2Q.18 Flashcards
What is required of Chinese nationals working on sensitive US tech in both commercial application and academic research?
A license
Who owns Keurig Green Mountain and when did they buy them?
JAB Holding Company purchased in 2016 for $14B
Where are the Rohingya from, and where have they migrated?
Because of the genocide in Myanmar, specifically the Rakhine state, they are migrating to Bangladesh, Kuala Lumpur, and Malaysia (another muslim majority country).
What is “Amor Fati?”
Love of fate, not only an acceptance of suffering and loss in ones life, but a love of it. Nietzsche suggested wel love both the bd and the good as they are inextricably linked.
In what direction is the IRR for pharma RnD going and why?
Moving lower toward the cost of capital, projected at 0 IRR by 2020. Driven by biology being very hard.
What % of the population in the U.S. has tried pot, and what % currently use?
> 50% tried it, around 22% currently use at least “once or twice” in the past year. 10% are “regular users” at least once or twice in the past month.
What is Hashimotos?
Hashimotos, or hypothyroid is when the immune system attackes the thyroid gland, reducing it’s ability to produce metabolism stabilizing hormones. Hyperthyroidism is known as graves disease, and is prevalent in countries with iodine deficiency.
What are the main points made in the 2015 Iran Deal
Iran to cut centerfuges by 2/3, however these are older centerfuges
Iran to eliminate all but 5% of it’s enriched Uranium
International inspectors will have access to enrichment sites for 15 years
In return, Iran gets access to internation oil markets, financial and commerce sanctions lifted, but arms embargoes removed more slowly.
What is a secondary market investment in PE, and why are they popular?
A secondary market investment is either buying an interest in a company from a direct investor in the company, or buying an LP interest in a fund. The benefit is to get access to a known and mature deal, reducing the novel risk associated with a primary investment.
What is Jeff Bezos’ binary decision making criteria?
Is the decision reversable or irreversable. If it is irreversable, spend a large amount of time debating. If reversable, make decisions with less criteria and fail quickly.
How is big energy shifting it’s business strategy?
Low oil has hit upstream (E&P) profitability, driven to 0. Downstream (refining and marketing) has improved as input prices have decreased but it has not compensated equally. New strategy is to invest in refining and marketing, including gas stations, especially in developing markets.
What was the most profitable private equity deal and why?
Blackstone’s investment in Hilton, taking it private in 2007. Used massive leverage in the deal, investing $5B with the remaining 26B purchase price as debt. Restructured most of the debt in 2010, buying back for cents on the dollar, continued to buy back debt as opposed to pay dividends. Went public in 2013 for $20B, just sold remaining shares in 2018 for 14B in profits.
What did the court mandate songwriters and music publishers receive in royalties from streaming services?
Increased from 10% to 15% minimum.
What are the 5 levels of autonomous driving?
Level 0 = fully manual
Level 1 = minimal system controls over mechanisms. Ex: Cruise control, or adaptive cruise control
Level 2 = ability to automatically steer and change speed, but human prepared to take full contro. Ex: Tesla Autopilot, GM Super Cruise
Level 3 = monitors environment, detects and alert driver of challenges that require intervention. Allows for passive driver. Some suggest passive driver not able to quickly make decisions.
Level 4 = fully autonomous, but limited in some way (driving speed, conditions)
Level 5 = 100% autonomous in any condition
Who was Nelson Rockefeller
Born 1908, Grandson of Standard Oil founder John Rockefeller, VP to Ford, liberal republican (believed in public spending on education), died at 70 having sex with a 25 yr old mistress
What is Tom Brady’s sports venture? What other sports stars are in venture?
Religion of sports, founded with Michael Strahan and Gotham Chopra to tell sports stories from around the world.
Kobe Bryant = Production company,
Derek Jeter = Media company where athletes provide content
David Ortiz = Baseball venture fund
What is the name of Africa’s largest retailer?
Jumia. Only 0.5% of retail was online in Africa in 2018, but expected to grow steadily as there are no brick and mortar stores to replace.
What profits from the sale of LLC interest is classified as capital gains vs. ordinary income as per section 751?
As long as interest has been held for longer than one year, all proceeds from sale are taxed at capital gains except for the amounts allocated to “hot assets”, including unrealized receivables (cash basis accounting only), substantially appreciated inventory (FMV is 120% above basis), and depreciation recapture where the difference between sale price (fmv) and tax basis does not exceed the amount of depreciation. Ex: if sale price is 100, tax basis is 40, depreciation is 20, owe income tax on 20 (amount of depreciation realized).
The purpose of the hot asset rules in section 751 is to avoid a member selling interest and receiving capital gains for assets that would have generated partnership “income” if sold at FMV.
How is income characterized from the sale of LLC partnership interest per section 751?
As long as the partnership interest has been held for longer than one year, all gains characterized as capital gains except for “Hot Assets”, including
What is an ISO, and what are the tax implications?
