1.2.1 System software Flashcards
what is the purpose of an operating system?
it provides an interface for the user to interact with the hardware
What are the different functions of the operating system?
- providing a platform for application software to run
- providing a user interface for the user to interact with the computer in a familiar and easy way
- utility programs to help maintain the computer
- memory/resource management
- file management
- device drivers
- handles interrupts
what are interrupts?
when any device requires the attention of the processor
what is multitasking?
when you have more than one program open and running at the same time
how does the computer multitask?
the processor allocates small amounts of time for each process and cycles between them
what does the operating system do during multitasking?
assigning a time slice to each task, letting it process and then moving onto the next one so quickly it appears to happen at the same time
how is data stored?
in files
what are extensions to filenames?
an added part to a filename which tells the operating system which application to load the file into
how does the operating system present files?
a logical structure of files in folders and allow the user to rename, delete, copy and move files
what is user management?
allowing multiple users to log into the same computer
what does the operating system do for user management?
retain the settings for each user
recall which access rights different users have
a client-server network may impose a fixed or roaming profile for a user and manage login requests to the network
what is the user interface?
the way in which you interact with the computer as a human being
what are the features of WIMP?
- windows, icons, menus, pointers
- visual
- intuitive
- interactive
- optimised for mouse and touch gesture input
why is it inefficient to move programs already loaded into RAM when there are gaps in between the programs?
- takes a lot of time to move a program as addresses and free space references need to be updated
what are pages?
fixed size sections of a program made to fit sections of memory
(thought of as physical divisions)
what is paging?
the splitting of a program to fit into a given number of pages
what is the downside of paging?
it takes no account of how it splits the program
this means it could split the program inefficiently
what are segments?
different sized
complete sections of programs
logical divisions
what is segmentation?
splitting a program into logical segments so that it fits in memory
what are some similarities of segmentation and paging?
- both allow programs to run despite insufficient memory
- pages and segments are stored on disk
- pages and segments are transferred into memory when needed
what are the differences of paging and segmentation?
- pages are fixed sized. Segments are different sizes
- Pages are made to fit sections of memory. Segments are complete sections of programs
- Pages are physical divisions. Segments are logical divisions
what is virtual memory?
when programs are swapped/switched between main memory and a space on secondary storage. This allows more programs to appear like they are open.
what is an interrupt?
a way to signal to the processor that other applications or devices require attention.
how is the FDE cycle adapted for interrupts?
- Fetch
- Decode
- Execute
- Check for new interrupts
what is the interrupt service routine?
a program with a set of instructions that need to be fetched, decoded and executed to carry out the operations of the interrupt
when an interrupt happens, what needs to change with the registers and addresses in the CPU?
the contents of the program counter need to be changed to point to the address for the first instruction of the interrupt
How does the processor know to continue the previously executing program once the interrupt is complete?
when an interrupt is received, the values held in the registers are copied into a data structure in memory called the stack
how are the values from the registers added and removed from the stack?
- they are pushed onto the stack in a stack frame - saving them for later retrieval
- the frame is then popped off the top of the stack
what does popping the frame off the stack allow the computer to do in relation to handling interrupts?
Allows the computer to:
- retrieve the previous values for the original program
- load them back in to the processor registers
- carry on executing the original program where we left off
what happens when an interrupt is interrupted with a higher priority interrrupt?
- the first interrupt service routine is pushed onto the top of the stack along with the original executing program
- the second interrupt is then executed
- once the second interrupt is executed, the frame on top of the stack is popped which retrieves the values for the first interrupt
what are some example hardware interrupts?
- power supply failure
- power/reset button pressed
- power-down command
what are some example user interrupts?
- moving the mouse
- clicking/tapping an icon to open a new program
- keyboard presses
what are some example software interrupts?
- illegal instruction encountered
- arithmetic overflow
- new log-on request
what are some example timer interrupts?
- data-logging program reading an input sensor every second
- screen recording application
what are some example input/output devices interrupts?
- buffer nearly empty
- signal the completion of a data transfer to/from a device
- printer ink supply notification
what is scheduling?
uses a scheduler to allow a computer to multitask they can run many applications at the same time. the scheduler allocates time to each application being processed in the CPU
what is a scheduler?
an OS module that manages which process to execute next and how much time it is allowed to execute
what is the ready queue?
queue which stores the processes to be processed
what is a running state?
when the currently executing process finishes, is blocked or suspended, the next process in the ready queue start to run in the CPU
what can happen once a process in a running state?
- finish executing and leave system
- get blocked (if requires an input or output command)
- run out of allotted time so is suspended and moved to the back of ready queue
how does first come first serve work?
- processes executed in the order they arrive
- processes behind each other have to wait until the one in front is done
how does shortest job first work?
- picks the processes that take the shortest amount of time and runs them until they finish
- scheduler needs to know how long processes take
how does round robin worK?
- each process is allocated a fixed amount of time (= time slice/quantum)
- if process is not complete by the end of time slice, returns to queue
how does shortest remaining time work?
- job with the shortest remaining time is first
- when new job arrives, length of time it takes is compared to the remaining time of current job
- if new job takes less time then current job is suspended and new job run
how do multi-level feedback queues work?
- separates processes into multiple ready queues based on processing needs
- gives preference to processes with short CPU bursts
- gives preference to processes with high input/output bursts
- input/output bound processes will sleep in a wait queue to give other processes time
what are the advantages of shortest job first?
reduces number of waiting jobs and the number of smaller jobs waiting behind larger ones
what are the disadvantages of shortest job first?
need to know the length of the each job in advance
what are the disadvantages of shortest remaining time?
same as shortest job first
(need to know length of time for each job in advance)
what are multitasking OSs?
lets more than one program run at the same time
what are multi-user OSs?
lets multiple users interact with system
(also lets users interact with system at the same time)
what is a distributed OS?
combining the processing power of several computers across a network for a single task
what does the OS do in distributed computing?
- controls and coordinates computers
- presents the computers to user as if they were a single computer
what are embedded OSs?
run on dedicated hardware for max. efficiency using low-powered processors and little memory
what are real-time OSs?
guarantees to process events or data within a certain amount of time
how are real-time OSs built?
lots of redundancy to handle abnormal increases in input
what is BIOS?
responsible for loading the OS when the computer first turns on
- stands for Basic Input/Output System
what are the 4 main functions of the BIOS?
- Bootstrap (boot) loader
- BIOS drivers
- BIOS or CMOS setup
what is POST?
- Power On Self Test
tests computer hardware and ensures no errors exist before loading OS
what is bootstrap (boot) loader?
locates the OS and loads the OS kernel into memory and BIOS passes control to it
what are BIOS drivers?
low levels drivers which give the computer basic operational control over hardware
what is BIOS or CMOS setup?
configuration program used to configure hardware settings (inc. system settings)
what is a device driver?
a program which tells the OS how to control and communicate with a particular hardware device (usually comes with device)
what is the purpose of device drivers?
- operate + control devices attached to computer
- provide interface between OS and device
- tells OS how to communicate with device
- translates requests between device and computer
what is a virtual machine?
a program that has the same functionality as a physical computer
what are some uses for virtual machines?
- emulators to play old games
- emulators to test software on different platforms
- test new versions of an OS
what are virtual servers used for?
increasing the number of servers in a system by having the physical servers run multiple virtual servers
what is intermediate code or bytecode?
a half-way code that source code is compiled into
it then gets translated by a virtual machine into the specific machine code
why is intermediate code (bytecode) used?
means code is highly portable between devices
(gives a standardised code)