233. Pathology Renal/Urothelial Tract Flashcards
Benign Renal Neoplasms
- Renal Oncocytoma: gross, histo, prognosis
- Angiomyolipoma: gross, prognosis, variants
- Papillary Adenoma: criteria, gross, prognosis
Renal Oncocytoma
- gross: well-circumscribed, enclosed in renal parenchyma, brown color, +/- central scar
- histo: plump large cells w/ glandular pink appearance (high mito#), large round nuclei with prominent nucleoli, may have nuclear atypia/invasive capsule/perinephric fat but BENIGN
- 100% 5 year survival
- gross: benign tumor of Vessels, Smooth Muscle (perivascular epithelial cells = PEComa), and Fat
- rarely malignant (increase hemorrhage risk with size)
- variants: one type may predominate (fat, muscle)
Papillary Adenoma
- criteria: <1.5cm size, low nuclear grade
- often occur in damaged kidney (sclerosis, inflammation)
- multiple lesions and growth may lead to RCC
Clear Cell RCC
- low grade vs high grade (gross, histo)
- Fuhrman Grading
Low Grade
- gross: bright yellow, richly vascular (hemorrhagic)
- histo: chicken wire vasculature, tumor cells in acini, clear cytoplasm (lipid accumulation) with small nuclei (small N:C ratio)
High Grade
- gross: large size, fat necrosis (white and hemorrhagic areas), invasive (no border b/w tumor and perinephric fat)
- histo: large N:C ratio, pink dense cytoplasm
Grading G1: no nucleoli G2: nucleoli on high power G3: nucleoli on low power G4: bizzare nuclei +/- sarcomatous transformation (spindle-cell sarcoma)
Papillary RCC
- gross
- type 1 vs type 2 vs mixed type
Gross: well-circumscribed red/brown lesion prone to hemorrhage/infarction (if large can cause compressive pain, pressure, hematuria)
Type 1: LOW GRADE - small cells, dense cytoplasm, small nuclei, fibrovascular cores
Type 2: HIGH GRADE - bigger cells, pink cytoplasm, big nuclei, fibrovascular cores
Mixed: express both T1/T2 - behaves like T2
Chromophobe RCC: gross, histo
Xp11-Assoc Translocation RCC: prevalance, prognosis, histo
- gross: well demarcated non-descript color
- histo: vague floculent pale pink cytoplasm (more lysosomes), prominent intracellular borders (plant-like) thickened membrane due to organelle accumulation
- very rare tumor
- poor prognosis: rapidly growing, high stage at dx, does not respond to chemo
- variable histo but PSAMOMMA BODIES!
- Chronic Cystitis
- Follicular Cystitis
- Schistosoma Cystitis
- Malakoplakia
- BCG cystitis
- Cystitis Glandularis vs. Cystitis Cystica
Chronic: lympocytic infiltrate (plasma cells, lymphocytes), dilated blood vessels, reactive urothelium w/ lymphocyte invasion
Follicular: long-standing chronic = formation of follicles with germinal centers
Schistosoma: eggs
Malakoplakia: e. coli organisms calcified in macrophages due to phagocytic defect (Mikaelis Guttman Bodies)
BCG cystitis: granulomatous inflammation like TB (tx for CIS bladder cancer)
Cystitis Glandularis: enlargement of von brunn nests to look like cysts
Cystitis Cystica: more dilated and with more fluid
Urothelial Carcinoma
- Epi of bladder cancer
- types of UCa (2)
- types of one UCa: papilloma, PUNLMP, Low grade, High grade
Epi: 4th most common in M and 9th leading cause of cancer death in M
UCa: Flat (CIS vs Invasive), Papillary (non-invasive vs. invasive)
Papillary Classification
- papilloma: looks papillary but benign lining
- Papillary Urothelial Neoplasm of Low Malignant Potential: indeterminant finding, dx of exclusion, thick urothelium but low grade non neoplastic nuclei
- Low grade papillary UCa: large nuclei w/ low umbrella cell urothelium, thick urothelium, 2o and 3o branching
- High Grade P-UCa: large dark nuclei (NUCLEAR ATYPIA)
- what is most common site
- what are 3 RF
- what is the histo of UCa - CIS (+ variant)
- what is most common type of bladder cancer
- what is staging of high grade papillary UCa
Most common site: bladder
RF: smoking, schistosoma (egypt), pollution (occupational)
CIS: dark dense nuclei, loose dyscohesive cells (shed in urine, dx in urine cytoscopy)
Variant: Pagetoid spread (fairly benign, scattered cells w/ large nuclei - microscopic spread)
Most common type: Low Grade P-UCa
High Grade P-UCa
- T1: no invasion
- T2: LP invasion
- T3: muscularis propria invasion
- T4: extravesical invasion