199. Sexual Differentiation Flashcards
When does sex differentiation occur?
When do male and female gonads develop?
What genes are necessary for sex development?
Male: W8, Female: W10
genes: SF1 (gonad/adrenal development), SRY/SOX9 (testis), SOX9/WNT4 (ovary)
Between males and females, how do gonads influence rest of genitalia development?
Ovary = Granulosa cell = E = follicle development (Mullerian structures grow, wolffian ducts regress)
Testis = Sertoli cells = AMH = Mullerian regression (SF1/SOX9 regulated, paracrine effects)
Testis = Leydig Cells = T, DHT = Male Sex differentiation (needs 5a-reductase 2 to convert T to DHT; wolffian grows, mullerian regresses)
What are the 4 types of sex chromosome DSD?
- karyotype
- internal gonad
- internal mullerian
- ext anatomy
- cancer risk
- gender
- presentation age
- puberty?
- Turner Syndrome: 45X
- Klinefelter Syndrome: 47XXY
- Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis: 45X/46XY mosaicism
- int gonad: streak gonad, dysgenetic testicle (No AMH/T, some AMH/T)
- int mullerian: usually on one side
- ext anatomy: variable/asymmetric
- high cancer risk GCT
- variable gender (more male)
- CP: birth
- some puberty (testicle may have T/sperm) - Ovotesticular DSD: Any karyotype
- int gonad: ovary, testis, ovotestis combo (may be dysgenetic)
- int mullerian: maybe
- ext anatomy: variable
- high cancer risk GCT
- gender: variable
- cause: SOX9 duplication, others
- CP: birth
- puberty: sometimes
What are the two broad categories of 46XY DSD and list the types of each
- Disorders of Gonadal Development
- Complete Gonadal Dysgenesis
- Partial Gonadal Dysgenesis
- Ovotesticular DSD - Disorders of Androgen Synthesis/Action
- Complete Androgen Insensitivity
- Partial Androgen Insensitivity
- 5a-Reductase Deficiency
Compare and contrast Complete gonadal dysgenesis, partial gonadal dysgenesis - karyotype - int anatomy - mullerian - ext anatomy - cancer risk - cause - cp - gender - puberty
both 46XY Complete GD - int anatomy: streak gonads (no T, no AMH) - mullerian: both present - ext anatomy: female - high cancer risk - cause: Sox9 +/- SF1 Mutations - cp: prenatal or pubertal - Female gender - puberty: none, but can carry pregnancy
Partial GD
- int anatomy: dysgenic testicles
- mullerian: maybe
- high cancer risk
- variable gender
- cause: idiopathic
- cp: birth
- puberty: sometimes (virilization)
Compare/Contrast these diseases: Complete Androgen Insensitivity, Partial Androgen Insensitivity, 5aReductase Deficiency
- karyotype
- int anatomy
- mullerian
- ext anatomy
- cancer risk
- cause
- cp
- puberty
all 46XY
Complete Androgen insensitivity (high AMH/T but no TR)
- Int Anatomy: Testicles
- Mullerian: No
- Ext Anatomy: female, sparse sexual hair
- LOW cancer risk
- gender: Female
- Cause: AR mutation
- CP: variable
- puberty: breast development (T converted to E)
Partial Androgen Insensitivity (some T)
- Int Anatomy: Testicles
- Mullerian: No
- Ext: Variable
- High cancer risk
- gender: variable
- cause: AR mutation
- CP: birth
- puberty: some virilization
5a-Reductase Deficiency
- Int: Testicles
- Mullerian: No
- Ext: Variable
- No cancer risk
- Variable gender (more male)
- Cause: 5ARD2 mutation
- CP: birth or puberty (where T needed more potently)
What are the categories of 46XX DSD and explain the following for each
- int anatomy
- mullerian
- ext anatomy
- cancer risk
- gender
- cause
- cp
- puberty?
- Disorder of Gonadal Development: Ovotesticular DSD and TESTICULAR DSD
- int: testicles
- mullerian: no
- ext: male
- NO cancer risk
- gender: male
- cause: 46XX + SRY gene (no sperm production but stimulates testicle formation)
- cp: prenatal/seeking fertility aid
- normal male puberty
2. Androgen Excess CAH-21 HYDROXYLASE DEFICIENCY - int: ovaries - mullerian: yes - ext: variable - NO cancer risk - most female - cause: 21 hydroxylase mutation = high T production - CP: birth - normal female puberty
Management for DSD Pt
Medical: HRT, assess for other syndromes, fertility tx
Surgical: consider timing, reversibility, decision making
Prophylactic gonadectomy for cancer risk, diagnostic laparascopy, hypospadias repair, caution with genitoplasty (make genitals look normal)
Psychosocial: adapt, understand, discuss