22: Peripheral Neuropathy Workup - Frush Flashcards
nature of peripheral neuropathy
burning, tingling, electrical sensations, numbness
“feet on fire” creepy, crawly sensation
location of peripheral neuropathy
early - toes and met heads
works way up foot and leg
only a couple of toes numb
not peripheral neuropathy more likely neuroma
also not going to be unilateral
pain worse at ____
pain will turn to numbness
associated derm changes
muscle wasting can cause hammering of digit and prominent met heads
loss of balance and temp changes
massaging area will temporarily help
___ of pts with DM and PN will have other cause for PN
causes of PN: I’M DISTAL
I - idiopathic, inherited ( charcot marie toothe)
M - metabolic, mechanical (DM, radiculopathy, nerve entrapments)
D - drugs (chemotherapy)
I- infection (leprosy, myasthenia gravis, syphillis)
S - sarcoidosis
T - toxins, thyroid (uremmia, havy metals, alcohol)
A- autoimmune, allergy (GBS, lupus)
L - lack of vitamins 9B12 insufficiency, ulcerative colitis, crohn’s)
what gait might you see with PN?
ataxic gait
type A fibers v. type B fibers v. type C fibers
A: heavily meylinated, bigger, faster, acute pain, temperature, touch, pressure, proprioception, somatic efferent fibers
B: moderate-velocity, less heavily myelinated, visceral afferent, preganglionic autonomics
C: slower, umyelinated, slowe-velocity, chronic pain psotganglionic autonomic
loss of ___ of 10 areas to diagnose PN with SWM
if 0/10 felt keep testing up leg to knee to find level of sensation
needs to be 5.07 monofilament that exerts 10 g of pressure
look at picture of 10 places to touch
9 on plantar surface, 1 dorsal
test vibratory perception with tuning fork =
128 hx tuning fork applied to 1sta nd 5th mpj
practitioner should be able to feel for 5 sec longer than pt (if more than 10 sec = nerve damage)
biothesiometer =
machine that vibrates at 100Hz
vibratory perception - more accurate than tuning fork
a mean of 3 reading over 25V indicates PN
device that tests 1 and 2 pt discrimination
pressure-specificty sensory device
MRI is useful if you think the problem is stemming from…
spinal stenosis
lumbar disk disease
spinal cord tumor
which nerve is usually biopsied?
sural n.
what blood testing info would you want?
blood glucose, HgA1C B-12 folate heavy metals creatinine liver profiles ANA
most common cause of PN
diabetic neuropathy