23b Amygdala, Hippocampal, Limbic - Emotion/Cognition Flashcards
What amygdaloid nucleus controls oflaction?
What amygdaloid nucleus is the principal output nuclesu that is important for anutonomic control and most like the striatum?
central nucleus
What amygdaloid nucleus is the prinicipal input, assoicated with neocortex and thalamus?
Which amygdaloid nucleus contails largest and best differentiated pyramidal cells?
Which amygdaloid nucleus is prinicpally made up of medium spiny GAGAergic neurons with a high density of dopamine containing axons?
central nucleus
What is primary output of corticomedial nucleus?
primary output to hypothalamus via stria terminalis
What is major input source of central nucleus?
basolateral nuclei and hypothalamus
What is major output of central nucleus?
to brainstem and hypothalamus to regulate autonomics
What is main output of basolateral nucleus?
central nucleus. Also to prefrontal cortex and reward circuits in nucleus accumbens and striatum
What forms the only assocaiton between amygdaloid nuclei and hippocampus?
projections from basolateral nuclei to entrohinal cortex (ERC) and subiculum
What will a bilateral amygdala lesion cause?
hypersexual, tame or placid, feeding disorders, and hyperorality.
If basolateral is lesioned, what will happen to appetite? Central?
patient will eat all the time if basolateral is lesioned.
anorexia if central is lesioned.
What is Kluver-Bucy syndrome?
bilateral loss of anterior temporal lobes. Hypersexual, orallity, tame/placid, hyperphagia, hyperactive, psychic blindiness (inability to recognize emotions)
What is Urbech- Wiethe disease?
calcification o fneural tissue in anterior temporal lobes. Cant recognize fear on faces
What are principal cells of dentate gyrus?
granule cells (glutamaterigic excitatory)
What is cornus ammoni (CA)?
ram’s horn of pyramidal cell layer. The hippocampus proper.
What part of cortex are CA fields and subiculm in?
What is main input to dentate gyrus?
entorhinal cortex?
What is main output to dentate gyrus?
What is the tri-synaptic circuit?
ERC via perforant path->DG via mossy fibers->CA3 via schaeffer collaterals->CA1
What do mossy fibers connect?
DG projections to CA3 in tri-synaptic pathway
What does perforant pathway connect?
ERC to dentage gyrus in tri-syn path
What do schaeffer collaterals connect?
CA3 to CA1 in tri-syn path