17: Stroke - Thompson Flashcards
define stroke
any disruption of blood flow to the brain
2 types of stroke
- ischemic (thombosis*most common, embolic, hypoperfusion)
- hemorrhagic
small stroke in deep penetrating arteries
lacunar stroke
old definition of TIA
stroke-like symptoms that resolve in 24 hrs/ most in 3
- 10% have a full stroke in 90 d
- TIAs can go home; strokes stay- basically if symptomatic in ER they stay
new definition of TIA
transient episode of neurological dysfunction caused by focal brain, spinal cord, or retinal ischemia, without infarction
who stays/who goes home?
TIA symptoms
duration and diabetics
more points - higher chance of leading to stroke and you should keep
risk factors of thrombolic stroke
HTN CAD DM vascular d sickle cell smoking age
risk factors of embolic stroke
a-fib PFO (patent foramen ovale) valve replacement MI age
DDx- what can it be other than stroke?
seizure hypoglycemia metabolic d/o encephalopathy brain lesion sepsis medication spinal cord issues
s/s stroke
- weakness on one side
- numbness on one side
- issues with speech, thought, motion
- balance problems
- HA
- seizure
- visual changes
- NOT* syncope
can think of word but hard to get out =
can’t think of words or sentence … speech clear but doesn’t make sense =
expressive/motor aphasia
receptive aphasia
what does EMS do if they suspect stroke?
- identify possibility of CVA
- r/o other possibilities with blood sugar, Narcan
- stabilize/rapid transport
- notify hospital
what does the ER do with a suspected stroke pt?
vitals/stabilize quick H&P immediate head CT basic labs including coags EKG
only widely used treatment for the treatment of ischemic stroke
thombolytics - TPA (tissue plasminogen activator)
- clot buster for treatment of stroke
- 30% increase in good neuro outcome at 3 mo
- mortality the same
- 6% chanc of bleed compared to 0.6 if no TPA
doesn’t decrease mortality - decreases disability
why do CT of head?
make sure that bleed isn’t the cause of stroke
(a bleed will be transported to center to watch or have surgery)
see on CT
- new bleed
- tumor or abscess
- stroke 6-48 hrs old, huge stroke
***stroke window =
3 hr window from start of symptoms to start thrombolytics
window can be extended to 4.5 hrs to those under 80, not on a thinner, NIH stroke scale less than 25, non diabetic and no previous stroke
going to bed/napping starts the clock
who can’t get TPA?
- bleed, tumor, huge stroke on CT with mass effect, brain swelling
- more than 3(to 4.5) hrs from onset of symptoms
- resolving symptoms or minor symptoms
- INR greater than 1.7
______ of acute ischemic strokes get TPA
less than 1%
exclusion is usually time of onset to ER
most common area
posterior area of internal capsule
- opposite paralysis
- opposite lower face paralysis
____ independent at discharge
50% drove 30 days later too