27 - Respiratory function tests Flashcards
What do the normal respiratory function figures depend on?
Age, sex, race, height
What are limitations of testing
= Need to understand the orders = Need to breathe out from TLC = Maximum effort = Mouthpiece leak = Ability to carry out orders ( IPD/CVA)
What is the normal respiratory rate
but measurements, mouthpieces and equipment changes the rate
What is spirometry
Use volume /time plot
Measures FEV1, VC
Can compare over time and against normal values
What classifies is an obstruction defect
FEV1/VC is <75%
The volume in 1 second is reduced more than the vital capacity
Asthma, COPD
What classifies is a restrictive defect?
The FEV 1 is reduced no more than the VC
VC is reduced
FEV1/VC ratio is >75% and may be 100%
Restrictive lung disease - fibrosis, muscle disease
Peak Flow
Valid if TLC and max effort
Easy to use
Cheap - patients have one
Used in large airway obstruction less in COPD
Peak flow over time
Lowest in the morning
Saw tooth pattern in asthma
What pattern of peak flow characterises asthma
> 20% diurnal variation for .3days /week for 2 weeks on PEFR diary = asthma
Response to bronchodilators
Increase in FEV1 or PEFR in response to bronchodilators suggests reversibility of obstruction
FEV1 >15% and 200ml after 400microgram salbutamol by spacer or 2.5mg via nebuliser or 30mg/day of steroids for 14 days
Flow volume loop
Measures small airway function
How can you measure lung volume
VC - spirometry
TLC - measure all the air in the chest
Inspire gas (helium) rebreathing
Dilution of Helium and decrease in concentration x vital capacity gives TLC
What is TLCO
Transfer capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide
Causes of decreased TLCO
o Decreased Perfusion
o Decreased Ventilation
o V/Q mismatch
o Anaemia
Causes of increased TLCO
Increased Cardiac Output
Alveolar Haemorrhage
Fick’s principle
Vol/time= Area/thickness x pressure ( P2-P1) x diffusion constant
What does diffusion constant depend on
solubility and molecular weight of the gas ( more soluble easier to pass)
Graham’s law
The rate of diffusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of molecular weight ( big things diffuse slower)
What disease reduces SA (and so gas transfer)
pneumonectomy, lobectomy or reduced ventilation from airway obstruction or reduced effective area with emphysaema or increased dead space
What disease reduces membrane thickness (and so gas transfer)
pulmonary fibrosis, alveolar proteinosis, and acute lung injury
Alveolar-arterial gradient
PAO2= FiO2 (Patm- PH20) – PaCO2/R
What is airway resistance
pressure difference between the alveolae and the mouth.
How can you measure airway resistance
body plethysmograph or by direct measurement of intrathoracic oesophageal pressures
What is airway conductance
reciprocal of resistance
Where does the most resistance to air flow occur?
in the first 5 generations of airways