2.2.2 Computational methods info Flashcards
what is data mining?
the process of:
- searching through large amounts of data
- searching for non-obvious patters/anomalies
- using pattern matching algorithms
- using anomaly detection algorithms
- for business modelling and planning for the future
what are the pros of data mining?
- increases profit
- improves stock levels + management
- can use to introduce new features
- increase use from customers
- remove unused features
what are the cons of data mining?
- privacy concerns
- requires supercomputers + large processing power
- misuse of information
what is backtracking?
a method that is used in solving a problem that involves examining more than one possible solution
how is backtracking carried out?
- often use recursion
- in every step, the possible options are examined, and a decision is made about which option to follow
- when the algorithm reaches a final state, it checks whether that state is accepted or rejected and then ‘backtracks’ to a previous state to try other options
what is performance modelling?
a process of evaluating if a system or program works as expected or not before it is released.
how is performance modelling often carried out?
- setting up success criteria and test scenarios
- simulate real life circumstances
what is pipelining?
when a task is divided into a series of sub-tasks, where each subtask leads to the next
- this means that each subtask is executed by a different process in a series and each result feeds into the next process
what makes a problem solvable by computational methods?
- clearly defined
- computable
- data requirements have been examined
- determine if decomposition or abstraction etc can be used
what are the steps for problem recognition?
- identify the nature and parameters of the problem
- analyse current situation
- specify requirements
- identify whether the problem can be classified as a certain type of problem
what is visualisation?
a variety of techniques that aim to illustrate what a problem entails and ho to approach its solution