2.2.2 - computational methods Flashcards
divide and conquer
1- Take a problem or data set
2- Apply some rules
3- Based on the outcome of these rules, discard any data that doesn’t match
4- Repeat process with remaining data
3 examples of divide and conquer
1- binary search
2- merge sort
3- quick sort
The process of incrementally building towards a solution, abandoning partial success when the solution can’t be completed and going back to a previously successful match.
3 examples of backtracking
1- path finding
2- depth first traversal
3- sudoku
data mining
The concept of analysing vast amounts of data gathered from a variety of sources to discover new information and trends.
What does data mining involve? (3)
Searching through unconnected data, pattern matching and calculation of correlation.
An approach to solving problems that allows us to use our experience (educated guess) and find a solution that has a high probability of being correct and can be considered ‘good enough’.
performance modelling
Uses simulations and mathematical approximations before implementing situations in the real world, without having to perform detailed testing, which may be prohibitive in terms of time and costs.
pipelining as a computational method
Splitting a large task into manageable chunks and overlapping these smaller processes to speed up the overall process.
3 examples of pipelining
1- instruction pipelining
2- software pipelining
3- graphics pipelining
visualisation as a computational method
Computer scientists make use of graphical representations of data in order to find solutions.