21: Respiration - Practical Flashcards
21.1 Investigation of oxygen consumption in a grasshopper
A grasshopper is enclosed in a conical flask with a tube of potassium hydroxide solution inside the flask. The flask is stopped and connected to a delivery tube with its other end submerged in a beaker of coloured water.
Explain the purpose of using potassium hydroxide solution. (2)
To absorb carbon dioxide in the flask,
such that the carbon dioxide originally present in the flask and that produced by the grasshopper during respiration is absorbed.
21.1 Investigation of oxygen consumption in a grasshopper
A grasshopper is enclosed in a conical flask with a tube of potassium hydroxide solution inside the flask. The flask is stopped and connected to a delivery tube with its other end submerged in a beaker of coloured water.
Explain the working mechanism of this set-up and the expected results. (4)
Oxygen is consumed by the grasshopper for respiration.
Meanwhile, carbon dioxide is produced by the grasshopper by respiration, but it is absorbed by the potassium hydroxide solution.
This causes the number of gas molecules in the conical flask to decrease; thus, the air pressure inside the conical flask and the capillary tube drops and becomes lower than the atmospheric air pressure.
Therefore, the level of the coloured water inside the delivery tube rises due to the pressure difference, and moves towards the conical flask.
(X gas volume decrease because gases occupy the whole volume of the container)
21.1 Investigation of oxygen consumption in a grasshopper
A grasshopper is enclosed in a conical flask with a tube of potassium hydroxide solution inside the flask. The flask is stopped and connected to a delivery tube with its other end submerged in a beaker of coloured water.
Explain the control set-up for this investigation.
Set up an identical set-up without putting a grasshopper in the conical flask.
(X the same set-up)
21.1 Investigation of oxygen consumption in a grasshopper
A grasshopper is enclosed in a conical flask with a tube of potassium hydroxide solution inside the flask. The flask is stopped and connected to a delivery tube with its other end submerged in a beaker of coloured water.
Explain if the investigation can be carried out for a long period of time.
No. This is because the grasshopper will use up all the oxygen present in the conical flask and die.
21.1 Investigation of oxygen consumption in a grasshopper
A grasshopper is enclosed in a conical flask with a tube of potassium hydroxide solution inside the flask. The flask is stopped and connected to a delivery tube with its other end submerged in a beaker of coloured water.
State the word formula for the rate of respiration of the grasshopper.
Rate of respiration = Change in level of coloured liquid in the capillary tube / Time allowed for experiment
21.2: Investigation of carbon dioxide production in germinating seeds
Hydrogencarbonate indicator is added to two stoppered test tubes. Wire gauzes and moist cotton wools are added above the indicators in both tubes. Tube A consists of soaked germinating seeds with surface sterilised on the moist cotton wool, while tube B consists of boiled seeds with surface steriliseed.
List 3 important controlled variables of this investigation. (3)
Concentration and volume of the hydrogencarbonate indicator,
mass and species of the seeds,
duration allowed for respiration
21.2: Investigation of carbon dioxide production in germinating seeds
Hydrogencarbonate indicator is added to two stoppered test tubes. Wire gauzes and moist cotton wools are added above the indicators in both tubes. Tube A consists of soaked germinating seeds with surface sterilised on the moist cotton wool, while tube B consists of boiled seeds with surface steriliseed.
What is the function of the moist cotton wool?
To provide the necessary amount of water for seed germination.
21.2: Investigation of carbon dioxide production in germinating seeds
Hydrogencarbonate indicator is added to two stoppered test tubes. Wire gauzes and moist cotton wools are added above the indicators in both tubes. Tube A consists of soaked germinating seeds with surface sterilised on the moist cotton wool, while tube B consists of boiled seeds with surface steriliseed.
Explain the significance of sterilising the surface of the seeds. (3)
This is to kill the microorganisms on the surface of the seeds.
