26-48 Flashcards
The hardest and most highly mineralized substance in the human body
Wearing away of tissue
The movement of the tooth into its functional position in the oral cavity
Process of losing teeth in a natural way
A fault along a developmental groove on the occlusal surface that is caused by incomplete or imperfect joining of the lobes during tooth formation
Focal Trough
Where the dental arches should be positioned to get the sharpest image of the teeth in a panorex. It is between the x-rah source and the film
Wide, shallow depression on the lingual surfaces of anterior teeth
Frankfort Plane
The line of light that runs under the eye socket to the ear
Functional Occlusion
Contact of the teeth during biting and chewing movements
Area between two or more root branches
Generalized Bone Loss
Involves teeth throughout the entire dental arches
Masticatory mucosa that covers the alveolar processes for the jaws and surrounds the necks of the teeth; plural is gingivae
Inflammation of the tongue
Hazardous Waste
Waste that poses a danger to humans or to the environment
Ability of the body to resist disease
Any tooth that remains unerupted in the jaws beyond the time at which it should normally erupt
Single rooted tooth with a relatively sharp thin edge located at the front of the mouth
Interproximal Space
The area between adjacent tooth surfaces
The gateway to the oral cavity known as lips
Labial Frenum
Band of tissue that passes from the facial oral mucosa at the midline of the arch to the midline of the inner surface of the lip
An area of pathology
Lining Mucosa
Mucous membrane that covers the inside of the cheeks, vestibule and lips. cushion for structures
Localized Bone Loss
involves one or several teeth