2.6 Flashcards
Approximation for 1-dimensional, or plane-parallel atmosphere
(radiative transfer for)
- Temperature T constant for horizontal plane
- structure varies only in vertical direction z
Path d s in a plane-parallel atmosphere
ds = dz / cos(θ) = dz / μ
- μ = cos(θ)
Radiative transfer equation for a plane-parallel atmosphere
μ ∂Iν(z, μ) / ∂z = jν - αν Iν
Definition of optical depth τ
dτν = -αν dz
- optical depth τν(z) as function of vertical distance z
- τν = 0 at top of atmosphere
- τν increases with increasing depth or decreasing height
Radiative transfer equation as a function of τν(z)
μ ∂Iν(τν, ν) / ∂τν = Iν - Sν
Solution of radiative transfer equation
not what it is but how it is obtained
for a plane-parallel stellar atmosphere
Obtained by multiplying with e-τν / μ and integrating from a reference optical depth τν,0
some additional context might be good if this is relevant
Case I: Outward ray
radiative transfer as a function of optical depth
- 0 ≤ μ ≤ 1, cos(theta) positive
- ray starts very deep at τν,0 = ∞
Case II: Inward ray
Add Clarifier
0 ≥ μ ≥ -1, inward ray from surface τν,0 = 0
Important approximation for intensity I(τν, μ)
If τν » 1:
Iν(τν, μ) = Bν(τν) + μ dBν(τν) / dτν
Anisotropic part of radiation field
- μ · dBν / dτν,
- negative for inward direction
- positive for outward direction
- zero parallel to surface
so the first line is in fact the anis. part but the following seems to refer to mu = cos theta. im not sure if thats also called the anis. part. Also i am not sure what inward and outward are referring to here
Radiation parameters U𝛎, F𝛎, P𝛎 for plane-parallel atmosphere
- Energy density
- Flux
- Radiation pressure calculated using function A(cos θ)
not sure what the calculated using … is about
Ratio between anisotropic and isotropic parts of the radiation field
(dBν / dτν) / Bν ≈ 3Fν / cUν
Integration over all wavelengths for anisotropic and isotropic terms
Anisotropic term / Isotropic term ≈ 3F / cU
Energy density U for blackbody radiation
U = aT4(τ),
where a = 4σ / c
Total flux F emerging from surface with effective temperature Teff
F = σTeff4
Anisotropy expressed in temperatures
Anisotropic term / Isotropic term ≈ 3/4 (Teff / T(τ))4