21.1 Churchill, Eden and Macmillan as political leaders Flashcards
When was Churchill PM (post-war) and how effective was he during this time?
++ At what age did he retire?
He was ineffective and didn’t do much leaving most of the role to Eden or Ministers like Butler and Macmillan
++ 80
When was Eden PM? and why was his term cut short?
He resigned after the Suez crisis (ironic that his failure was in international affairs as it was supposed to be his expertise)
When was Macmillan PM?
How did David Cannadine label Churchill as PM?
‘bombastic and a histrionic vulgarian’
Who said that Churchill was ‘bombastic and a histrionic vulgarian’?
David Cannadine
Give two reasons for Churchill’s absence during his post as post-war PM?
++ How did the impact his prestige?
- Small stroke in 1953 that left him with impaired speech – it was not publicly known until the release of his doctor’s diaries in the 60’s
- Churchill saw himself as an international statesman rather than fixing domestic small issues spending lots of time abroad or on holiday relaxing
++ This did not detract from his prestige and wielded immense power nationally and internationally
What were Conservative party politics like whilst Churchill was PM 1951-55? (2) - including names
- Tension between Butler and Macmillan that lasted the full 13 years of Conservative rule.
- Tense relationship between Churchill and Eden the acting PM. (Eden was impatient for Churchill to step down)
When was the 1955 election called and why + what was its outcome?
++ What happened to the conservative majority?
+++ What was Labour’s outcome by comparison?
It was called just 3 days after Butler’s popular budget announcement.
+ Conservatives won 49.7% and 344 seats
++ increasing their majority from 17 to 60
+++ 46.6% and 277 seats
What was Eden’s (1955-57) area of political expertise and how was this ironic?
Eden’s fall ironically was due to a failure in international affairs after launching military action versus Egypt and nationalist leader Nasser in October 1956.
What was Eden’s time like as PM (1955-57)?
(ideas, experience and tempermement)
++ Did he face opposition from within the party?
- Eden had most experience in foreign policy
- Progressive ideas in domestic affairs
- Anxious in making decision and had a short temper versus other cabinet members, this was not helped by the worsening economic situation in which the generous April budget had to be redacted
++ YET there was a growing ‘unease’ about his lack of domestic experience especially after the first 6 months
What was the Suez crisis and when?
- July
- October
- November
- December
Suez was an important shipping route between UK colonies. Nasser announces its nationalisation which would prevent its use on the 26th July 1956
24th - UK, France and Israel signed secretly the Protocol of Severs to invade Egypt
29th - Israel invades the Gaza strip advancing towards the canal
30th - UK and France land, Egypt retaliate by sinking 30 enemy ships
5th - British and French croups arrive at the canal
7th - UN calls for a ceasefire after pressure from the US it is agreed
23rd - British troupes leave
What Eden say about his knowledge of Israels attack on Egypt?
Eden had told the house of commons that he had no prior knowledge of Israel’s plan to attack Egypt – LIE!!
What was the impact of the Suez crisis?
+ how did it impact Britain’s international standing?
++ how did it impact Eden’s political standing?
+++ Conservative party unity (was this long lasting?)
++++ Britain’s financial position
+ A fall in Britain’s international power
++ Eden now appeared weak in an area meant to be his expertise and was attacked by Labour and sections of the national press – it was exposed that he had lied
+++ a split in the Conservative party; A rebellion of 40 MP’s and resignation of Colonial cabinet minister Nutting. Not aided by Chief Whip (meant to keep the party together also opposed crisis) Edward Heath. Yet after Eden’s resignation the party recovered quickly.
++++ Pressure from the USA had exposed financial problems and caused a run on the £
What lead to Macmillan (1957-63) being chosen as Conservative party leader as opposed to Butler? (3)
- Butler had introduced the April 1955 budget. It was initially popular due to tax cuts but the run on the £ triggered by the Suez crisis forced Butler to redact the budget = damaged reliability
- Historically Butler was linked to appeasement after 1930’s high unemployment which was not popular
BUT Macmillan had opposed how the Conservative’s dealt with the situation
- Most of Eden’s cabinet preferred Macmillan anyway
How was Macmillan as PM (1957-63)?
- Views
- What Attlee said
- Party unity
- Economic state of Britain
- Macmillan’s views were shaped by wars and high unemployment of the 1930’s where he had been an MP for depressed area in NE
- Attlee said that Macmillan almost joined Labour in 1951
- Unified the Conservative party
- Led economic recovery
What happed in the October 1959 election?
Macmillan called an election in October 1959 in which Conservatives won with a 100-seat majority. Macmillan nicknamed ‘Supermac’ utilised the media and television to his advantage.
Labour by contrast was divided