2.4 Mobile Communications Flashcards
_ is the use of technology that allows us to communicate with others in different locations without the use of any physical connection (wires or cables).
Mobile communication
_ is a short-range wireless communications technology to replace the cables connecting electronic devices, allowing a person to have a phone conversation via a headset.
Bluetooth technology
The Bluetooth Radio Frequency transceiver operates in the unlicensed Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band centered at _ gigahertz (the same range of frequencies used by _ and _).
microwaves and Wi-Fi
Only some Bluetooth-enabled device in the system can establish a connection via pairing and communicate with each other.
_ is a communication system established through the use of radio frequency (RF) technology that can function either as an extension to an existing LAN or as an alternative for a wired LAN.
Wireless LAN (WLAN)
There is no need for an access point (AP) that bridges wireless LAN traffic into the wired LAN.
_ are flexible data communication systems that can be used for applications in which mobility is required.
Wireless local area networks
Currently, WLANs can provide data rates up to _ Mbps, but the industry is making a move toward high-speed WLANs.
_ 802.11 committee is responsible for WLAN standards.
The International Enterprise for Electronics Engineering (IEEE)
Most modern WLANs are based on _ standards and marketed under the Wi-Fi brand name.
IEEE 802.11
The _, can also act as a repeater for wireless nodes, effectively doubling the maximum possible distance between nodes.
access point (AP)
The access point (AP), can also act as a repeater for wireless nodes, effectively doubling the minimum possible distance between nodes.
To service larger areas, multiple APs may be installed with a _% overlap.
_ is the ability to move freely.
Electromagnetic fields, radio waves, microwaves and wireless signals are referred to as _ energy.
radio frequency (RF)
_ is a term used to refer to wireless digital signals to connect computers and other devices.
Wireless local area networking