Otherwise, carbon dioxide released by them during respiration will cause the results to be overestimated,
resulting in a decrease in validity of the experiment.
21.2: Investigation of carbon dioxide production in germinating seeds
Hydrogencarbonate indicator is added to two stoppered test tubes. Wire gauzes and moist cotton wools are added above the indicators in both tubes. Tube A consists of soaked germinating seeds with surface sterilised on the moist cotton wool, while tube B consists of boiled seeds with surface steriliseed.
What is the purpose of setting up tube B?
It is a control to show that only living seeds release carbon dioxide.
21.2: Investigation of carbon dioxide production in germinating seeds
Hydrogencarbonate indicator is added to two stoppered test tubes. Wire gauzes and moist cotton wools are added above the indicators in both tubes. Tube A consists of soaked germinating seeds with surface sterilised on the moist cotton wool, while tube B consists of boiled seeds with surface steriliseed.
Explain the results and conclusion of this investigation. (3)
The germinating seeds in tube A carry out respiration and carbon dioxide is produced. The carbon dioxide turns the hydrogencarbonate indicator from red to yellow.
The boiled seeds in tube B are dead and do not carry out respiration. No carbon dioxide is produced from them. The hydrogencarbonate indicator remains red.
This shows that the geminating seeds give out carbon dioxide.
21.3: Investigation of carbon dioxide production in a living mouse
A suction pump is connected to flasks A to C and a bell jar. (Air flow: flask A -> flask B -> bell jar -> flask C) Potassium hydroxide solution is added in flask A, and lime water is added in flasks B and C. The bell jar is sealed and airtight and contains a living mouse.
What is the function of flask A?
To absorb the carbon dioxide in the incoming air, and make sure that the incoming air towards the living mouse does not contain carbon dioxide.
21.3: Investigation of carbon dioxide production in a living mouse
A suction pump is connected to flasks A to C and a bell jar. (Air flow: flask A -> flask B -> bell jar -> flask C) Potassium hydroxide solution is added in flask A, and lime water is added in flasks B and C. The bell jar is sealed and airtight and contains a living mouse.
What is the purpose of using potassium hydroxide solution? (2)
To absorb the carbon dioxide in the incoming air, and make sure that the incoming air towards the living mouse does not contain carbon dioxide.
Any carbon dioxide detected in flask C is therefore released by the living mouse.
21.3: Investigation of carbon dioxide production in a living mouse
A suction pump is connected to flasks A to C and a bell jar. (Air flow: flask A -> flask B -> bell jar -> flask C) Potassium hydroxide solution is added in flask A, and lime water is added in flasks B and C. The bell jar is sealed and airtight and contains a living mouse.
What are the functions of the lime water in flasks B and C?
Flask B: To detect whether there is any carbon dioxide in the air entering the bell jar.
Flask C: To detect whether there is any carbon dioxide in the air leaving the bell jar.
21.3: Investigation of carbon dioxide production in a living mouse
A suction pump is connected to flasks A to C and a bell jar. (Air flow: flask A -> flask B -> bell jar -> flask C) Potassium hydroxide solution is added in flask A, and lime water is added in flasks B and C. The bell jar is sealed and airtight and contains a living mouse.
Explain the expected results in flask B and flask C after 30 minutes, and the conclusion of the investigation. (3)
The limewater in flask B remains colourless in the experiment. This suggests that carbon dioxide is absent in the air entering the bell jar.
The limewater in flask C turns from colourless to milky after 30 minutes. This suggests that carbon dioxide is given out by the living mouse.
This shows that the living mouse gives out carbon dioxide.
21.3: Investigation of carbon dioxide production in a living mouse
A suction pump is connected to flasks A to C and a bell jar. (Air flow: flask A -> flask B -> bell jar -> flask C) Potassium hydroxide solution is added in flask A, and lime water is added in flasks B and C. The bell jar is sealed and airtight and contains a living mouse.
