24. Pharmacology of the Airways Flashcards
What is asthma?
List some signs and symptoms.
Long-term inflammatory disease of lungs, characterised by episodic acute limitation of air flow due to obstruction to expiratory airflow, reversing spontaneously on in response to treatment.
Signs: wheezing on auscultation -> intercostal recession (chid) -> unable to speak (severe attack)
Symptoms: wheezing, cough, SoB
What are these two images showing?
Intercostal recession
Tripod stance
= RESPIRATORY DISTRESS: intercostal recession, tripod stance and use of accessory muscles of respiration
List 3 reasons why airflow becomes limited in asthma.
List some things that excite or depress the respiratory centre.
What affect does the sympathetic and parasympathetic NS have on airways?
Bronchoconstriction/bronchospasm of SM, oedema, mucus. All 3 can occur, some individuals have more reactive airways/excessive responses
Excite: impulses from higher centres, peripheral chemoreceptors (CO2/H+)
Depress: Anaesthetics, analgesics, neuromuscular blocking drugs
Sympathetic: adrenergic tone -> bronchodilation
Parasympathetic: cholinergic tone -> bronchoconstriction
Why does constriction occur at bronchiole level?
What 4 things would you observe in an airway during asthma symptoms?
Name 2 analgesics that depress the respiratory centre.
Because they don’t have hyalilne cartilage skeleton to keep airways open
Tightened muscles constrict airway, thickened/inflamed airway wall, narrowed lumen, mucus
Morphine, codeine
List some triggers of asthma.
An asthmatic has hyper-responsive airways. What are the 2 components of hyperresponsiveness?
Cold, exercise, infection, dust (mites), fumes/chemicals, pollens, drugs
- Hyper-sensitivity - normal response to very low levels of a stimulus
- Hyper-reactivity - exaggerated response to stimulus
Describe the sequence of events culminating in the symptoms and signs of allergen-driven asthma.
Allergen or non-specific stimulus e.g. cold -> mast cell activation -> mediator release (e.g. chemokines - histamine, leukotrienes) -> bronchospasm.
The chemokines cause -> infiltration and activation of inflammatory cells -> mediator release e.g. leukotrienes, EMBP (eosinophil major basic protein) -> airway inflammation and hyperreactivity, bronchospasm, wheezing, coughing, epithialial damage by EMBP
Compare normal immune response to asthmatic immune response.
Normal: antigens produce low-level T-helper (Th)-2 lymphocyte response -> normal physiologic IgG response
Asthma: antigens cause immature CD4 (Th) cells to differentiate to activated Th-2 lymphocytes -> realease cytokines IL4 and IL5 that recruit multiple inflammatory eosinophils, mast cells, IgE-producing B cells -> inflamm. characterised by bronchoconstriction, oedema, and mucus production
T-cells also induce direct asthmatic response
Name 3 genes associated with immune responses and implicated in asthma.
- HLA (human leucocyte antigens)
- IL (interleukin)
- PRG2 (proteoglycan 2)
Give 2 examples of drugs that may trigger asthma/bronchospasm, and describe why.
1. Beta blockers. Blocking beta-1 receptors affects heart rate, cardiac conduction and contractility. Bronchial SM beta-2 receptors mediate bronchodilataion. Blocking these causes bronchospasm; beta-blockers block beta-1 at low doses but may block beta-2 at higher doses
2. COX-blocking drugs. E.g. aspirin, NSAIDs (diclofenac, ibuprofen) cause relative increase in arachidonic acid shunted to lipoxygenase pathway leading to increased leucotrine production -> mediates inflammation -> bronchospasm in susceptible people
How is lung function in asthma measured and monitored? When is it considered life threatening?
Peak flow meter - PEFR (peak expiratory flow rate) - blow as hard and fast as you can. Useful reflection of response to treatment - should increase if improving. Compare to predicted PEFR values - if 30% less than predicted = life threatening!
NB: can be measured via FEV1/FVC and compared to predicted
Describe the treatment ladder of asthma.
a. Avoid triggers
b. Don’t smoke
- inhaled short acting beta-2 agonist (for acute asthma)
- plus inhaled steroid
- plus inhaled long-acting beta-2 agonist (LABA) (for moderate-severe asthma)
- increase inhaled steroid and poss. add 4th drug e.g. leukotriene receptor antagonist
- daily steroid tablet
Describe the 5 bronchodilator drug treatments for asthma. Give examples.
1. beta-2 agonists (mimic sympathetic NS. Short-acting e.g. salbutamol, terbutaline. Long acting (LABAs e.g. salmeterol, formoterol) must be used with steroid preventers otherwise mortality increased. Not entirely selective- main side effect = TACHYCARDIA)
2. anti-muscarinics (block parasympathetic NS)
3. phosphodiesterase inhibitors (prolong cAMP impact -> phosphorylation of certain intracellular proteins -> bronchodilation)
4. anticholinergics (short-acting e.g. ipratroprium, triotropium, competitive antagonists for airway ACh receptors (M1-M4), anticholinergic SEs, not v. effective)
5. methylxanthines e.g theophylline, aminophylline (IV), PDE inhibitor, not v. effective, narrow theraputic window, cardio-toxic, more common used for COPD
Why are most commonly-used treatements for asthma inhaled?
To minimise/avoid extensive SEs that occur when doesed systematically e.g. anti-cholinergics may work on muscarinic receptors elsewhere causing constipation, urine retention, tacchycardia
Describe the 4 anti inflammatory drug treatments for asthma. Give examples.
Anti-inflammatory/mast cell stabilisers/monocolonal antibodies
1. corticosteroids: suppress multiple inflammatory genes that are activated in asthmatic airways by altering transcription of pro-inflammatory processes e.g. interleukins (that cause increased prod of inflam mediators e.g. cytokines). Inhaled to reduce SEs, oral if severe attack. Thus reduces bronchoconstriction, odema, mucus.
NB. treatment path: blue pump -> preventor = low dose steroid inhaler -> tablet
2. leukotrine antagonists: FLAP inhibitors e.g. monteleukast, oral, only effective in some
3. Cromolyns: e.g. sodium cromoglycate, decreases activity of masy cells but limited
4. monocolonal anti-IgE antibodies
What are the most commonly used devices for delivering inhaled drugs?
Inhalers (metered dose inhaler, dry powder inhaler) +/- spacer
Nebulisers (air or oxygen-driven)