27: Introduction to Animal Diversity Flashcards
Features of the Animal Kingdom, Features Used to Classify Animals, Animal Phylogeny, the Evolutionary History of the Animal Kingdom
How many species of animal are there?
Although over one million extant species of animals have been identified, scientists are continually discovering more species as they explore ecosystems around the world. The number of extant species is estimated to be between 3 and 30 million.
How are animals classified?
The animal classification system characterizes animals based on their anatomy, morphology, evolutionary history, features of embryological development, and genetic makeup.
What is a blastula?
16-32 cell stage of development of an animal embryo.
What is a body plan?
Morphology or constant shape of an organism.
What is cleavage?
Cell division of a fertilized egg (zygote) to form a multicellular embryo.
What is the gastrula?
Stage of animal development characterized by the formation of the digestive cavity.
What is a germ layer?
Collection of cells formed during embryogenesis that will give rise to future body tissues, more pronounced in vertebrate embryogenesis.
What is a Hox gene?
Master control gene that can turn on or off large numbers of other genes during embryogenesis. AKA homeobox gene.
What is organogenesis?
Formation of organs in animal embryogenesis.
What features distinguish animals from other organisms?
All animals are eukaryotic, multicellular organisms, and almost all animals have a complex tissue structure with differentiated and specialized tissues. Most animals are motile, at least during certain life stages. All animals are heterotrophic, and may be carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, or parasites. Most animals reproduce sexually, and the offspring pass through a series of developmental stages that establish a determined and fixed body plan.
How are animal cells different than other multicellular organisms?
They don’t have cell walls, they may be embedded in an extracellular matrix (such as bone, skin, or connective tissue), and they have unique structures for intercellular communication (such as gap junctions).
What kind of tissues distinguish animals?
Animals are characterized by specialized connective tissues that provide structural support for cells and organs. This connective tissue constitutes the extracellular surroundings of cells and is made up of organic and inorganic materials.
What role does epithelial tissue play?
Epithelial tissues cover, line, protect, and secrete.
What are some examples of epithelial tissues?
Epithelial tissues include the epidermis of the integument, the lining of the digestive tract and trachea, and make up the ducts of the liver and glands of advanced animals.
What are the two major divisions of the animal kingdom?
The animal kingdom is divided into Parazoa (sponges, “beside animal”) and Eumetazoa (all other animals, “true animals”).
How do tissues distinguish Parazoa?
As very simple animals, the organisms in group Parazoa do not contain true specialized tissues; although they do possess specialized cells that perform different functions, those cells are not organized into tissues.
Why are Parazoans considered animals?
They are considered animals because they lack the ability to make their own food.
What is an example of tissue specialization that has contributed to the evolutionary success of Eumetazoans?
The evolution of nerve tissues and muscle tissues has resulted in animals’ unique ability to rapidly sense and respond to changes in their environment. This allows animals to survive in environments where they must compete with other species to meet their nutritional demands.
What are some examples of haploid animals?
In bees, wasps, and ants, the male is haploid because it develops from unfertilized eggs.
What are some examples of animals that perform asexual reproduction?
A few groups, such as cnidarians, flatworms, roundworms, sea stars and sea anemones, and some insects, reptiles, and fish undergo asexual reproduction, although nearly all of those animals also have a sexual phase to their life cycle.
What are some forms of asexual reproduction in animals?
The most common forms of asexual reproduction for stationary aquatic animals include budding and fragmentation. In contrast, a form of asexual reproduction found in certain insects and vertebrates is called parthenogenesis (“virgin birth”), where unfertilized eggs can develop into new male offspring.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction in animals?
Asexual reproduction produces genetically identical offspring, which is disadvantageous from the perspective of evolutionary adaptability because of the potential buildup of deleterious mutations. However, for animals that are limited in their capacity to attract mates, asexual reproduction can ensure genetic propagation.
What are some examples of complete and incomplete metamorphosis?
Some animals, such as grasshoppers, undergo incomplete metamorphosis, in which the young resemble the adult. Other animals, such as some insects, undergo complete metamorphosis where individuals enter one or more larval stages that may differ in structure and function from the adult. For the latter, the young and the adult may have different diets, limiting competition for food between them.
