26-28) *** Drugs in Sports *** Flashcards
What are Ergogenic Aids?
5 categories?
Ergogenic aids → substances or practices that improve physical performance or enhance recovery
5 Categories:
1. Mechanical
2. Psychological
3. Phsysiological
4. Pharmacological
5. Nutritional
What are Performance enhancing drugs (PEDS)
Performance-enhancing drugs (PEDS)→ substances that are used to improve physical or athletic performance
- ie. Anabolic steroids, stimulants, hormones (insulin), SARMS, illicit drugs (marijuana), prescription medications and supplements
- The regulatory bodies for sports have reported rates ranging from 14% to 39% for the use of PEDS among athletes
To make the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) prohibited list, the substance or practice must meet at least two out of three criteria:
three criteria:
* It has the potential to enhance athletic performance
* It represents an actual or potential health risk to athletes
* It violates the spirit of sport
2 classes of steroids observed by WADA
1) endogenous steroids (testosterone, estrogen, metabolic precursors)
2) Exogenous steroids (synthetic steroids)
Anabolic Steroids: Risks? Effects?
Anabolic steroids
- Increase mm mass beyond what training, diet can achieve
Anabolic androgenic:
- Mm building (anabolic) and Masculinizing (androgenic)
- Increase MM mass and bone growth
- Reduce Fat mass
- Facilitate recovery
Effects of steroid use:
* Increased body mass, fat-free
mass, total body K+ and total body N (markers of fat-free mass), muscle size, leg strength
* Increases not seen during placebo period
Increasing fat-free body mass with anabolic steroids may have a threshold, explain:
Threshold level for steroid does to increase fat-
free body mass
* Low doses: fat-free changes were small
* High doses: fat-free mass increased markedly
Anabolic Steroids: increase in mass from?
Increase in mass
* Increases in type I and type II muscle fiber cross-
sectional area (increase in number of muscle nuclei)
Risks Anabolic Steroids
Proposed risks of anabolic steroids:
* Before puberty: closes the epiphyses of the long bones
* Suppresses secretion of gonadotropic hormones
* Development/function of gonads * Affect reproductive function
* Development of breasts in males; masculinization in females
* Increased risk of prostate cancer
* Hepatitis in liver leading to liver tumors
* Chronic use - abnormal cardiac hypertrophy, cardiomyopathy, thrombosis,
arrhythmia, hypertension, myocardial infarction
* Low levels of “good cholesterol” - increased risk of coronary artery disease and
heart attack
* Personality changes - “roid rage”
Blood Doping
What is Blood doping?
Blood doping → practices that alter the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood
RBC: Remove plasma over time (allows for re-establishment of normal RBC levels) and
reinfuse stored RBC 7 days before endurance exercise
* Increases hematocrit 8 – 20%
* Must wait 5-6 weeks after removal to reinfuse RBC
EPO (or EPO-stimulating substances) → increases RBC mass by stimulating bone marrow to increase synthesis of new RBC
Infusions of RBC, artificial hemoglobin, or erythropoietin
- RBC → previously donated by self (autologous) or someone else’s (homologous) transfusions
Blood doping Effects:
Improvement in VO2max due to increased hemoglobin content
Risks of Blood doping? (RBC)
- Increased blood viscosity
- Risk of rejection if using homologous donor (mismatched blood)
What are risks of EPO (EPO-stimulating substances)?
- Hematocrit can dangerously exceed levels in excess of 60%
- Excessive hemoconcentration increase blood viscosity and greatly increases exercise-induced increases in systolic blood pressure (stroke, heart attack, heart failure etc)
Established hematocrit thresholds:
* International Cycling Union: 50% for men and 47% for women
* International Skiing Federation: 52% for men and 48% for women
EPO: Practice that increases RBC mass by stimulating bone marrow to increase synthesis of new RBC
What are SARMS (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators)?
Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) → tissue selective anabolic agents designed to replicate the anabolic effects of steroids in muscle tissue and bone (androgen receptor modulations) without the androgenicity (producing male characteristics) in other affected tissues; non-steroidal
SARMs: advantages in terms of androgen-receptor specificity, tissue selectivity, and apparent lack of side effects that are otherwise commonly experienced with anabolic steroid use
* Lack cross-reactivity with other steroid receptors and are not substrates for 5α-reductase or aromatase (not converted to DHT and estradiol, respectively)
Effects of SARMS
Sel Androgen Receptor modulators:
Not well understood how each compound uniquely functions, nor is the general operation of SARMs well described
* Affects on muscle or bone development
- Appetite suppressant
Risks/adverse effects of SARMS
Insufficient research demonstrating potential health risks (research study dosage less than
personal dosage)
Side effects:
* Not subject to aromatization; affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis
* Suppresses luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
(hypothalamus-pituitary-testis axis) thus decreasing testosterone in a dose- dependent manner
* ~ 1/ 5 SARM users reported decrease in testicular size, a sign of testicular atrophy and potential male infertility
* Elevated Hb, hematocrit
* Decreased HDL levels (good cholesterol)
* Elevated liver enzymes (ie hepatitis)
- Lack cross-reactivity with other steroid receptors and are not substrates for 5α-reductase or aromatase (not converted to DHT and estradiol, respectively)
Insulin effects
Insulin is anabolic - converts nutrients into stored forms
- inhibits catabolism in mm and liver by ↑synthesis of glycogen and proteins and promoting entry of glucose and AA into mm cells
- Improve stamina / enhance recovery
Taken in combination with GH, IGF-1 or Anabolic steroids (stacking) → new muscle growth
- Diabetic athletes will not have an advantage if they use insulin
Mechanisms of Insulin, GH and IGF-1 in Skeletal mm
Basis of PED use for insulin:
Balance between anabolic/catabolic pathways:
- GH. IGF-1 and insulin activate
pathways that stimulate protein synthesis and decrease protein degradation
- Insulin will increase glucose uptake
- Activates satellite cells to provide
additional nuclei for muscle growth - Increased amino acid uptake
Growth Hormone: anabolic effects?
GH anabolic effects mediated via IGF-1
IGF-1 made in liver and in skeletal muscle
* Interplay between GH and IGF-1 in muscle growth unknown but likely both forms play a role in muscle growth
* Administration of rGH in combination with resistance exercise leads to increased levels f muscle specific IGF-1 and activation of satellite cells
* Extent to which GH can have an anabolic effect and the potential mechanisms mediated such effects at physiologic doses remain controversial