2020 Flashcards
Does the risk of ASCVD(atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease) increase with age?
Yes. Given 140/90 BP and LDL cholesterol of 3.4mmol/L, the risk of ASCVD is 5.3% at 50, 11.8% at 60, and 22.6% at 70.
What are healthy cholesterol levels?
LDL < 100. 130 =high, 160 = very high. HDL <40 very bad. 40-60 = bad, >60 = good
What was the impact of the spanish flu?
700k people in US died. (2M deaths in 2020 US population). 5% of world population in 1918, or 50-100M people.
50% of death toll for spanish flu was prime age, 20’s to 30’s, the better the immune response the worse the fluid and debris in the lungs.
20M people died in India, largest number.
Started in small military base in Kansas.
Petered out on its own, virus’ mutate to less lethal forms over time.
What is the GRU?
The military intelligence wing of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation. Largest intelligence service in Russia. Reports to Russian Military command as opposed to FSB (federal security service - internal, think FBI), SVR (foreign intelligence service-external, think CIA), FSO (Federal Protective Service - High Ranking Official Protection - Internal, think Secret Service) .
Define Apoplectic
Overcome with anger
Define Trenchant
Vigorous or incisive in expression or style
Define Incisive
Intelligently analytical and clear thinking
What is option gamma
The rate of change of it’s delta from a move in the underlying price.
As the underlying price moves, the price of the option adjusts by the delta. As the price moves away from the strike price, ie either more in or out of the money, the gamma decreases as the delta gravitates toward 1 or 0.
In high volatility environments, gamma is more evenly distributed across different strike prices. In a low volatility environment with little price moves expected, the gamma is concentrated on the strike price closest to at the money.
What is the impact of Bernie Sanders policies on economy if elected?
24% decline in Real GDP
Real Wages down 50% after taxes
Employment would fall 16%
Less healthcare, less childcare, less energy, and less value added in the university sector as the result of reduced economic performance and associated decline in spending/investing capital.
Statistics on Coronavirus - Mortality rate, transmission rate, demographics.
Max mortality = 2%, likely closer to 1% as some have mild symptoms. Transmission rate = 2.2%
Under what scenarios can article 5 of NATO drafted in 1948 be invoked?
If any of the parties are attacked on their own soil.
In 1952, drafted additional article 6 to suggest Turkey (and Greece) and all their territory including their forces in the meditteranean are protected.
Can only invoke article 5 only if the NATO country attacked was not attacked in self defence, meaning the country is attacked in a lawful counterattack from an initial attack by the NATO country as per the UN.
Article 4 allows for a member state to request consultations if a members interests are at risk outside of the member state.
Who is Guy Fieri?
Food Network guy with frosted tips. Opened two restaurants in Boston closet to Boston Common, Boston Kithchen+ Bar (burgers wings, small bits) and Chicken Guy! (fast casual fresh chicken tenders).
Life expectency profile throughout history
1550-1850’s pretty stable, started to climb with advent of sanitary controls for drinking water and hand cleansing in late 1800’s, and then skyrocketed with antibiotics.
Opt In vs. Opt Out programs for organ donors in Europe
Opt in programs have 12% participation (German), Opt Out have 99% participation (Austria)
What are the two types of dividends, what are the associated tax rates, and how can you avoid dividend reinvestment taxes?
Types of dividends -
Qualified (standard dividends that receive capital gains tax (15% <425k, 20%>425 income)
Unqualified (dividends from REITS etc. taxed at income tax levels)
Avoid dividend reinvestment tax by investing in dividend stocks in tax deffered or tax free accounts, IRA/401k.
What is steeplechase?
Originally a distance horse race with obstacles primarily in Ireland.
Also an athletic 3000M race combining running, hurdles, and long jump.
Why is the current model broken in real estate?
Buy side agent incentives in wrong place
Sell side incentives too small to care about price
Sucks to have people coming into your house for an extended period for showings
Sucks to wait for a long time to sell (illiquidity)
Poor pricing information (algos can do it better than agents)
What are some companies changing real estate and how?