What are the first stages of animal development?
The process of animal development begins with the cleavage, or series of mitotic cell divisions, of the zygote. Three cell divisions transform the single-celled zygote into an eight-celled structure. After further cell division and rearrangement of existing cells, a 16-32-celled hollow structure called a blastula is formed. Next, the blastula undergoes further cell division and cellular arrangement during a process called gastrulation. This leads to the formation of the next developmental stage, the gastrula, in which the future digestive cavity is formed. Different cell layers are formed during gastrulation. These germ layers are programmed to develop into certain tissue types, organs, and organ systems during a process called organogenesis.
Which genes determine animal structure?
The genes that determine animal structure are called “homeotic genes” or Hox genes, and they contain DNA sequences called homeoboxes.
What are some examples of responsibilities of Hox genes?
Hox genes are responsible for determining the general body plan, such as the number of body segments of an animal, the number and placement of appendages, and animal head-tail directionality.
How were Hox genes discovered?
The first Hox genes to be sequenced were those from the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. A single Hox mutation in the fruit fly can result in an extra pair of wings or even appendages growing from the “wrong” body part.
How do Hox genes serve as master control genes?
They code transcription factors that control the expression of numerous other genes.
How are Hox genes similar and different across the animal kingdom?
Hox genes are homologous in the animal kingdom, that is, the genetic sequences of Hox genes and their positions on chromosomes are remarkably similar across most animals because of their presence in a common ancestor. One of the contributions to increased animal body complexity is that Hox genes have undergone at least two duplication events during animal evolution, with the additional genes allowing for more complex body types to evolve.
What is an acoelomate?
An animal without a body cavity.
What is bilateral symmetry?
Type of symmetry in which there is only one plane of symmetry, so the left and right halves of an animal are mirror images.
What is a blastopore?
An indentation formed during gastrulation, evident in the gastrula stage.
What is a coelom?
A lined body cavity.
What is determinate cleavage?
Developmental tissue fate of each embryonic cell is already determined.
What is a deuterostome?
The blastopore develops into the anus, with the second opening developing into the mouth.
What is a diploblast?
An animal that develops from two germ layers.
What is enterocoely?
When the mesoderm of deuterostomes develops as pouches that are pinched off from endodermal tissue, cavity contained within the pouches becomes coelom.
What is a eucoelomate?
An animal with a body cavity completely lined with mesodermal tissue.
What is indeterminate cleavage?
Early stage of development when germ cells or “stem cells” are not yet pre-determined to develop into specific cell types.
What is a protostome?
Blastopore develops into the mouth of protostomes, with the second opening developing into the anus.
What is a pseudocoelomate?
An animal with a body cavity located between the mesoderm and endoderm.
What is radial cleavage?
When cleavage axes are parallel or perpendicular to the polar axis, resulting in the alignment of cells between the two poles.
What is radial symmetry?
A type of symmetry with multiple planes of symmetry, with body parts (rays) arranged around a central disk.
What is schizocoely?
When, during development of protostomes, a solid mass of mesoderm splits apart and forms the hollow opening of the coelom.
What is spiral cleavage?
When cells of one pole of the embryo are rotated or misaligned with respect to the cells of the opposite pole.
What is a triploblast?
An animal that develops from three germ layers.
What is a prominent feature of true animal body plans?
They are morphologically symmetrical.
How are true animals classified?
True animals are primarily classified according to morphological and developmental characteristics, such as body plan. Additional characteristics include the number of tissue layers formed during development, the presence or absence of an internal body cavity, and other features of embryological development, such as the origin of the mouth and anus.
How can animals be classified according to the symmetry of their body plan?
At a very basic level of classification, animals can be largely divided into three groups based on the type of their body plan: radially symmetrical, bilaterally symmetrical, and asymmetrical. Asymmetry is a unique feature of Parazoa, and only a few animal groups display radial symmetry.
How can the “sides” of a radially symmetric animal be described?
Radial symmetry is the arrangement of body parts around a central axis. It results in animals having top and bottom surfaces, but no left and right sides, nor front and back. The two halves of a radially symmetrical animal may be described as the side with a mouth (the “oral side”), and the side without a mouth (the “aboral side”).
