2.1.1 a Flashcards
What is the definition of health?
Health is a state of complete mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or infirmity
What is the definition of well-being?
Well-being is defined as feeling healthy safe, having rights and responsibilities, relationships, and access to learning and other opportunities within society
What is the definition of equality and human rights?
Highest possible standard of health is one of the basic rights of every human being, each of whom has different personal characteristics
How are disabled people protected from discrimination?
They have the same choices as others, live independently, and to be included in the community
How are children protected from discrimination?
They have the best possible health
How old are people protected from discrimination?
Able to see and have access to the family community and healthcare
How are everyone protected from discrimination?
Have a standard of living that meets health and well-being needs
What is the purpose of the National outcome framework?
Enable the Welsh government to have a consistent approach to measuring well-being across Wales
What is a national outcome indicators?
Measures used by the government to collect evidence to see if well-being is improving across Wales