277 - Lung Cancer Flashcards
Lung tumors can cause hoarseness by compressing which structure?
Laryngeal nerve
Describe the following for Adenocarcinoma of the lung
- Location:
- Biopsy finding:
- Smoking Hx:
- Location: Anywhere (Central or peripheral)
- Biopsy finding: Glands
- Smoking Hx: Smokers and non-smokers
- Most common histology in never-smokers
Type of NSCLC

What is the leading cause of cancer death in America?
Lung cancer
What stages of lung cancer can be treated with curative intent?
Late stage III and stage IV shoudl be treated with palliative intent
At what stage of lung cancer do patients often present?
Late stages (IV)
Early stages are often asymptomatic
In general, how do PDL1-inhibitors work?
Tumors that produce PDL1 turn off T-cells, which prevents them from fighting the tumor
PDL1 inhibitors block the tumor’s signaling, allowing T-cells to become activated against the tumor
What exposure is associated with mesothelioma?
Disease of the pleura
What kind of lung cancer is this?

Most common histology of NSCLC
A for Adeno - A lot, Anyone, Anywhere (central or peripheral)
In lung cancer, most paraneoplastic syndromes are assoicated with small cell lung cancer
What is one hormone NOT produced by SCLC? Which tumor produces it?
Squamous cell lung cancer (A type of NSCLC)
Results in hypercalcemia without lytic bone lesions

Which type of lung cancer is most prevalent in the USA?
Non-small cell lung cancer
List 3 possible symptoms of a Pancoast tumor
- Shoulder pain
- Brachial plexopathy
- Horner syndrome
- Ptosis, miosis, absence of facial sweating
Caused by nerve impingement
- Note: Pancoast tumor refers to location in the apex of the lung, not a specific histological subtype*
- Compare to SVC syndrome, which will have more signs of vascular compression: dilated collateral veins, facial plethora, extremity edema, headaches*
Wha is the most common type of lung cancer seen in never smokers?
- A type of NSCLC
- Bronchioalviolar carcinoma is a subtype of adeno
List 3 types of non-small cell lung cancer
Squamous cell
Large cell
Bronchioalviolar is a subtype of adenocarcinoma

List 5 common sites of metastases from lung cancer
- Pleura
- Bone
- Brain/spine
- Adrenals
- Liver

List 3 substances that may be ectopically produced by SCLC
- ADH -> hyponatremia
- ACTH -> Cushing syndome (high cortiosl)
- Antibodies against pre-synpatic Ca2+ channel
- > Lambert Eaton
- Proximal muscle weakness, improves with stimulation
What is the difference between limited and extensive stage?
Limited = 1 hemithroax, all disease encompassed in a signle radiation port
Extensive = larger than this
Describe the following for Squamous cell lung cancer
- Location:
- Biopsy finding:
- Smoking Hx:
- Location: Central
- Biopsy finding: Keratin pearls
- Smoking Hx: Smokers (Rare in never-smokers)
**Associated with hypercalcemia - May secrete PTHrp**
Type of NSCLC

Which type of lung cancer is most often associated with paraneoplastic syndromes?
Small cell lung cancer
What kind of lung cancer is this?

Squamous cell carcinoma
C for Squamous cell - (bc the curve of the q looks like a c)
Central, Cavitary, Calcium, Keratin
Describe the following for Small cell lung cancer
- Location:
- Biopsy finding:
- Smoking Hx:
- Location: Central
- Biopsy finding: Small blue cells
- Smoking Hx: Smokers (rare in never smokers)
**Associated with paraneoplastic syndromes**

What kind of lung cancer is this?

Small cell lung cancer
S for Small cell - smokers, central, small blue cells, syndromes, agressive
Neuroendocrine cells are small and blue
When workin gup a patient with suspected lung cancer, what is the most apporpriate site to biopsy?
First, firgure out if there might be distant/metastatic disease
If so, biopsy that site
A biopsy from a metastatic site allows you to both diagnose and stage lung cancer
List 4 symptoms of SVC syndrome
- Facial plethora
- Dilated collateral veins along the ches
- Extremity edema
- Headaches due to vascular congestion
Vs. Pancoast tumor, caused by nerve impingement, will likely have shoulder pain, nerve-y sx, and possible Horner syndrome

What locations of the body are affected by mesothelioma?
- Peritoneal cavity
- Tunica vaginalis
- Pericardium
Associated with asbestos exposure
If a patient presents with hypercalcemia without bone metastases, which ligand is most likely responsible?
Produced by squamous cell lung cancer
Parathyroid hormone related peptide