What are some examples of radially symmetric animals?
Radial symmetry marks the body plans of animals in the phyla Ctenophora and Cnidaria, which includes jellyfish and adult sea anemones.
How can the “sides” of a bilaterally symmetric animal be described?
Bilateral symmetry involves the division of the animal through a sagittal plane, resulting in two mirror images, right and left halves. Animals with bilateral symmetry have a “head” and “tail” (anterior vs. posterior), front and back (dorsal vs. ventral), and right and left sides.
How did the evolution of bilateral symmetry influence animal motility?
The evolution of bilateral symmetry that allowed for the formation of anterior and posterior ends promoted a phenomenon called cephalization, which refers to the collection of an organized nervous system at the animal’s anterior end. In contrast to radial symmetry, which is best suited for stationary or limited-motion lifestyles, bilateral symmetry allows for streamlined and directional motion. In evolutionary terms, this simple form of symmetry promoted active mobility and increased sophistication of resource-seeking and predator-prey relationships.
What are the three planes relative to the body plan of a bilaterally symmetric animal?
- The sagittal plane divides the right and left sides
- The coronal plane divides the front and back (posterior and anterior) sides
- The transverse plane divides the top and bottom halves
How are the sides of a bilaterally symmetric animal described?
- “Ventral” refers to the posterior side, and “dorsal” refers to the anterior
- “Cranial” refers to the top half, and “caudal” refers to the bottom
- “Lateral” refers to both right and left sides
- “Medial” refers to the line where the intersection between the coronal and sagittal planes occurs (left/right sides and front/back)
Which animals have secondary radial symmetry?
Animals in the phylum Echinodermata (such as sea stars, sand dollars, and sea urchins) display radial symmetry as adults, but their larval stages exhibit bilateral symmetry. They are believed to have evolved from bilaterally symmetrical animals, and are thus classified as bilaterally symmetrical.
How does symmetry affect the number of germ layers?
Animals that display radial symmetry are diploblastic, and those that display bilateral symmetry are triploblastic.
What are the germ layers of a diploblast?
The inner layer (endoderm) and outer layer (ectoderm), with a non-living layer between the endoderm and ectoderm.
What are the germ layers of a triploblast?
The inner layer (endoderm), outer layer (ectoderm), and middle layer (mesoderm).
Which tissues does the endoderm give rise to?
The lining of the digestive tract (including the stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas), as well as to the lining of the trachea, bronchi, and lungs of the respiratory tract, along with a few other structures.
Which tissues does the ectoderm give rise to?
The ectoderm develops into the outer epithelial covering of the body surface, the central nervous system, and a few other structures.
Which tissues does the mesoderm give rise to?
All the muscle tissues (including the cardiac tissues and muscles of the intestines), connective tissues such as the skeleton and blood cells, and most other visceral organs such as the kidneys and the spleen.
What does the coelom do?
The epithelial cell-lined coelomic cavity represents a space, usually filled with fluid, which lies between the visceral organs and the body wall. It houses many organs such as the digestive system, kidneys, reproductive organs, and heart, and contains the circulatory system.
What does the pleural cavity do?
In some animals, such as mammals, the part of the coelom called the pleural cavity provides space for the lungs to expand during breathing.
What are the advantages of a coelom?
Primarily, the coelom provides cushioning and shock absorption for the major organ systems. Organs housed within the coelom can grow and move freely, which promotes optimal organ development and placement. The coelom also provides space for the diffusion of gases and nutrients, as well as body flexibility, promoting improved animal motility.
How are animals classified according to their coeloms?
Triploblasts that do not develop a coelom are called acoelomates, those with a true coelom are called eucoelomates (or coelomates), and those with “false” coeloms are called pseudocoelomates.
In what layer are true coeloms found?
A true coelom arises entirely within the mesoderm germ layer and is lined by an epithelial membrane. This membrane also lines the organs within the coelom, connecting and holding them in position while allowing them some free motion.
In what layers are false coeloms found?
They are derived partly from mesoderm and partly from endoderm, which is found between the two layers.