Explain the control set-up for this investigation.
Set up an identical set-up without putting a mouse in the bell jar.
(X the same set-up)
21.3: Investigation of carbon dioxide production in a living mouse
A suction pump is connected to flasks A to C and a bell jar. (Air flow: flask A -> flask B -> bell jar -> flask C) Potassium hydroxide solution is added in flask A, and lime water is added in flasks B and C. The bell jar is sealed and airtight and contains a living mouse.
Explain two precautions to be taken if the mouse is replaced by a potted plant. (4)
Wrap the pot with a plastic bag.
Otherwise, carbon dioxide released by the microorganisms in the soil will cause an overestimation of the production of carbon dioxide by the plant. The validity of the investigation will decrease. - Cover the bell jar with a piece of black cloth.
Otherwise, the plant will absorb carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and cause an underestimation of the production of carbon dioxide by the plant through respiration. The validity of the investigation will decrease.
21.4: Investigation of heat production in germinating seeds
Two identical vacuum flasks are set up with mouth facing downwards. Cotton wool is plugged at both mouths, and a thermometer is inserted into each flask. Flask A contains soaked germinating seeds with surface sterilised, while flask B contains boiled seeds with surface sterilised.
Explain the significance of sterilising the surface of the seeds. (3)
To kill the microorganisms on the surface of the seeds.
Otherwise, carbon dioxide released by them during respiration will cause an overestimation of the heat production by the germinating seeds.
Thus, the validity of the results decreases.
21.4: Investigation of heat production in germinating seeds
Two identical vacuum flasks are set up with mouth facing downwards. Cotton wool is plugged at both mouths, and a thermometer is inserted into each flask. Flask A contains soaked germinating seeds with surface sterilised, while flask B contains boiled seeds with surface sterilised.
Explain three reasons why the vacuum flasks are put in an inverted position. (3)
- Warm air rises as it is less dense than cold air. Putting the vacuum flasks in an inverted position can trap the warm air and minimize heat loss.
- Readings of the thermometer can be taken more easily.
- As elevated concentration of carbon dioxide can reduce the rate of respiration, the inverted vacuum flask that is closed by dry cotton wool allows the escape of carbon dioxide released by the seeds from the flask because carbon dioxide is more dense than air.
21.4: Investigation of heat production in germinating seeds
Two identical vacuum flasks are set up with mouth facing downwards. Cotton wool is plugged at both mouths, and a thermometer is inserted into each flask. Flask A contains soaked germinating seeds with surface sterilised, while flask B contains boiled seeds with surface sterilised.
Explain why the vacuum flasks are not completely filled with seeds.
To provide enough air (containing oxygen) for the seeds to carry out respiration.
21.4: Investigation of heat production in germinating seeds
Two identical vacuum flasks are set up with mouth facing downwards. Cotton wool is plugged at both mouths, and a thermometer is inserted into each flask. Flask A contains soaked germinating seeds with surface sterilised, while flask B contains boiled seeds with surface sterilised.
Explain the results and conclusion of this investigation. (3)
The germinating seeds in flask A contains enzymes which catalyze the reactions in respiration. Heat is produced during respiration and therefore the temperature inside the flask increases.
The enzymes in the boiled seeds in flask B are denatured and so the boiled seeds do not carry out respiration. No heat is produced from them. Therefore the temperature inside flask B remains unchanged. (The temperature inside flask B may drop due to heat loss to the surroundings)
Therefore, it is concluded that heat is released by germinating seeds.
21.4: Investigation of heat production in germinating seeds
Two identical vacuum flasks are set up with mouth facing downwards. Cotton wool is plugged at both mouths, and a thermometer is inserted into each flask. Flask A contains soaked germinating seeds with surface sterilised, while flask B contains boiled seeds with surface sterilised.
Suggest two sources of error and two ways for improvement. (2)
There are variations among the seeds in the two flasks. The experiment can be repeated for a few more times to minimise the effect of individual error, and increase the reliability of the investigation.
