2.5 Political Tensions and Divisions: the Democratic Party Flashcards
How did the 1896 election cause problems in the Democratic Party?
- Populism split the party
- Bryan’s demand of ‘free silver’ alienated the Northeast despite gaining support from the South
Why was the Democrat strategy of Populism unlikely to succeed in 1900?
The Republicans were benefiting from improved economic conditions and from victory in the war against Spain.
Who were the two key figures who split the Democratic Party in 1904?
Bryan and Cleveland
Who was elected to run as the Democratic candidate in 1904?
Alton Parker, who was little known and was the only man to run for president who never had a biography about him published
What were the results of the 1904 election?
Roosevelt easily won re-election
How did Bryan change his views for the 1908 election?
He adopted more moderate, progressive views, no longer campaigning for ‘free silver’, and trying to appeal to conservative pro-business Democrats as well as his traditional support from the South and West.
How successful was Bryan’s new approach in the 1908 election?
It had little effect and Bryan lost, failing to win a single state in the Northeast
What failures were there in the Republican political machine by 1910?
- Taft alienated progressive Republicans (and Roosevelt)
- Shift to conservative policies
- Appointed conservatives to government posts
How did the Democrats do in the 1910 mid-term elections?
They won control of the House of Representatives, making them optimistic about the presidential vote in 1912.
What was Woodrow Wilson’s background?
- Unlikely for a politician
- Southerner, pacifist, progressive
- Academic career as a lecturer
- president of Princeton University, giving him a high reputation for administrative ability and moral authority
What experience did Wilson have in politics?
Governor of New Jersey in 1910