2nd Quarter Exam Flashcards
It occurs when an individual lacks the recommended level of regular physical activity or if he/she is physically inactive.
Sedentary lifestyle
It occurs in the air paths and other parts of the lungs.
Chronic respiratory disease, also known as COPD
It can be life-threatening and may lead to death if not detected and cured early.
What are some major risk factors of COPD?
tobacco smoking, indoor air pollution, outdoor air pollution, and occupational dusts and chemicals like vapors, irritants, and fumes
requires an individual to follow certain guidelines leading to a healthy Iifestyle.
Noncommunicable disease prevention
a harmful byproduct of smoking cigarettes.
This toxic substance is carcinogenic and accumulates inside the respiratory system.
disrupts clearing process of the lungs and ruins air sacs.
Tar build-up
a toxic chemical compound that mostly consists of nitrogen, which also makes cigarettes addictive.
makes the heartbeat fast, brings lightheadedness, and upsets stomach.
poisonous chemical from burnt cigarette that makes the heart do more work to supply sufficient oxygen in the body.
Carbon monoxide
occur when the person does not follow the principles of good nutrition-adequacy, balance, and variety.
Poor dietary habits
moderate amounts of nutrients to maintain normal body function.
correct combination of nutrients, and variety refers to consumption of different types of food products.
is about not eating enough healthy food.
Poor dietary habit
disease of the heart and blood vessels and is the leading cause of death in the Philippines
Cardiovascular disease
a condition causing the arteries to harden and thicken. Some types are natural to growing old.
type of arteriosclerosis where deposited fat hardens and becomes plaque on arterial walls. Plaque build-up can begin as early as two years old.
coronary arteries (pathway of blood to the heart muscles) are narrowed or blocked; a disease of the coronary vessels and not the heart.
Coronary heart disease
cardiac muscle failure due to lack of blood flow to the heart. Signs include painful pressure in the center of the chest spreading to the shoulders, neck and jaw, lightheadedness, sweating, nausea, and shortness of breath.
Heart attack
chest-pain from narrowed coronary arteries due to inadequate oxygen for the heart.
Angina pectoris
The immune system attacks the heart and can cause fever, weakness, and damage to its valves. It is common among teens
Rheumatic fever
Irregular heart rhythm (i.e., bradycardia, tachycardia, palpitation) brought about by faulty electrical conduction system that is worsened by uncontrolled stress levels and high caffeine intake.
Heart Rhythm Abnormalities/Arrythmia
the heart is not able or below its normal capacity to pump blood, causing liquid to accumulate in the lungs and other areas of the body.
Congestive heart failure
What can you do to help manage congestive heart failure?
Reduce salt
connective or supportive cancer, which include muscle, bone, fat, blood vessels, and cartilage cancers.
an invasive malignant tumor from epithelial tissue that tends to spread to other body parts.
arises in cells of the lymphatic or the immune system tissues characterized by abnormal production of white cells and decrease in resistance.
is insulin-reliant diabetes because the body produces little or no insulin at all.
Type 1 Diabetes
The immune system destroys the cells producing insulin, which causes the build-up of sugar in the blood and loss of sugar in the urine.
Type 1 Diabetes