There may be transfer of heat in the surrounding environment to the inside of the vacuum flask. Therefore, cotton wool or good heat insulators can be wrapped around the flasks.
21.4: Investigation of heat production in germinating seeds
Two identical vacuum flasks are set up with mouth facing downwards. Cotton wool is plugged at both mouths, and a thermometer is inserted into each flask. Flask A contains soaked germinating seeds with surface sterilised, while flask B contains boiled seeds with surface sterilised.
Predict and explain the results if soaked germinating seeds without sterilisation are used. (2)
The temperature increase will be much higher than that caused by sterilized and soaked germinating seeds.
This is because the microorganisms on the seeds also respire and produce heat.
21.4: Investigation of heat production in germinating seeds
Two identical vacuum flasks are set up with mouth facing downwards. Cotton wool is plugged at both mouths, and a thermometer is inserted into each flask. Flask A contains soaked germinating seeds with surface sterilised, while flask B contains boiled seeds with surface sterilised.
Predict and explain the results if boiled seeds without sterilisation are used. (2)
At first, the temperature will remain unchanged. When microorganisms start to grow and reproduce on the seeds, the microorganisms respire and produce heat.
This leads to a rapid increase in temperature at the later time of the experiment.
21.5: Investigation of heat production in a living mouse
Set up a differential air thermometer with arm A connected to a test tube enclosed in a chamber insulated with cotton wool. Arm B is connected to a test tube enclosed with an insulated chamber, with a living mouse in the chamber.
Explain the function of the cotton wool.
To minimise heat loss from the chambers to the surroundings.
21.5: Investigation of heat production in a living mouse
Set up a differential air thermometer with arm A connected to a test tube enclosed in a chamber insulated with cotton wool. Arm B is connected to a test tube enclosed with an insulated chamber, with a living mouse in the chamber. Clips connecting to both arms are opened at the start of the experiment, then they are closed for 10 minutes.
Explain the significance of opening the clips at the start of the investigation.
To equalize the air pressure on both sides of the U-shaped capillary tube. This ensures that the liquid levels on both sides are the same at the start of the experiment.
21.5: Investigation of heat production in a living mouse
Set up a differential air thermometer with arm A connected to a test tube enclosed in a chamber insulated with cotton wool. Arm B is connected to a test tube enclosed with an insulated chamber, with a living mouse in the chamber.
Explain why a capillary tube, instead of a tube with a wide bore, is used in the differential air thermometer. (2)
To give a more obvious change in the liquid levels in the U-shaped capillary tube.
This ensures that the readings taken are more precise, thus increasing the accuracy of the experiment.
21.5: Investigation of heat production in a living mouse
Set up a differential air thermometer with arm A connected to a test tube enclosed in a chamber insulated with cotton wool. Arm B is connected to a test tube enclosed with an insulated chamber, with a living mouse in the chamber. Clips connecting to both arms are opened at the start of the experiment, then they are closed for 10 minutes.
Explain the changes in the liquid levels in the U-shaped capillary tube (in the differential air themometer) in the two arms, and the conclusion of the investigation. (5)
Heat is released by the mouse by respiration and it warms up the air in the thin-walled test tube above the mouse. The kinetic energy of air molecules increases, causing the air molecules to move and collide with each other more frequently.
The air in the test tube expands and results in an increase in air pressure.
On the other hand, there is no temperature change in the control set-up (the side without the mouse).
The air pressure in tube B and its associated capillary tube becomes higher than that in tube A and its associated capillary tube. Hence, the coloured liquid level in arm B is being pushed downwards, while the liquid level in arm A rises.
Therefore, it is concluded that heat is released by the living mouse.