Flyhomes - Puts up cash to buy home in hot market, owner gets mortgage later
Opendoor - Market maker for less liquid areas, buys property immediately. Owns 10% market share in some areas.
Divvy - Occupant finds any house for sale, agrees to rent for 3 years. Divvy buys, rents to you, you have option to buy at end of period converting some of your rents to ownership.
Point - Owner can sell % of house to get liquidity during cash constrained periods.
Bungalow, Common, Home Share, HubHaus - Roomate/Home Share. Wework for housing.
Define writ of certiorari
Rarely used, an appelate court may use a writ to hear a lower courts case at it’s discretion. Certiorari means to “be fully informed”. The Supreme Court hears most of it’s cases by writ.
How did Keith Richards write the intro to the 1965 hit “Satisfaction”
In his sleep
What did Jane Goodall find?
Her studies on Chimps starting in the 60’s showed:
Chimps used tools
Chimps were not vegitarians (eat small animals, baboons, and small antelope.)
Males would not take part in family life but played role in social stratification
Males would have an alpha, others would ingratiate themselves to the alpha to not get hurt
Why is the common theory that the U.S. Software exports (services) offset Hardware imports from China wrong?
Hardware imports are massively higher, at around 8x software exports. R&D exports are inflated by services expensed in tax havens like Ireland.
Define Keynsian economic theory
Governments should take an active role in smoothing downturns through demand stimulus including monetary and fiscal stimulus.
Based on the idea of the multiplier, that small interventions can have multiplied effects in a broad economy.
What trajedy inspired Eric Clapton’s 1992 hit “Tears in Heaven”
His son accidentally fell to his death from a window in his apartment left open by a janitor.
In ancient Egypt, how did surviving family members keep their dead ancestors alive?
There was an entire class of priests who would undertake the mummification rituals and pray for the dead. Keeping the dead “alive” required weekly payment to these priests.
What percentage of UFC Revenue do it’s fighters get? How does this compare to other sports?
UFC = around 20%, other sports average is 50%.
How does Remdesivir work to fight COVID-19?
Viruses main function is to enter into a cell, and use the cells energy to replicate their RNA, releasing more viruses. New RNA is assembled from chemical units called bases. Remdesivir looks like one of these bases, hampering with the production line of the viral DNA.
What is a cytokene storm?
Over-release of immune response molecules (cytokenes) that regulate immunity and inflammation. Leads to fever, nausea. Hypercytokinemia is the accelerated life threatening version.
What is the traditional definition of a meme?
Cultural elements or behaviors passed from one generation to the next.
What are the theories as to why Neanderthals went extinct?
1) Violent death by homo sapiens
2) Parasites or pathogens brought by homo sapiens
3) Competitive disadvantage at scale - neanderthals lived in smaller tribes. Technological inertia, not much advancement during the Neanderthal periods.
What was thalidomide?
Drug prescribed to pregnant women in the 50’s to reduce nausea. Caused thousands of babies to be born with malformed limbs.
What is the grippe?
The grippe, or the grip was what influenza type illnesses were called before “influenza” in the early 20th century because of the pressure in the rib cage.
Why does USPS Suck?
2006 law Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act: Set aside 5B/Year for 10 years for healthcare benefit prefunding.
Capped rates USPS could charge, capping income.
More obligations, less income as a result of congress.
What factors cause inflation?
Higher production costs from raw materials or wages passed on to consumers, driving higher demand for wages.
Consumers willing to pay higher prices with too much money chasing scarce supply. Essentially credit and/or money exceed the goods that can be purchased, or put another way income/GDP growth exceeds interest rate/debt service by a substantial amount.
What inspired the song “Sweet Caroline”
Neil Diamond saw a picture of Caroline Kennedy as a young child in riding gear.
Why is big pharma production outside the U.S.?
Pharma production is not labor intensive, so production happens in high wage skilled countries. It’s capital intensive. U.S. Big Pharma produces in places like Ireland and Switzerland and selling into the U.S. at inflated prices. Now they are able to repatriate profits after large deductions in offshore entities and pay a much lower effective tax rate than if they were to be producing and taxed in the U.S.