255.20 (public works/roads) Flashcards
What work is covered by 255.20?
Public Construct
Inc. bridges, roads, streets, hiways, RRs
• May req qualf
• DQ if 10% behind
• Prequl by DOT
What entities are covered by 255.20?
Cities, Counties + SpDs under 189
How award under 255.20?
Competitive award.
• Includes bids, RFPs, RFQs, ITNs, using other than price.
What are 3 trades & tradesmen are under 255.20?
Construction. Licensed contractor $300k
Electrical. Electrician. $75k
Roads. Contractor $250k
What is dollar threshold for at which must competitively award for Construction?
Over $300k*
* Includes labor, equip + materials + overhead @ 20%
300 const, 250 road, 75 elec
What is dollar threshold for at which must competitively award for Electrical?
Over $75k
What type of project must LG be doing to be able to prequalify a contractor?
Roads over $250k
Can base award on what 3 things under 255.20?
If based on Negotiations, how must LG award?
In accord w/ CCNA, FS 287.055
1) Advertise
2) Rvw Qual
3) Det 3 most qual bidders
4) Negotiate serially.
What are 4 steps taken by LG per CCNA?
CCNA, FS 287.055
1) Advertise
2) Rvw Qual
3) Det 3 most qual bidders
4) Negotiate serially.
What are the 3 ways a public works may be awarded?
By price, lowest qualified bidder.
By proposal or qualif, per LG ordinance.
Subject to competitive negotiation, per CCNA, i.e. to most qualified firm for pro services @ fair, competitive & reasonable price.
Constr. over $300k* *Includes labor, equip + mats
Roads. over $250k
Elect. over $75k.
Constr. over $325k
Study/Plan over $35k
— so if its $300 but calls for design of construction wd you use CCNA? No way.
If award on price, what are reqs to award?
a. Lowest Qualified and Responsive bidder,
b. In accord w/ LG Ordinance.
If award on proposals, what are reqs to award?
a. Must be publicly advertised &
b. Awarded in accord w/ LG Ordinance.
If award on price, what are 2 ways LG can back out?
- Can reserve in the solicition the rt to reject all
- Can elect not to proceed w/ Project.
What types of Ks are permitted under 255.20?
- CM services.
- DB Ks.
- Continuing Ks based on unit prices.
- Arrangements permitted by ordinance, SpD resolutn
~~~ CCNA (design) incl DB + Continuing ~~~