21.5: Investigation of heat production in a living mouse
Set up a differential air thermometer with arm A connected to a test tube enclosed in a chamber insulated with cotton wool. Arm B is connected to a test tube enclosed with an insulated chamber, with a living mouse in the chamber. Clips connecting to both arms are opened at the start of the experiment, then they are closed for 10 minutes.
Explain whether this investigation can be carried out for a long period of time.
No. Since the mouse is kept in an enclosed chamber with no entry or exit of air, the mouse will use up all the oxygen inside the chamber and die.
21.5: Investigation of heat production in a living mouse
Set up a differential air thermometer with arm A connected to a test tube enclosed in a chamber insulated with cotton wool. Arm B is connected to a test tube enclosed with an insulated chamber, with a living mouse in the chamber. Clips connecting to both arms are opened at the start of the experiment, then they are closed for 10 minutes.
Predict and explain the results of the investigation if the mouse is replaced by a frog of a similar size. (3)
Both the fall in the liquid level in arm B and the rise in the liquid level in arm A will be smaller.
This is because the frog is an amphibian, which is poikilothermic. Thus, it does not need to spend energy to maintain a constant internal body temperature. Therefore, a lower metabolic rate can support the energy requirement of the mice, so a lower rate of respiration is carried out.
Hence, the rate of heat production by the body of the frog is lower.
21.5: Investigation of heat production in a living mouse
Set up a differential air thermometer with arm A connected to a test tube enclosed in a chamber insulated with cotton wool. Arm B is connected to a test tube enclosed with an insulated chamber, with a living mouse in the chamber. Clips connecting to both arms are opened at the start of the experiment, then they are closed for 10 minutes.
Predict and explain the results of the investigation if the test tubes are replaced by bigger boiling tubes. (3)
Both the fall in the liquid level in arm B and the rise in the liquid level in arm A will be smaller. / Longer time is required to obtain the same results.
The volume of air which can be held on each tube becomes larger. More heat is required to warm up the larger amount of air.
Therefore, more heat production by respiration of the mouse (a longer time allowed) is required to reach the same result.
21.6: Investigation of the rate of respiration from carbon dioxide
A suction pump is connected to flasks A to C , a U-shaped tube, and a bell jar. (Air flow: flask A -> flask B -> bell jar -> U-tube -> flask C) Potassium hydroxide solution is added in flasks A and C, and lime water is added in flask B. The U-shaped tube is filled with drying agent. The bell jar is sealed and airtight and contains a living mouse. The change in mass of Flask C is measured for both the set-up and the control over 30 minutes.
Explain the purpose of using drying agent.
To dry / remove any water vapour in air entering flask C.
21.6: Investigation of the rate of respiration from carbon dioxide
A suction pump is connected to flasks A to C , a U-shaped tube, and a bell jar. (Air flow: flask A -> flask B -> bell jar -> U-tube -> flask C) Potassium hydroxide solution is added in flasks A and C, and lime water is added in flask B. The U-shaped tube is filled with drying agent. The bell jar is sealed and airtight and contains a living mouse. The change in mass of Flask C is measured for both the set-up and the control over 30 minutes.
Calculate the rate of respiration of the mouse (in g CO2 h-1) using the data:
M1a: initial mass of flask C in the experimental set-up
M1b: final mass of flask C in the experimental set-up
M2a: initial mass of flask C in the control set-up
M2b: final mass of flask C in the control set-up
21.6: Investigation of the rate of respiration from carbon dioxide
A suction pump is connected to flasks A to C , a U-shaped tube, and a bell jar. (Air flow: flask A -> flask B -> bell jar -> U-tube -> flask C) Potassium hydroxide solution is added in flasks A and C, and lime water is added in flask B. The U-shaped tube is filled with drying agent. The bell jar is sealed and airtight and contains a living mouse. The change in mass of Flask C is measured for both the set-up and the control over 30 minutes.
Explain a significant assumption made in the experiment.
The rate of evaporation of water from the potassium hydroxide solution in flask C is the same in both set-ups.
