2351 - IPPD/IPT Management PE Flashcards
What is a management approach that integrates all activities from product concept through production/deployment and support, i.e. “Womb to Tomb” to meet Cost, Performance, and Schedule objectives
Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD)
What are the key IPPD tenants.
- Customer Focus: The primary objective is to identify and satisfy the customer’s needs **better, faster, and cheaper **
- Concurrent Development of Products and Processes: Processes should be developed concurrently with the products they support
- Early and Continuous Life Cycle Planning: Planning for a product and its processes should begin early in the technology phase and extend throughout every product’s life cycle
- Maximum Flexibility for Optimization and Use of Contractor Approaches: RFP should accommodate changes and incentivize contractors to offer alternative, cost effective solutions
- Empowerment: Decision making is driven to the lowest possible level commensurate with risk
- Encourage Robust Design: Achieving quality through design; products with little sensitivity to variations in the manufacturing process (robust design)
- Event-Driven Scheduling: Use a scheduling framework that relates program events to their associated accomplishments and criteria
- Multi-disciplinary Teamwork: Team decisions, as a result of risk assessments, are based on the combined input of the entire team including customers and suppliers
- Seamless Management Tools: A framework that relates products and processes at all levels and shows dependencies and interrelationships
- Proactive Identification and Management of Risk: Critical cost, schedule, and technical parameters related to system characteristics should be identified from risk analysis
Know the three types of IPTs and their purpose.
- Overarching IPTs (OIPTs) – Focus on strategic guidance, program assessment, and issue resolution
- Working-level IPTs (WIPTs) – Identify and resolve program issues, determine program status, and seek opportunities for acquisition reform
- Program-level IPTs (PIPTs) – Focus on program execution and may include representatives from both government and industry after contract award
________________ are also based on diligent membership selection and the strength of the IPT is directly related to the members’ overall backgrounds
Effective IPTs
What are the three evaluation methods used to determine the overall level of effectiveness of team members
- Experience
- Knowledge
- Works with others
Designing an effective IPT structure is contingent on the_______________.
overall purpose of the IPT
What are the generally accepted four types of IPT decision making techniques.
- Unanimous
- Unilateral
- Majority
- Consensus
What is the role of the IPT timekeeper?
- Keeps the IPT on track with the agenda
* Ensures the IPT does not spend too long on a particular task
The performance of the IPT is based on a solid (4 things):
- Team Foundation
- Team Principles
- Team Processes
- Team Dynamics
List the stages of team development.
- Forming: The first phase of development; it begins when the team first comes together
- Storming: This stage can be difficult for team members, but the process is necessary for the team to successfully attain the benefits of teamwork
- Norming: Is a conscious or unconscious habit that the team develops about the way it conducts business
- Performing: The team capitalizes on their diversity of talent, experience, knowledge and backgrounds to create more alternatives to resolve issues
- Adjourning (or Transforming): Most teams are established for a finite time, and once they have achieved their purpose, they are disbanded
How a team evolves through the ______________ is critical to the success of the IPT
stages of team development
What is a composite of meaningful, quantifiable product or process attributes that communicates important information about the product or process (DoD IPPD Handbook)
What are the Metric Attributes?
- It is important to the team and/or the customer
- It shows how well IPT goals/objectives and critical success factors are being met
- It is simple, understandable, and logical
- It represents cause-and-effect relationships that control the process
- It shows a trend
- It allows for timely, cost effective collection, analysis and reporting of information
- It provides insight that drives appropriate action
What are the three categories of metrics.
• Progress metrics
measure the status of the team’s progress toward achieving its goals (cost and schedule variances, earned value, risk monitoring, etc.)
• Product metrics
assess how well the product/component is maturing and are tied to product‘s performance parameters (operational availability, mean time between failure, weight, speed, payload, range, unit cost, etc.)
• Process metrics
are used to assess the quality and productivity of the IPT’s processes. Examples: (number of design changes, cycle time, defect rates, length of team meetings, etc.)
Does everyone need to agree (whole-heartedly) with a solution to a problem to achieve consensus?
The following are an example of what: • Lack of Empowerment • Unclear Goals • Poor Leadership • Unreasonable Schedule • Insufficient Resources • Lack of Commitment
IPT barriers.
When using metrics to assess performance, you must:
- Identify the purpose of the metric
- Define what will be measured
- Baseline the metric
- Initiate process improvement activities as needed\
The performance of the IPT is based on a solid (4 things):
- Team Foundation
- Team Principles
- Team Processes
- Team Dynamics