected target speed, erroneous PERF speeds)
In which flight phases are non essential ECAM warnings surpressed with regards to take off?
Flight Phases 4 + 5
What is the general guide line/advice with regards to “STOP” or “GO” calls up to 100 kts and between 100 kts and V1?
<100 kts:
If unsupressed ECAM warning or caution seriously consider a STOP
>100 kts:
Be “GO”-minded but definate “STOP” for:
- Fire warning or severe damage
- Sudden loss of thrust
- Any indications of malfunctions, A/C not safe to fly
- Any uninhibited ECAM warnings or cautions
T.O, >100kts <v1></v1>
<p>You experience nose gear vibration.</p>
<p>What is your action?</p>
Nose gear vibration should NOT be a RTO
You have a tire failure on T.O. between V1 - 20 and V1
What is your consideration for “STOP” or “GO”?
If the engines are unaffected it is better to take off, reduce the landing weight and land by using full runway length
“V1 has precedence over……”?
What is your call after a discontinued take off with a full stop? (<100kts or uneventfull)
Try to make a PA once taxiing off the runway and necessary actions completed
What is your call after a RTO with a full stop? (>100kts or high speed, or with severe problems)
What is the importance of the 100kts value on take off?
It is not critical, it was chosen in order to help the CM1 make his/her decision and to avoid unnecessary stops from high speed
What are the 3 additional notes when performing an emergency evacuation?
- “MAYDAY” prefix to call NOT required in case of a RTO
- The FO should turn on the dome light if required and continue with the EMERGENCY EVACUATION checklist
- Agents are NOT required to be discharged UNLESS thre are positive signs of fire (FIRE pb lit, fire outside, smoke outside, etc)
What is the correct way of initiating an evacuation?
What is expected when normal evac command is not given?
PA command:
“EVACUATE, UNFASTEN YOUR SEATBELTS AND GET OUT!” and then activate evacuation signal
If evacuation signal is activated without a prior evac PA, cabin crew will check with flight crew prior initiating the evac UNLESS the situation is clearly catastrophic
You are going to the toilet when you hear: “Cabin Crew, Emergency Descent!” by the FO and the descent is initiated.
What do you do?
Return to the flight deck once the emergency descent manouvre has been completed. Apply the oxygen and wait.
What is the company policy for “visual inspections” i.e. fly by to check flight controls or gear?
It is recommended NOT to conduct such low approaches.
What is the main response by the PF when receiving a RA?
Perform memory items
OM(B) states:
When an RA occurs, the PF shall respond immediately by diret attention to RA displays and manoeuvre as indicated UNLESS doing so would jeopardise the safe operation of the A/C
What is the consequence of not responding to a RA?
The flight crew takes respondsibility for achieving safe separation. In so choosing, they should consider the following:
- Very likely, the other traffic WILL perform TCAS instructions
- The visual trafic might not be the RA traffic
- Visual perception is a big threat
- ATC might not be in contact with the traffic
- Disregarding the RA might result in loss of safe separation
In short:
What is a good way to make sure you adhere to the TCAS instructions?
What are the general assigned duties for both CM1 and CM2 during an evacuation and the cabin is NOT reachable?
- Take hight vis jacket if practicable
- Take loading form to verify pax numbers
- If NOT possible to reach the cabin: via windows
- On the ground, direct passengers away from the A/C in a safe direction
What are the CM1’s tasks during an evacuation when the cabin IS possible to reach?
- He is the last person to leave the cockpit
- Proceeds to cabin to help pax with evac
- He is the last person to leave the aircraft
- Checks all pax are of if possible
- Exits via the rear door or any other available exit if the rear door is not reachable
- On the ground takes command until the rescue units arrive
What are the CM2’s responsibilities during an evacuation when the cabin IS possible to reach?
- Proceed to cabin and take emergency equipment
- Evacuates the aircraft using any available exit
- Helps pax on the ground, directing them away from the aircraft