22_Lesson 11: Sentences Flashcards
What are (you) doing?
Gam-lang tam à-rai?
Gam-lang tam à-rai yòo?
กำลังทำอะไร // กำลังทำอะไรอยู่
‘Gam-lang’ is put before the action to emphasize that the action is going on at present. Likewise, ‘yòo’ can be added to the end of the sentence to emphasize that the action is going at the time of speaking.
(I’m) working.
Gam-lang tam ngaan.
Gam-lang tam ngaan yòo
กำลังทำงาน // กำลังทำงานอยู่
‘Gam-lang’ is put before the action to emphasize that the action is going on at present. Likewise, ‘yòo’ can be added to the end of the sentence to emphasize that the action is going at the time of speaking.
(I’m) watching a movie.
Gam-lang doo năng.
Gam-lang doo năng yòo
กำลังดูหนัง // กำลังดูหนังอยู่
‘Gam-lang’ is put before the action to emphasize that the action is going on at present. Likewise, ‘yòo’ can be added to the end of the sentence to emphasize that the action is going at the time of speaking.
Are (you) busy (now)?
Gam-lang yûng mái?
Gam-lang yûng yòo
กำลังยุ่งไหม // กำลังยุ่งอยู่ไหม
‘Gam-lang’ is put before the action to emphasize that the action is going on at present. Likewise, ‘yòo’ can be added to the end of the sentence to emphasize that the action is going at the time of speaking.
Now, I can’t talk.
Dton-née kui mâi dâai.
‘Dton-née’ is a general word for ‘now.’ You can put it at the beginning or the end of the sentence.
(I’m) driving.
Gam-lang kàp rót.
Gam-lang kàp rót yòo
กำลังขับรถ // กำลังขับรถอยู่
‘Gam-lang’ is put before the action to emphasize that the action is going on at present. Likewise, ‘yòo’ can be added to the end of the sentence to emphasize that the action is going at the time of speaking.
(I’m) doing (some) errands.
Gam-lang tam tú-rá.
Gam-lang tam tú-rá yòo
กำลังทำธุระ // กำลังทำธุระอยู่
‘Gam-lang’ is put before the action to emphasize that the action is going on at present. Likewise, ‘yòo’ can be added to the end of the sentence to emphasize that the action is going at the time of speaking.
Now (I’m) busy.
Dton-née gam-lang yûng.
Gam-lang yûng yòo
ตอนนี้กำลังยุ่ง // กำลังยุ่งอยู่
‘Gam-lang’ is put before the action to emphasize that the action is going on at present. Likewise, ‘yòo’ can be added to the end of the sentence to emphasize that the action is going at the time of speaking.
Now (I’m) in a hurry.
Dton-née gam-lang rêep.
Gam-lang rêep yòo
ตอนนี้กำลังรีบ // กำลังรีบอยู่
‘Gam-lang’ is put before the action to emphasize that the action is going on at present. Likewise, ‘yòo’ can be added to the end of the sentence to emphasize that the action is going at the time of speaking.
(I) will go to take a walk.
Jà bpai dern lên.
Jà’ before a main action/verb indicates future time, and to say ‘will not,’ use ‘jà mâi’.
(I) will go to take a walk at the waterfall.
Jà bpai dern lên têe náam dtòk.
Jà’ before a main action/verb indicates future time, and to say ‘will not,’ use ‘jà mâi’.
He will travel to an island.
Kăo jà bpai-tîeow gòr.
Jà’ before a main action/verb indicates future time, and to say ‘will not,’ use ‘jà mâi’.
(I) will not go on any errands.
Jà mâi bpai tam tú-rá
Jà’ before a main action/verb indicates future time, and to say ‘will not,’ use ‘jà mâi’.
Tomorrow I won’t go to the island.
Prûng-née chăn jà mâi bpai gòr
Jà’ before a main action/verb indicates future time, and to say ‘will not,’ use ‘jà mâi’.
I will go to the mall.
Pŏm jà bpai hâang
Jà’ before a main action/verb indicates future time, and to say ‘will not,’ use ‘jà mâi’.
What are you going to do there?
Kun jà bpai tam à-rai têe nân?
Jà’ before a main action/verb indicates future time, and to say ‘will not,’ use ‘jà mâi’.
I will go shopping.
Pŏm jà bpai séu kŏng
Jà’ before a main action/verb indicates future time, and to say ‘will not,’ use ‘jà mâi’.
I will go home tomorrow.
Chăn jà glàp bâan prûng-née.
Jà’ before a main action/verb indicates future time, and to say ‘will not,’ use ‘jà mâi’.
I will see/meet friends tomorrow.
Pŏm jà bpai jer pêuan prûng-née.
Jà’ before a main action/verb indicates future time, and to say ‘will not,’ use ‘jà mâi’.
Good Luck!
Chôhk dee!
Have fun!
Kŏr hâi sà-nùk.
‘Kŏr hâi’ is used to express something like ‘May there be…’ or ‘I wish you….’ Therefore, Thai people use it for leave-taking.
Have a safe trip.
Kŏr hâi dern-taang bplòt-pai
‘Kŏr hâi’ is used to express something like ‘May there be…’ or ‘I wish you….’ Therefore, Thai people use it for leave-taking.
See you!
Jer gan!
See you tomorrow!
Jer gan prûng-née!