2919 Mod11 Flashcards
Animals that lack a back bone
Animals that possess a backbone
Spherical symmetry
An organism possesses we are going to symmetry if it can be cut up into two identical house by any cut that runs through the organism center
Radial symmetry
An organism possesses radial symmetry if it can be cut into two identical halves by any longitudinal cut through its center
Bilateral symmetry
In organism possesses bilateral symmetry if it can be cut into two identical have just buy a single longitudinal cut along it center which divides it into right and left halves
An outer layer of cells designed to provide protection
The jelly like substance that separates the epidermis from the inner cells in a sponge
Collar cells
flagellated Cells that push water through a sponge
Cells that move using pseudopods and perform different functions in different animals
A cluster of cells in case in a hard, spicule-reinforced shell
The sessile tubular form of a cnidarian with Mouth and tentacles at one end and basal disk at the other
Are you free – swimming cnidarian with a bell – shaped body and tentacles
Animal tissue consisting of one or more layers of cells that have only one free service because the other service but here’s to a membrane or other surface
The jelly like substance that separates the epithelials cells in a Cnidarian
Small capsules that contain a toxin which is injected in to pray or predators
Anterior end
The end of an animal that contains its head
Posterior end
The end of an animal that contains its tail
Circulatory system
A system designed to transport food and other necessary services throughout the creatures body
Nervis system
A system of sensitive cells that respond to stimuli such as a sound, touch, and taste
Masses of nerve cell bodies