2B) Places are represented through a variety of contrasting formal and informal agencies Flashcards
How are places represented
-the way in which a place is represented by the media influenced how we feel about that place. It can be split into formal and informal
How can places be represented formally
- linked with statistics which describe data associated with particular places e.g. crime figures
- they are fact so no bias
- produced by people employed by the government
- most effective formal representation is a census. ACs hold regular surveys which are accurate
- large indrease in quantity and quality of geospatial data accessible to public
- allows places to be describes and investigated
Examples of formal representations
- census data
- crime figures
- road network
- rainfall totals
Advantages of formal representations
- based on reliable, accurate, facual information
- range of data is collected to provide a broader picture
- data may reflect how a place changes over time
Disadvantages of formal representations
- can provide only partial representations of a place
- data can be hard to interpret
- now always up to date
- limited in their ability to indicate aspects of a place profile
- offers a rational perspective of a place profile
How can places be represented informally
- tv and film portray places visually. They place major roles in representing places- sounds and sights. The lens can give wide angles views, showing their geograpical context. Can zoom in on detail of place
- Tv soaps- build up place profiles of the area
- combination of fiction with real life location can be used to market a place
- composers and authors can use their medium to depict places
Examples of informal representations
- tv
- film
- music
- art
- photography
Advantages of informal representations
- reflects sounds and emotions within a place
- can show wider context- wider camera angles
- geographical context- detail of a place
- real life location- powerful images
Disadvantages of informal representations
- may be based upon fiction/made up
- stereotypes
- misleading
- subjective
- images have to be analysed with care as representations may not be realistic
Example of formal representations- cenus- what year was the first census held
1801 (England/Wales)
Example of formal representations- cenus- how often is it carried out
every 10 years, continuing without a break
Example of formal representations- cenus- what information does it include
- personal information e.g. date of birth, gender, education qualifications, housing, health, religion
- basic source of data is the household
Example of formal representations- cenus- why is census data important
- essential for government planning
- allocation of resources for areas e.g. schools
Example of informal representation- Tv soap EastEnders- how is the physical geography portrayed
- polluted
- poorly constucted houses
- dominated by slums
- lack of sanitation
Example of informal representation- Tv soap EastEnders- how is the humsn geography portrayed
- racial conflicts between hindus and Muslims
- more boys than girls
- access to education limited
- poor health
Example of formal representation- Census data- Mumbai (2011)
- population 22 million
- Dharvi is largest slum and 69% literacy rate
- sex selective abortions- gender imbalance
- 68% of workforce employed by informal sector