22: Liver Enzymes And Jaundice Flashcards
Liver enzymes vs LFTs misnomer
Most people call AST/ALT/ALT/bilirubin LFTs - but they dont determine liver function - should be called liver enzymes/liver tests/liver chemistry
Hepatocellular vs cholestatic injury: description and what is elevated
Hepatocellular: hepatocyte injury; AST/ALT elevation
Cholestatic: bile duct injury; ALP and bilirubin elevation
Which is more specific for liver injury - AST or ALT?
ALT more specific
Why is ALT more specific than AST for liver injury?
AST also found in striated muscle and other organs
AST vs ALT in alcohol induced liver injury
more prominent AST elevation than ALT
Four clotting factors that are vitamin K dependent
2, 7, 9, 10
Three places you can see jaundice in its earlier stages
Sclera, oral mucosa, palms
Three General causes of hyperbilirubinemia
- Overproduction
- Impaired uptake/conjugation/excretion
- Regurgitation of bilirubin from damaged hepatocytes or bile ducts
At what level of bilirubin do you see clinical jaundice?
2mg/dL +
Fractionated bilirubin
Indirect vs direct
How to fractionated ALP
Order GGT
Six things to order on a patient with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
- Viral hepatitis serology
- Ceruloplasmin
- Iron studies
- Lipase/amylase
- US for obstructive jaundice
Two things to order on a pt with unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
2. Peripheral smear
What type of hyperbilirubinemia does hemolysis cause?
What to specifically look for when ordering a CBC for a pt with unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia? (5 things)
- Anemia
- Thrombocytopenia
- Haptoglobin
- Reticulocyte count