21.6: Investigation of the rate of respiration from carbon dioxide
A suction pump is connected to flasks A to C , a U-shaped tube, and a bell jar. (Air flow: flask A -> flask B -> bell jar -> U-tube -> flask C) Potassium hydroxide solution is added in flasks A and C, and lime water is added in flask B. The U-shaped tube is filled with drying agent. The bell jar is sealed and airtight and contains a living mouse. The change in mass of Flask C is measured for both the set-up and the control over 30 minutes.
Explain a significant assumption made in the experiment.
The rate of evaporation of water from the potassium hydroxide solution in flask C is the same in both set-ups.
21.7 Investigation of the rate of respiration from oxygen consumption
A differential air theremometer is connected to two clipped test tubes (A and B) submerged in a water bath. Both tubes contain soda lime pellets, while tube B contains sterilised germinating seeds un top of a wire gauze. An 1cm3 syringe is connected to tube B. The set-up is first equilibriated, then the syringe is adjusted at one-minute intervals such that the liquid levels in the U-shaped capillary tube remain the same. The readings on the syringe are recorded.
Explain the significance of using a water bath.
To prevent the experimental results from being affected by changes in temperature in the surroundings.
21.7 Investigation of the rate of respiration from oxygen consumption
A differential air theremometer is connected to two clipped test tubes (A and B) submerged in a water bath. Both tubes contain soda lime pellets, while tube B contains sterilised germinating seeds un top of a wire gauze. An 1cm3 syringe is connected to tube B. The set-up is first equilibriated, then the syringe is adjusted at one-minute intervals such that the liquid levels in the U-shaped capillary tube remain the same. The readings on the syringe are recorded.
Explain the function of the wire gauze.
To provide support for the germinating seeds and prevent them from contacting the corrosive soda lime pellets.
21.7 Investigation of the rate of respiration from oxygen consumption
A differential air theremometer is connected to two clipped test tubes (A and B) submerged in a water bath. Both tubes contain soda lime pellets, while tube B contains sterilised germinating seeds un top of a wire gauze. An 1cm3 syringe is connected to tube B. The set-up is first equilibriated, then the syringe is adjusted at one-minute intervals such that the liquid levels in the U-shaped capillary tube remain the same. The readings on the syringe are recorded.
Explain a significant assumption made in this investigation. (2)
All carbon dioxide (including those produced by respiration and already in tube) is absorbed by the soda lime pellets.
This ensures that any rise in the liquid level in arm B must be due to the oxygen absorbed by the seeds for respiration.
21.7 Investigation of the rate of respiration from oxygen consumption
A differential air theremometer is connected to two clipped test tubes (A and B) submerged in a water bath. Both tubes contain soda lime pellets, while tube B contains sterilised germinating seeds un top of a wire gauze. An 1cm3 syringe is connected to tube B. The set-up is first equilibriated, then the syringe is adjusted at one-minute intervals such that the liquid levels in the U-shaped capillary tube remain the same. The readings on the syringe are recorded.
Explain the significance of using germinating seeds without first leaves opened out. (2)
When first leaves open out, seeds carry out photosynthesis, producing oxygen which will cause the rate of oxygen consumption by the germinating seeds to be underestimated ,
which decreases the validity of the results.
21.7 Investigation of the rate of respiration from oxygen consumption
A differential air theremometer is connected to two clipped test tubes (A and B) submerged in a water bath. Both tubes contain soda lime pellets, while tube B contains sterilised germinating seeds un top of a wire gauze. An 1cm3 syringe is connected to tube B. The set-up is first equilibriated, then the syringe is adjusted at one-minute intervals such that the liquid levels in the U-shaped capillary tube remain the same. The readings on the syringe are recorded.
Explain the expected results of the investigation. (4)
The respiring seeds consume oxygen and produce carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is absorbed by soda lime.