ISO = Incentive Stock Option plan.
Must be;
- Granted within 10 years of issue
- Exercisable within 10 years of grant (or 5 yrs for 10% owner)
- Transferrable only by will or law of descent
- Grantee must be employee up to 3 months before exercise date.
- Must be sold more than 1 year after exercise date and 2 years after grant date.
If all conditions are met, gains are taxable at capital gains rates.
What is the difference between pre and post-money valuations on venture finance rounds?
When entering into a financing round, the pre-money valuation is the agreed upon worth of the company before the new capital is injected.
The post-money valuation is the pre-money valuation + actual cash injected into the business.
Ex: investor 1 injects 500k in cash for 100% of business in round 1.
In round 2, investor 2 injects 200k. Pre-money valuation is $1M (valuation of investor 1’s interest after round 2). Post-money valuation is $1.2M (valuation of full company after round 2).
After round 2, investor 1 = 83% (1M/1,2M valuation), investor 2 = 16% (200k/1.2M valuation).
Differences between start up financing rounds
Seed round - F&F initial capital
A Round = Funding from more traditional VC (Greylock, Sequoia etc.)
Business plan for scale and profitability developed, Raise between 2&15M on average
B Round = Typically led by same as A, but some new later stage specialty Venture firms can come in.
Extension of A - target market, scope etc. more clearly defined.
Raise between 7&10M on average
C Round = Later stage, hedge funds PE firms, investment banks can get involved.
Pre-IPO or pre-profitability round. Used for explosive scale or even MnA.
Raise single digit to hundreds of millions.
Where is Apple pushing advertising?
In app advertising, traditionally dominated by Google 35% of mobile ad mkt) and Facebook (25% of mobile ads). Apple made $1B from ads on app store suggestions last year, hoping to profit big from in-app ads, where it will share revenue with app owner.
What was the cause of the 1980’s Savings and Loan Crisis?
In 1934, congress created S&L’s to promote home ownership.
In the early 1980’s, Reagan lifted the historical rate caps that were hurting profitability as rates were increasing (Volker inflation).
Reagan also lifted loan restrictions, allowing commercial and consumer loans.
Some states allowed speculative real estate (Texas, where half of S&L failures came from).
As bank losses mounted from bad loans, Fed insurance allowed other bad S&L’s to stay open as their insurance funds were drying up compounding the problem.
Total losses from S&L crisis to tax payer = 150B.
How is market cap different than equity value?
Market cap = value per share * outstanding shares, equity value = assets - liabilities. In terms of valuation, market cap is going to be more accurate, but equity value (book value) is a look at fundamental valuation without the fluctuations of the stock market.
German Industry: Financial Services, Insurance Market Cap: 80BN PE: 12x Income: 15B EBIT, 7B Net CEO: Oliver Bate
Allianz X uses proceeds from insurance businesses to invest in venture projects related to the core business.
Diff between retail, corporate, investment banking.
Retail =individuals and small businesses deposits, lending
Corporate = Med to large businesses deposits and lending
Investment = Capital raise (debt/equity) and strategic MnA advisory
Who was Dionysus
The God of the grape harvest, winemaking, religious ecstacy. Son of Zeus and a mortal woman. Hera (Zeus’ wife) got jealous and deceived woman into viewing Zeus, killing her (mortal). Son Dionysus was rescued, grew to learn winemaking (first to make wine). Hera despised and struck with madness, leaving him to wander the earth. Goddess Rhea saved him and taught him religion. He spent the rest of his life evangilising wine and religion.
What is Pax Americana
A state of relative global peace overseen by the US beginning around the mid-20th century.
What did China change that hurt the recycling industry?
In early 2018, they changed the threshold of spoiled garbage to usable recycling material in scrap imports from 1/5th to 0.5%, a level US recycling capabilities struggle to meet.
What is force majeure?
“Superior Force” - A clause in a contract that releases opposing parties from liability in extraordinary circumstances, (war, riot’s, famine etc.).
Who was the giant son of Poseidon, a cyclops, and a savage man-eating giant who almost devoured Odysseus.
What is fund RVPI?
Resdual market value, or net asset value in a fund divided by paid in capital. = Residual Value/Cash Invested.
The higher the better, representing value created over and beyond paid in cash. Starts to dissipate when fund winds down and returns cash to investors.
What was the Handmaids Tale?
A novel about dystopian New England where Christian Theocracy overthrew the US government and women are subjugated to men.
United Natural Foods (UNFI)
2017 Market Cap: 2B EV/EBITDA: 8x ROIC: 6.25 Debt to Equity: 22x
Catalysts: Continued growth in Wholefoods through AMZN, and Organic in general
Risks: Macro environment sensitivity (higher end product), customer concentration
Famous tennis player, remains first and only black player to win singles at US. Open, Wimbledon, and Australian open. Died in 1993 from Aids, contracting HIV in the early 80’s from a blood transfusion during open heart surgery.
