2.1 Raising Finance Flashcards
Internal Finance
Finance that comes from inside the business
- Internal finance comes from the owner’s capital, retained profit, or the sale of assets
- No Loss Of Control
- No Intrest Paid
- Opportunity Cost e.g. Dividends
- Internal finance may not be sufficient to meet the needs of the business
External Finance
Finance that comes from outside the business
- Source of External Finance can be Family & Friends, Banks,
Crowd Funding, Other Businesses
- Usually greater sums of finance can be generated
- Lose Control ( Shares )
- Pay Interest ( Debt )
Personal Savings For Source Of Finance
When an entrepreneur uses personal finance such as cash in bank accounts or less liquid assets such as stocks and shares to finance the business
- Long Term Finance, Internal Finance, New / start up Business
- No Financial Cost
Loan = Pay Intrest
Shares = Lose Control
- Easiest + Quickest type of finance
- Likely to be limited
- If business doesn’t initially make profit using savings = financial pressure
- Loss of wellbeing
Retained Profits For Source Of Finance
When a business uses historical profits from previous years to invest
- Long Term, Internal Finance, usually established business
- No financial Cost = No Interest
- No Control / Share Given Up
- Safe Low Risk Approach
- May create conflicts with shareholders because RP = Lower Dividends
- Usually Finite Retained Profits = Slow Growth
- No Expertise Added ( Debt = Banks / Equity = Shareholders )
Selling Fixed Assets For Source Of Finance
Raising cash via the sale of Surplus Fixed assets
- Long term finance, internal finance, usually established business
- Not a form of debt ∴ No interest paid
- Not a form of equity ∴ No Control given up
- Providing you can find a buyer is a quick form of cash
- Only finite amount of times you do it as likely you have few surplus assets
- Risk
( cannot find buyer )
(Do not receive fair value for fixed asset )
( very likely it has depreciated )
Banks For Source Of Finance
When a business borrows a sum of money and pays it back with interest over an agreed period of time
- Long term finance, external finance, used by startup businesses
- No share in business needs to be given up ∴ Keep Control
- ↓ Interest rates vs overdraft … ↓ cost overall
- Banks are often keen to provide free advice and guidance to businesses that use their services
- Frequent repayment may improve credit score
- ↑ Net assets ∴ ↑ net worth of business
- Assets will be taken if you fail to repay 🠮 Limited Liability
- No Flexibility
- Fail to pay will worsen credit score
- