24: Acute Hepatitis, Liver Failure Flashcards
Nomogram for calculating acetaminophen level over time
Rumack-Matthew Nomogram
AST/ALT can rise above what level in acetaminophen toxicity?
5000 u/L
What is a unique sign pointing to viral hepatitis
Aversion to smoking
Risk of perinatal Hep B transmission
Window period in Hepatitis B
Between HBsAg disappearing -> HBsAb appearing
Prevention in pt with viral hep C
Vaccinate against HAV and HBV
Five prevention techniques with hepatitis C
- Test donated blood
- Baby boomers should all be tested
- All people over 18 should be tested at least once in their life
- HCV infected persons should practice safe sex
- HCV infected persons should not share razors or toothbrush
What drug given to transplant pts with HEV can cause cirrhosis
Drugs that can cause dose-dependent vs idiosyncratic DILI
Dose-dependent: poisonous mushrooms, Tylenol
Idiosyncratic: isoniazid, halothane, phenytoin, methyldopa, carbamazepine, diclofenac, oxacillin, sulfonamides
Amount of acetaminophen considered appropriate for a healthy person vs in pt with liver disease
- Healthy: 3g/24hrs
2. Liver dz: 2g/24hrs
Critical ingestion treatment interval for max protection with acetaminophen OD
0-8 hours
How many hours do you plot on a Rumack-Matthew Nomogram