What are some examples of acoelomates?
Animals in the phylum Platyhelminthes, AKA flatworms, which includes tapeworms.
What are some examples of eucoelomates?
Annelids, mollusks, arthropods, echinoderms, and chordates.
What are some examples of pseudocoelomates?
The phylum Nematoda, AKA roundworms.
How can animals be classified according to the development of the digestive cavity?
Two groups are separated based on which opening of the digestive cavity develops first. In protostomes, the mouth develops first, while in deuterostomes, the anus develops first.
What is the origin of the terms “protostome” and “deuterostome”?
They are Greek in origin, meaning “mouth first” and “mouth second”, respectively.
How do blastopores contribute to the development of the openings of digestive cavities?
The blastopore is the indentation formed during the initial stages of gastrulation. In later stages, a second opening forms, and these two openings will eventually give rise to the mouth and anus. It has long been believed that the blastopore develops into the mouth of protostomes, with the second opening developing into the anus; the opposite is true for deuterostomes. Recent evidence has challenged this view of the development of the blastopore of protostomes, however, and the theory remains under debate.
How do coeloms develop in protostomes compared to deuterostomes?
The coelom of most protostomes is formed through schizocoely, while those of deuterostomes are formed through enterocoely.
What types of cleavage are undergone by the zygotes of protostomes compared to deuterostomes?
Protostomes undergo determinate spiral cleavage, while deuterostomes undergo indeterminate radial cleavage.
How are nutrients transported across the body of acoelomates?
They rely on passive diffusion for nutrient transport across their body.
What does the abdominal cavity of eucoelomates contain?
The stomach, liver, gall bladder, and other digestive organs.
How are pseudocoelomates thought to have evolved?
From coelomates who have lost their ability to form a coelom through genetic mutations.
What is Ecdysozoa?
A clade of protostomes that exhibit exoskeletal molting (ecdysis).
What is Eumetazoa?
A group of animals with true differentiated tissues.
What is Lophotrochozoa?
A clade of protostomes that exhibit a trochophore larvae stage or a lophophore feeding structure.
What is Metazoa?
A group containing all animals.
What is Parazoa?
A group of animals without true differentiated tissues.
What is the evolutionary origin of Metazoans?
Both Parazoa and Eumetazoa evolved from a common ancestral organism that resembles the modern-day protists called choanoflagellates. These protist cells strongly resemble the sponge choanocyte cells today.
How are Eumetazoa subdivided?
Eumetazoa are subdivided into radially symmetrical animals and bilaterally symmetrical animals, and are thus classified into clade Bilateria or Radiata.
Which phyla are classified in the clade Radiata?
The cnidarians and ctenophores.
How is the Bilateria clade subdivided?
The bilaterally symmetrical animals are divided into deuterostomes and two distinct clades of protostomes.
What are some examples of deuterostomes?
Chordates and echinoderms.
What are the clades of protostomes?
Ecdysozoans and lophotrochozoans.
What are some examples of Ecdysozoa?
Nematodes and arthropods.
Which molecular sources have informed the phylogenetic animal tree?
Mitochondrial DNA, nuclear DNA, ribosomal RNA, and certain cellular proteins.
What is an example of re-classification of the phylogenetic animal tree informed by molecular evidence?
A previously classified group of animals called lophophorates, which included brachiopods and bryozoans, were long-thought to be primitive deuterostomes. Extensive molecular analysis using rRNA data found these animals to be protostomes, more closely related to annelids and mollusks. This discovery allowed for the distinction of the protostome clade, the lophotrochozoans.
How has molecular evidence influenced the lophotrochozoan group on the phylogenetic tree?
Molecular data have shed light on some differences within the lophotrochozoan group, and some scientists believe that the phyla Platyhelminthes and Rotifera within this group should actually belong to their own group of protostomes termed Platyzoa.
How have protostomes been re-classified according to new molecular evidence?
Molecular research similar to the discoveries that brought about the distinction of the lophotrochozoan clade has revealed a dramatic rearrangement of the relationships between mollusks, annelids, arthropods, and nematodes, and a new ecdysozoan clade was formed. Due to morphological similarities in their segmented body types, annelids and arthropods were once thought to be closely related. However, molecular evidence has revealed that arthropods are actually more closely related to nematodes, now comprising the ecdysozoan clade, and annelids are more closely related to mollusks, brachiopods, and other phyla in the lophotrochozoan clade. These two clades now make up the protostomes.
