2.a) factors affecting Gender inequality Flashcards
What is the Global Gender Gap index?
devised by the World Economic Forum.
This index focuses on gaps between men and women across four key areas:
* Health,
* Education
* economy
* politics
define gender inequality
The unequal treatment of individuals based on their gender whereby men or more commonly women are denied the same rights and opportunities across sectors of society.
variations in gender inequality
- Bigger gap across Africa,Middle East,S Asia
- Smaller gaps WEurope,NAmerica,Aus and New Zealand
- Education and health are the highest (better) categorize compared to political participation
- As a region M East / N Africa have biggest gap to gender parity
- Lowest enrollment in secondary schools across Africa
- Europe and Central Asia as well as sub-saharan Africa have the biggest range of gender disparity
- Scandinavian and Nordic countries consistently score the highest in the CGGI
- Southern / Eastern Africa is in a better situation than the rest of the continen
what is gender inequality demonstrated by?
- Forced marriage
- Trafficking / sex slavery
- Access to education and healthcare
- Employment opportunities
- Political participation
- Wages
- Violence against women
- Access to reproductive health services
Political factors affecting educational opportunity
- Insufficient enforces legislation
- Insufficient government investment
- Few women in Govt to promote a change
economic factors affecting educational opportunity
In poorer countries - exclusion from education occurs particularly in rural areas
- Costs may prohibit all family to continue in education with girls being sufferers
- Obligations to work often fall to eldest girl when family burden of work ^ with male out-migration
- Not enough school places - priority male
Social factors affecting educational opporunity
- Patriarchal societies - female education may only be benefit to the family she marries into than her own
- class environment - abuse/ exploitation
- Inadequate sanitation in schools with bi private or separate toilets
- Insufficient female teachers
- Exploited for child labour
- Orevalance of child marriage
- Differing levels of support for education by different religions
- Early pregnancy
economic factors affecting access to reproductive health services
- Economically disadvantaged women are unlikely to gain access to healthcare, education or be empowered to have safe sex
- Girls in poor communities - face additional og rarely marriage and child bearing ( 1 in 3 in developing countries married under 18)–> stops education/ job prospects
Political factors affecting access to reproductve health services
- pressure put on the Government by the MDGs that highlights concerns and sets targets to be achieved.
- positive steps with organizations that target education/provision often provided by other countries.
- Lack of intervention to prevent child marriages or enforce the laws that already exist.
- Lack of deterrent against violence e.g. for rapes.
- Lack of investment in healthcare services and employing trained professionals like midwives.
Social factors affecting access to reproductive health services
- Female reproductive health rights violated when they are denied access to healthcare services
- Sexual violence
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Gender bias in services
- Lack of empowerment in family sie
Forces marriage / young pregnancies
economic factors affecting ecpnomic activity
Discrimination from employers
Sectoral structure of labor market
Ability to afford childcare
economic cost of providing maternity leave / getting a temp replacement
political factors affecting employment opportunity
Degree to which equal opportunity is reflected within law
Lack of policies such as equal parental leave
social factors affecting employment opportunity
Social norms - of instrumental / expressive roles
Cultural beliefs and practices of religious or social groups
Social acceptance of women as contributors to household income
Gender based norms that shape the educational job decisions of women and men
Lack of education restricts employment