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> 16.1 Abdication crisis > Flashcards
16.1 Abdication crisis Flashcards
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(102 decks)
1.1 The 1906 election
1.2 New Liberalism
1.3 The influence of Cambell-Bannerman, Asquith, LG and Churchill
1.4 The position of Labour and the Conservatives
2.1 Staples
2.2 New industries
2.3 Agriculture
2.4 Trade and invisible earnings
2.5 Economic concerns and external competition
3.1 Class divisions
3.2 Poverty
3.3 Changes in taxation and the People's budget
3.4 Reasons for the Liberal government's social and welfare reform
3.5 Social and welfare reforms
3.6 The effect of social and welfare reforms
4.1 The constitutional crisis of 1909-11
4.2 The issue of female emancipation
4.3 Irish home rule
4.4 Industrial unrest
5.1 Political impact of WW1 - 1915 coalition
5.2 LG and political division
5.3 Influence of the Labour party and 1918 constitution
5.4 Coupon election 1918
5.5 LG coalition, policies problems and fall
6.1 Britain's wartime economics
6.2 Housing and austerity
6.3 TU and post-war industrial problems
6.4 Staples and trade
7.1 women
7.2 Franchise reform
7.3 Unions and labour
7.4 Cultural change
7.5 Patriotism and CO's
7.6 Effects of the trenches on soldiers and war poets
8.1 Easter Rising
8.2 War of independence 1919-21
8.3 Anglo-Irish treaty 1921
9.1 Decline of liberals
9.2 1923 election
9.3 First Labour government 1924
9.4 Conservatives and Baldwin
9.5 Baldwin, Churchill and Chamberlain
10.1 Post-war economic readjustment
10.2 Coal mines
10.3 General strike
11.1 Unemployment and regional divisons
11.2 Women post-war
11.3 Media
11.4 Cultural reaction to war
12.1 The franchise extension and 'flapper vote'
12.2 The 1929 election
12.3 The new Labour government
12.4 The state of Britain by 1929
13.1 The 1929 Labour government
13.2 Domestic policies and response to economic problems
13.3.1 Reasons for the National government
13.3.2 Policies of the National Government
13.4 Leadership of MacDonald, Baldwin and Chamberlain
14.1 Depression and the financial crisis
14.2 Changes to economic policy
14.3 Effect on industry, agriculture and trade
15.1 Changes in working opportunities and living standards
15.2 National government policies
15.3 Social and regional divison
15.4 Literary, radio and cinema; responses to the Depression
15.5 Social and cultural responses to the depression
16.1 Abdication crisis
16.2 Radical political groups
17.1 The fall of Chamberlain
17.2 Churchill as wartime leader
17.3 The Coalition government
17.4 Labour victory in 1945
17.5 Attlee as Prime Minister
17.6 Labour ideology and aims
18.1 Mobilisation of resources during war
18.2 Post-war economic adjustment
18.3 Labour's post war BoP problems
18.4 Nationalisation
19.1 Conscription
19.2 The impact of war on women and children
19.3 Civil liberties and restrictions
19.4 Propoganda
19.5 The Blitz
19.6 Plans for reconstruction
19.7 The policies of the post-war Labour government
20.1 The festival of Britain
20.2 Continuing austerity
20.3 Labour divisions
20.4 Conservative reorganisation and the elections of 1950 and 1951
21.1 Churchill, Eden and Macmillan as political leaders
21.2 + 21.4 Domestic policies + Consensus politics
21.3 Internal labour divisions
21.4 Consensus policies
22.1 The post-war boom
22.2 Balance of payment issues and stop-go policies
23.1 Raising living standards
23.2 The impact of affluence and consumerism
23.3 Changing social attitudes and behaviour
23.4 Class and the establishment
23.5 The position of women
24.1 Issues relating to New Commonwealth migrants and race-relations
24.2 Nuclear concerns and the formation of CND