How has the Acoelomorpha phylum been developed according to molecular analyses?
An entirely new phylum of worm called Acoelomorpha has emerged. These acoel flatworms were long thought to belong to the phylum Platyhelminthes because of their similar “flatworm” morphology. However, molecular analyses revealed this to be a false relationship and originally suggested that acoels represented living species of some of the earliest divergent bilaterians. More recent research into the acoelomorphs has called this hypothesis into question and suggested a closer relationship with deuterostomes, and so the placement of this new phylum remains disputed.
What was the Cambrian explosion?
A time during the Cambrian period (542 to 488 million years ago) when most of the animal phyla in existence today evolved.
What was the Cryogenian period?
A geologic period (850 to 630 million years ago) characterized by a very cold global climate.
What was the Ediacaran period?
A geological period (630 to 542 million years ago, the final period of the late Proterozoic Neoproterozoic Era) when the oldest definite multicellular organisms with tissues evolved.
What is a mass extinction?
An event that wipes out the majority of species within a relatively short geological time period.
Why is the Ediacaran period important in the evolution of animals?
It is believed that early animal life, termed Ediacaran biota, evolved from protists at this time. Some protist species called choanoflagellates closely resemble the choanocyte cells in the simplest animals, sponges. In addition to their morphological similarity, molecular analyses have revealed similar sequence homologies in their DNA. The earliest life comprising Ediacaran biota was long believed to include only tiny, sessile, soft-bodied sea creatures. However, recently there has been increasing scientific evidence suggesting that more varied and complex animal species lived during this time, and possibly even before the Ediacaran period.
What is the fossil evidence for the oldest animals with hard body parts?
Fossils believed to represent the oldest animals with hard body parts were recently discovered in South Australia. These sponge-like fossils, named Coronacollina acula, date back as far as 560 million years, and are believed to show the existence of hard body parts and spicules that extended 20-40 cm from the main body (estimated about 5 cm long).
What tentative fossil evidence exists dating the evolution of animals prior to the Ediacaran period?
Primitive fossils found in South Australia appear to be small, one-centimeter long, sponge-like creatures. They date back 650 million years, actually placing the putative animal before the great ice age extinction event that marked the transition between the Cryogenian period and the Ediacaran period. Until this discovery, most scientists believed that there was no animal life prior to the Ediacaran period. Many scientists now believe that animals may in fact have evolved during the Cryogenian period.
Which animal phyla arose during the Cambrian explosion?
It is believed that most of the animal phyla in existence today had their origins during the Cambrian period. Echinoderms, mollusks, worms, arthropods, and chordates arose during this period. One of the most dominant species during the Cambrian period was the trilobite, an arthropod that was among the first animals to exhibit a sense of vision.
What are the general classes of theories for why the Cambrian explosion occurred?
Environmental changes may have created a more suitable environment for animal life, ecological relationships between species may have precipitated the event, or genetic and developmental reasons may have caused it.
What are some examples of environmental changes that may have caused the Cambrian explosion to occur?
Rising atmospheric oxygen levels and large increases in oceanic calcium concentrations that preceded the Cambrian period. Some scientists believe that an expansive, continental shelf with numerous shallow lagoons or pools provided the necessary living space for larger numbers of different types of animals to co-exist.
How might ecological relationships between species have caused the Cambrian explosion to occur?
Changes in the food web, competition for food and space, and predator-prey relationships may have been primed to promote a sudden massive coevolution of species.
What genetic and developmental reasons might there be for the Cambrian explosion?
The morphological flexibility and complexity of animal development afforded by the evolution of Hox control genes may have provided the necessary opportunities for increases in possible animal morphologies at the time of the Cambrian period.
Why is there no consensus on why the Cambrian explosion occurred?
Theories that attempt to explain why the Cambrian explosion happened must be able to provide valid reasons for the massive animal diversification, as well as explain why it happened when it did. There is evidence that both supports and refutes all of the existing theories, and the answer may very well be a combination of these and other theories.
