3 Flashcards
breakdown of lipids into glycerol and fatty acids
what stimulates/increases lipolysis
glucagon and inhibitation of insulin increases lyopsisis
catabolism vs anabolism
Anabolism molecules join together whilst storing energy. Catabolism is the breakdown of molecules to release energy
decreases water excretion by the kidneys by increasing water reabsorption in the collecting ducts ulimtaltey increasing urine production
diabetes insipidus is caused by
a lack of ADH, too much urine
what is an automimmune disease
when the immune system relases antiobodies that attack self cells usuaulyl because these antibodies do not recognise self cells to mulfunction
an example is when self cells do not contain antigen or when antiobodies do not recognise antigen.
Why does type 1 diabetes cause one to be lethargic
not enough insulin is beign absorbed by the body, thus glucose cannot enter our cells which prevnts cells from reciveiieng the energy they need thus causing us to become tired and lethargic
how does mellitus lead to hyperglycaemia
- in diabetes melltius, there is the production of autoantibodies which destroy beta cells and thus, there is a lack of insulin production OR there is insulin resistance
- in both cases, glucose is not absorbed or stored as glycogen in the tissues as insulin is the hormone that is responsible for that
- therefore there will be increased levels of glucose in the bloodstream caysing hyerpglycemia
main reason for type 2 diabetes
- insulin resistance
what is insulin resistance
when cells is skeletla muscles liver and fat do not respond to insulin
what cells/tissues are affected throughout type 2 diabetes
liver tissue, skeletal muscle, fat tissue are all affected in type 2 diabetes
Why does diabetes cause frequent urination and thirst and what role does homeostasis play in this
- In diabetes there is increassed concentration of glucose in the bloodstream
2.Sometimes this leads to access glucosse in the urine(glucosuria)
- Thus water secretion into the tubules increases leading to increasing urination
- In addition, as there is increased urination, this will send signals to the hypothalamus that there is decreased blood volume through osmoreceptors and baroreceptors.
5.iN order to correct the blood volume back to homeostatic levels, the hypothalamus increases thirst
why does diluted urine in daibetes and what role does hoemtositias play
access amounts of glucose results in more glucose ending up in tubulues es reusltingin more and more wtaer being secreted into the bladder htrough the tubules ulitmaltey causing water becomes diulted
why does freuqnety urination ocucr in diabebte termsof osmolarity
sacess glucose that goes htoruhg the tubules which causes water to follow the soultes because of the water is hypertonic to the glucose causing water to exit the tubules more frequently, thus resulting in frequent urination.
why is thirst and frequent urination assocaited with hyerpgmyalceimia and type 2 diabetes
- As there is increased urination due to hyperglycemia, this will cause a decrease in the blood volume.
- The decrease in blood pressure is detected by baroreceptors and the decrease in blood volume is detected by osmoreceptors.
3.These signals are sent to the hypothalamus and the hypothalamus sends a signal to increase thirst in order to allow the human to consume more water as a way to increase blood volume levels
why do some diabetes have more hypergylamciea
what is the issue whenyou are hyperglmayciec
frequent urination, thirst, hunger, weightloss,–explain more in detail
hyperglycmea can causse viison loss why
blood vessles in eyes can swelling resulting in leaking behind the eyes cauisng in vision loss, if the blood vessle build up glucose cauisng damdge this can cause damage to the nveres around the eyes this damage in nerves results in vision loss.
why does kidnye damage occur in terms of blood vessels
Bloodvessles that carry blood to the kidnys are very small affernet effernet and gloemrular cpailaires, ecause blood isalways eing fitlered and theres so much glucose the blood vessels bceause damged so easily cauisngblood to enter the urine overtime this will cause kidneys to bceome damaged
why does a wound take a long time to heal with someone who has hyperglcyemia
wound healing requires blood flow to damaged area, but the buildu p of glucose causes the blood vessles to become damaged and these blood vessles slow down the blood flow resulting in prolonged wound healing.
Lucas has graves disease. How will his body respond to this and explain in terms of the stimulus response model
- the stimulus is detected by the hypothamulus which acts as the receptor and then releases low levels of TRH
- and secretion of TRH is decreased
3.The lack of TRH means inhibition of the thyroid gland acts as the modulator
- The thyroid gland releases low levels of TSH whihc means that there is inhibition of the thyroid gland which acts as the effector
- The final response is the thryoid releasing lower levels of T3 and T4(negative feedback response)
the regulation of water and salts in the bloodstream
why does hyperglyacmeia cause weakness and hunger
weakness is caused by glucose not being absorbed into the tissues and hunger is because the body tissues not recieving nutrients and thus giving impression not enough
differnce in levels of T3, T4 and TSH in hyper and hypothyriodism
hyperthyrodism-hihg levels of T3 AND T4 and low levels of TSH
hypothyrodism- low levels of T3 and T4 and high levels of TSH
one of treatemnt for hyperhytoridsm and the issue with it
removal of the thyroid known as thyroidectomy which poses risks as this means that T3 and T4 is not being produced thus resulting in hypothyrodism–which means that medication needs to be consumed to bring their thyroid levels back to normal
non surgical method-radioactive idone which is absorbed by your thyrodi gland which endsup killing the thryoid cells that are producing too much T3 and T4 to be killed due to the radiation
antiothyroid drugs-reduce the production of thyroid
goitre vs exophthalmus
swelling in the neck in graves diseas/ehyperhtyroidms caused by the overactive thyroid
exophthalmus is the bulging of the eyes caused by increase swelling of blood vessle behind the eyes causes increased blood pressure around the eyes which pushes the eyes out resulting in bulging
what happens when its too cold involes sitmlsu repsonse mode
effector-brown fat
response-burning of triglyercides
if there is a decrease in blood pressure, how will the body respond to this
when there is low levels of blood rpessure, barorecptors and osmorecptors detect this they cause the sercetion of ADH
ADH increases the number of aquaporis in the tubules of the kidneys causign an increased amoutn of reboasrpiton in the kidneys, it also travels to the hyptohemaulsu to stimualte the thirst centre to increase the amount of thirst
Barorecrptors send signals to the kidneys to release reninin, throuhg a series of reactions reninin causes the release of aldestrone and aldestron cativates the sodium potassium pump whihc increases the reabsroption of sodium which therefore increases the reabsproption of water
referncing the stimulus respond model explain labour contractions(positive feedback)
- stimulus- as the uterus contracts, it squeezes the babby and increases pressure on the cervix
2.receptor- receptors detect this pressure which creates a nervous impulse
3.modulator-nerve impulse travels to the brain where it stimulates the pituarity gland
- effector-pituatiry gland secretes oxytocin
- oxycotin detected by the uterus; urine contractd increase
how do physio and struucla adaptions work together
reactive hypoglyamciea
hypothyrdhosim is cuased by graves disease because
it is the result of antibodies stimultaing the thyroid inapproaitley
why is a specific something a stimulus
It is an external change that is detceted by (receptor) which causes a response within the cell
the homeostastic prcoess of maintaining a constant internal body temperature
Which organ of the body releases antidiuretic hormone?
posterior pituitary gland
what does the anterior ptuiary gland release homrone?
A person who consumes excessive amounts of iodine in their diet overproduces thyroxine.
whathappens in terms of TSH frm the anteror ptuiaty gland and basal metbaolism
the secretion of TSH from the anterior pituitary will be decreased, and their basal metabolism will be increased.