23 - Phylogenetic trees - building trees Flashcards
What are the leaves of a phylogenetic tree?
the tip nodes
What are the root nodes of a phylogenetic tree?
most recent common ancestors
What is a clade on a phylogenetic tree?
everything that is down from a particular node
How are phylogenies constructed?
trait data
- morphological or molecular data
How do you use the UPGMA method?
1) find the lowest value (closest relation)
2) combine these taxa
3) find lowest value again
4) this becomes the next node
5) repeat until you have a full tree
What does it mean if a tree is most parsimonious?
when there is the fewest evolutionary steps
What is the problem with parsimony reconstructions?
- not all changes are equally likely
- different mutation rates - transitions are more frequent than transversions (A-G or C-T most common)
- different substitution rates - changes at 3rd codon more likely to be synonymous
- massive amount of trees to see best one
What are solutions to the issues with parsimony reconstructions?
mutation rate
- substitution model - different substitutions at different rates
- only look at plausible trees, not all possible
- use algorithms - subtree prune and regraft
What are trees without branch length information called?