Why might the Cambrian explosion not have produced as many species as originally thought?
Some scientists question the validity of the idea of the Cambrian “explosion” because there is increasing evidence to suggest that more animal life existed prior to the Cambrian period and that other similar species’ so-called explosions (or radiations) occurred later in history as well. Furthermore, the vast diversification of animal species that appears to have begun during the Cambrian period continued well into the following Ordovician period.
How did animal life diversify in the post-Cambrian periods?
During the Ordovician period, plant life first appeared on land. This change allowed formerly aquatic animal species to invade land, feeding directly on plants or decaying vegetation. Continual changes in temperature and moisture throughout the remainder of the Paleozoic Era due to continental plate movements encouraged the development of new adaptations to terrestrial existence in animals, such as limbed appendages in amphibians and epidermal scales in reptiles.
What was the result of the Permian-Triassic extinction event?
The end of the Permian period (and the Paleozoic Era) was marked by the largest mass extinction event in Earth’s history, a loss of roughly 95% of the extant species at that time. Some of the dominant phyla in the world’s oceans, such as the trilobites, disappeared completely. On land, the disappearance of some dominant species of Permian reptiles made it possible for a new line of reptiles to emerge, the dinosaurs. The warm and stable climatic conditions of the ensuing Mesozoic Era promoted an explosive diversification of dinosaurs into every conceivable niche in land, air, and water. Plants, too, radiated into new landscapes and empty niches, creating complex communities of producers and consumers, some of which became very large on the abundant food available.
What caused the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event?
A mass extinction event occurred at the end of the Cretaceous period, bringing the Mesozoic Era to an end. Skies darkened and temperatures fell as a large meteor impact and tons of volcanic ash blocked incoming sunlight. Plants died, herbivores and carnivores starved, and the mostly cold-blooded dinosaurs ceded their dominance of the landscape to more warm-blooded mammals.
How did the disappearance of dinosaurs lead to animal diversification?
In the Cenozoic Era, mammals radiated into terrestrial and aquatic niches once occupied by dinosaurs, and birds, the warm-blooded offshoots of one line of the ruling reptiles, became aerial specialists.
How did the development of angiosperms contribute to animal diversification?
The appearance and dominance of flowering plants in the Cenozoic Era created new niches for insects, as well as for birds and mammals.
How did geographical changes contribute to animal diversity?
Changes in animal species diversity during the late Cretaceous and early Cenozoic were promoted by a dramatic shift in Earth’s geography, as continental plates slid over the crust into their current positions, leaving some animal groups isolated on islands and continents, or separated by mountain ranges or inland seas from other competitors.
How did new ecosystems develop during the Cenozoic?
Early in the Cenozoic, new ecosystems appeared, with the evolution of grasses and coral reefs.
How did extinctions in the Cenozoic contribute to animal diversity?
Late in the Cenozoic, further extinctions followed by speciation occurred during ice ages that covered high latitudes with ice and then retreated, leaving new open spaces for colonization.
What do paleontologists study?
Paleontologists are scientists who study prehistoric life. They use fossils to observe and explain how life evolved on Earth and how species interacted with each other and with the environment.
Which subjects must a paleontologist be versed in?
A paleontologist needs to be knowledgeable in biology, ecology, chemistry, geology, and many other scientific disciplines.
What does a paleontologist’s work involve?
A paleontologist’s work may involve field studies: searching for and studying fossils. In addition to digging for and finding fossils, paleontologists also prepare fossils for further study and analysis.
Which organisms do paleontologists study?
Although dinosaurs are probably the first animals that come to mind when thinking about paleontology, paleontologists study everything from plant life, fungi, and fish to sea animals and birds.
What education and experience is usually required to become a paleontologist?
An undergraduate degree in earth science or biology is a good place to start toward the career path of becoming a paleontologist. Most often, a graduate degree is necessary. Additionally, work experience in a museum or in a paleontology lab is useful.
How does lack of a coelom affect the layers of acoelomates?
Their mesoderm region is completely filled with tissue, although they do still have a gut cavity.