As the number of gas molecules decreases in tube B, the air pressure in tube B and its associated capillary tube decreases and becomes lower than the air pressure in tube A and its associated capillary tube. Thus, the liquid level in arm B rises while the liquid level in arm A falls.
The volume of air injected into tube B to cause the liquid level in arm B to return to its initial level / the same level as in arm A shows the volume of oxygen consumed by the seeds.
The rate of oxygen consumption was calculated in terms of the volume of oxygen consumed per unit time.
21.7 Investigation of the rate of respiration from oxygen consumption
A differential air theremometer is connected to two clipped test tubes (A and B) submerged in a water bath. Both tubes contain soda lime pellets, while tube B contains sterilised germinating seeds un top of a wire gauze. An 1cm3 syringe is connected to tube B. The set-up is first equilibriated, then the syringe is adjusted at one-minute intervals such that the liquid levels in the U-shaped capillary tube remain the same. The readings on the syringe are recorded.
Suggest a modification to investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of respiration.
Repeat the experiment with water baths of different temperatures.
21.8: Design an investigation of alcoholic fermentation in yeast
What is the aim of the investigation?
To study alcoholic fermentation in yeast.
21.8: Design an investigation of alcoholic fermentation in yeast
What is the problem to be investigated?
Does yeast carry out alcoholic fermentation under anaerobic condition?
21.8: Design an investigation of alcoholic fermentation in yeast
Explain the biological principle behind the design of the investigation.
To see whether yeast carries out alcoholic fermentation under anaerobic condition, we can prepare a mixture of glucose solution and liquid culture of yeast, test for the products of alcoholic fermentation (e.g. carbon dioxide and ethanol) and compare with a control.
21.8: Design an investigation of alcoholic fermentation in yeast
What is the independent variable in the investigation, and how is it manipulated? (2)
Whether the yeast is living or dead,
which is manipulated by boiling some liquid culture and leaving some culture unboiled.
21.8: Design an investigation of alcoholic fermentation in yeast
What is the dependent variable in the investigation, and how is it measured? (2)
Production of carbon dioxide. Pass the gas released from the mixture through hydrogencarbonate indicator.
Production of ethanol. Note the smell of the mixture.
Production of heat. Measure the change in temperature of the mixture with a thermometer after the experiment.
(only choose 1 out of the 3)
21.8: Design an investigation of alcoholic fermentation in yeast
List 3 controlled variables in the investigation.
pH, volume and concentration of glucose solution, volume and concentration of hydrogencarbonate indicator
(X temperature, because it is supposed to increase)
21.8: Design an investigation of alcoholic fermentation in yeast
Explain the effect of the variable “volume and concentration of glucose solution” on the results. (3)
An increased volume or concentration of the glucose solution results in more substrate to collide with the enzymes involving in respiration.
Therefore, there is a higher chance of successful collision between the glucose and the enzymes, creating an enzyme-substrate complex.
So, there is a higher chance of forming products, and a higher rate of respiration of the yeast. The same results will be obtained faster.
21.8: Design an investigation of alcoholic fermentation in yeast
Explain if it is necessary to set up a control.
Yes. It is used to confirm that the products of alcoholic fermentation are produced by the living yeast.
21.8: Design an investigation of alcoholic fermentation in yeast
Explain a significant assumption made in this investigation.
No oxygen is present in glucose solution.
21.8: Design an investigation of alcoholic fermentation in yeast
Explain the results and conclusion of this investigation. (3)
Yeast carries out alcoholic fermentation under anaerobic condition. During the process, carbon dioxide, ethanol and heat are produced.
The carbon dioxide turns the hydrogencarbonate indicator from red to yellow. / The ethanol gives the smell of alcohol in the experimental set-up. / The heat causes the temperature rise of the experimental set-up.
Therefore, it can be concluded that under anaerobic condition, yeast carries out alcoholic fermentation to produce carbon dioxide and ethanol. Heat is also given out.