2.3 - recruitment, selection and training employees Flashcards
what is the process of recruitment?
vacancy arises –> create a job analysis –> create a job description –> create a job specification –> job advertised on appropriate media –> review application forms or cvs and short list –> carry out interviews and select the right candidate
what is job analysis?
a job analysis identifies and records the responsibilities and tasks relating to a job
what is a job description?
a job description outlines the responsibilities and duties to be carried out by someone employed to do a specific job.
what is the function of a job description?
- it’s given to applicants, so they know exactly what the job entails so they don’t waste time applying if they don’t like what the job entails
- once someone has been employed, It can allow the business to see if they are carrying out the job effectively
what is a job specification?
a document which outlines the qualifications, expertise and requirements for a specific job
what is the difference between a JD and JS?
JD describes the job, whereas a JS describes the type of person they want for the job
what is internal recruitment?
when a vacancy is filled by someone who is an existing employee of the business
what are the 3 benefits and 2 drawbacks of internal recruitment?
- cheaper than external recruitment as there is no need to carry out external recruitment
- can be motivating for existing employees as there is potential for a promotion
- the person is already known to the business, so the business is aware of their reliability, ability and potential before they hire them
- no new ideas or experience come into the business from external candidates
- may be conflict among employees if one employee is given the promotion over the other - leads to demotivation
what is external recruitment?
when a vacancy is filled by someone who is not an existing employee and will be new to the business
what are the 1 benefits and 1 drawbacks of external recruitment?
- new ideas or experience comes into the business
- more expensive than internal recruitment as they need to advertise externally
how can jobs be advertised? (6 ways)
- local and national newspapers
- recruitment agencies
- online recruitment sites
- Linkedin
- government job centre
- the business website
3 ways on how to choose the most suitable employee for a job
- work experience
- qualifications & education
- whether internal or external recruitment is more suitable for the business
what are full time employees?
employees that work for over 35 hours a week
what are part time employees?
employees that work for 1 - 35 hours a week
2 benefits and 2 drawbacks of a part time employee
- can ask employees to work at busier times e.g. evenings and and improves customer service during peak hours
- can ask employees to only work during peak hours - reduces unnecessary wage costs
- takes longer to recruit two part time employees rather than one full time employee
- part time employees can be less committed to the business e.g., students therefore more likely to leave (higher labour turnover)
2 benefits and 1 drawbacks of a full time employee
- takes less time to recruit one full time employee rather than 2 part time employee
- full time employees can be more committed to the business, increasing quality of customer service/products produced
- employees need to be paid regardless of peak busy times/non peak- leading to higher costs
what is induction?
training carried out when an employee is new to a job explaining the business activities, introducing them to fellow workers, and the working environment /equipment and health and safety instructions
what is the importance of training?
improves the efficiency of the employees- leads to lower unit costs and higher output
- to introduce a new process or new equipment
- improves the quality of the product/service
- reduces the chances of work place accidents
2 benefits of training
- workers are less likely to make mistakes if they are familiar with the working environment and machinery etc
- helps new employees feel more confident and comfortable in the workplace, making them feel happier and more motivated
what is on the job training?
involves a person being trained by watching a more experienced worker doing the job. suitable for unskilled and semiskilled workers
2 benefits and 2 drawbacks of on the job training
- cheaper than off the job training as the employee is not sent to an external paid for course
- it’s training tailored to the specific needs of the business e.g, their machines/workspace. Improves ability to use machinery, better quality products/services
- the trainer will not be as productive as normal as they are spending time trying to teach the trainee- decrease in productivity
- the trainer may have bad habits and they may pass these off to the trainee
what is off the job training?
involves being trained away from the workforce, usually by specialist trainers at a specialist college or training centre
what are the 2 benefits and 2 drawbacks of off the job training?
- trained by experts so may gain better skills and expertise leading to higher productivity and better-quality products/services
- the employee could attend the course in the evening and so can carry out normal work duties during the day- no decrease in output
- costs of courses can be high
- if the employee gains additional qualifications from the course, it means they are more employable for other firms - employees could easily leave and work for another firm
why could reducing the workforce be necessary? (3 reasons)
- introducing new machinery may mean that less employees are needed
- falling demand for goods and services
- relocating the factory abroad
what is dismissal?
when employment is ended against the will of the employee, usually for not fulfilling the duties in the contract of employment e.g. always late or stealing (Fired)
what is redundancy?
when an employee is no longer needed and so loses their job. it’s not because they did not carry out their duties effectively. E.g. during covid or a recession
3 ways on how to decide who should be made redundant
- ask employees - some may be happy to be made redundant e.g. people close to retirement age
- how long they’ve worked there - usually people that have been there the longest will stay as they have more experience.
- employment history of the worker- e.g. whether they have good attendance/punctuality/ output rate etc.
what is employment legislation that a business must follow?
providing all employees with a contract of employment (includes job title, duties, salary, hours of work, holiday entitlement)
what is the impacts on the employer and employee of the employment legalisation?
allows owners to dismiss the worker more easily if they are able to show what aspects of the contract have been broken
- provides security of employment and consistent salary
- the employee can seek compensation if the employer does not meet the conditions of the contract
what is unfair dismissal?
when a business ends a worker’s contract for reason that is not covered in the contract. an employer may carry out unfair dismissal because they are discriminating or because they don’t want to pay the redundancy compensation.
1 impact on the employee and 2 impacts on the employer of unfair dismissal
- the employee can take the employer to court to seek compensation if they can prove unfair dismissal
- can give the business a bad name if the business is taken to court for unfair dismissal
- employers have to keep records of written and verbal warnings, so they are not accused of unfair dismissal
what are discrimination laws?
discrimination at work may occur because of someone’s race, religion, colour, gender, disability, sexuality
what are the 2 impacts on the employer and 2 impacts on the employee of discrimination?
- fairer treatment of all employees in the workplace
- fair pay for employees regardless of gender or race
- must be careful when advertising jobs e.g., we are seeking a person, not a man
- when carrying out R & S, must treat all applicants equally
what is health & safety at work?
businesses can follow this law by:
- providing safety equipment
- training staff on machinery
- have hygienic wash facilities
what are the 2 impacts on the employer and 1 impact on the employee of health & safety laws?
- higher costs paying for equipment & training
- reduces accident rate so less employees taking sick leave/compensation
- workers feel safer and more motivated at work.
what is legal minimum wage?
employers must pay employees the legal minimum wage of that country
what are the 1 impacts on the employer and 1 impact on the employee of legal minimum wage?
- increases business costs - business may react by passing high costs off in the form of higher prices OR may replace workers with machinery
- employees are more motivated if they are paid more- increased motivation in the workplace