Arthur Ash
Proverbs 16:18
Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
55AD - 135AD
Born a slave, lived in Rome until banishment, then lived in Greece where his pupil Arrian recorded his philosophy Enchiridion.
“We have no power over external things, and the good that ought to be the object of our earnest pursuit, is to be found only within ourselves”
Rough estimate for Alcoholics Anonymous success rate.
Why do people become addicted to destructive actions or substances?
Because the action or substance provides a specific respite from an underlying problematic reality. Complete focus on resolving the painful underlying reality is the only freeing solution to addiction.
What is the solution to addiction?
Ask yourself - what are you addicted to, what are you escaping, and what is the solution to what you are escaping?
Steps to reduce electronic addiction
1) Honestly measure and assess amount of time on electronic devices, consider tools to help.
2) Determine where and how you can cut back
3) Schedule time for electronic information during the day
4) Turn off during human interaction
5) When the addiction is triggered, create auto response to read or do something else productive as opposed to electronics.
Tips for idea hopping - when you find yourself moving from idea to idea but never finishing anything.
Structure is likely the missing component for idea hopping.
1) Reflect with someone who knows you well, you trust, and you like on what is getting in your way
2) Don’t sell yourself self-short, be fully aware if not completing something because of weak confidence.. Everyone feels like they “snuck into the program”
3) Whether you think you can/can’t, you’re right. Growth mindset, not fixed mindset. Both are self-fulfilling.
4) Celebrate your ideas, team up with the right people to turn ideas into realities
How to combat anxiety, fear, or depression.
Write down a long-form narrative on exactly how your feeling, the deep psychological root of the issue, and a plan for normalizing. 90% feeling and cause, 10% plan.
Joseph Brotherton quote on true wealth
“My riches consist, not in the extent of my possessions, but in the fewness of my wants.”
19th century British minster, reformer, and pioneering vegetarian
A hippy named Jedidiah’s quote on routine and time
“Routine is the enemy of time, it makes it fly by”
Robert Gates quote on strategy
“As a general rule, the way to achieve complete strategic surprise is to commit an act that makes no sense or is even self-destructive.”
Secretary of Defense, appointed by Bush retained by Obama
Einstein quote on learning
“That is the way to learn the most, that when you are doing something with such enjoyment that you don’t notice that the time passes”
Winston Churchill quote on hard times
“If you’re going through hell, keep going”
Shankar Vedantam quote on choosing the harder path
“Those who travel with the current will always feel like good swimmers. Those who swim against the current may never realize they are better swimmers than they imagine”
NPR Journalist
Quote by Swami Vivekananda on how to work
“Work incessantly, but do not bind yourselves; bondage is terrible.”
19th century Indian Hindu monk. Key player introducing the west to Vedanta and Yoga
Evelyn Waugh on being late
“Punctuality is the virtue of the bored.”
One of the great prose stylists of the 20th century. Author and Journalist.
David Foster Wallace on Truth
“The truth will set you free, but not until it is finished with you”
Aurthur Miller on jokesters
“Everybody likes a kidder, but nobody will lend him money.”
20th century American playwright
Maya Angelou on how to make an impression
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
American poet and author
Francis Bacon on how to read
“Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to fin talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider”
English philosopher and scientist, father of the scientific method. 1561-1626
Plato on personal disposition
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
4th century BC
Darwin on who survives
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”
George Burns on hapiness
“Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.”
William Arthus Ward on teaching
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.
Mid 20th century writer and prolific producer of maxims
Thomas Jefferson on unilaterally seeking peace
“Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not”
Henry David Thoreau on the voice in our heads
“Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared with our own private opinion”
American essayist, poet, philosopher, abolishionist
Jim Rohn on building defense mechanisms
“The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness also keep out the joy.”
Inspirational self help guru, predecessor to Tony Robbins
Winston Churchill on having enemies
“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.”
Proverbs 15:17
“Better a dish of herbs where there is love, than a fatted ox and hatred.”
Pascal on the mind
“The mind of man at one and the same time is both the glory and the shame of the universe.”
French mathematician, philosopher, and Catholic theologist 1623-1662
Two questions consistently asked by Munger before making a decision
First, what are the factors that really govern the interests involved, rationally considered? And second, what are the subconscious influences where the brain at a subconscious level is automatically doing these things—which by and large are useful, but which often misfunction.
Grandma’s Irish Prayer
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
Charlie Munger’s 2 step decision process
“Personally, I’ve gotten so that I now use a kind of two-track analysis. First, what are the factors that really govern the interests involved, rationally considered? And second, what are the subconscious influences where the brain at a subconscious level is automatically doing these things – which by and large are useful, but which often misfunction.
One approach is rationality – the way you’d work out a bridge problem: by evaluating the real interests, the real probabilities and so forth. And the other is to evaluate the psychological factors that cause subconscious conclusions – many of which are wrong.”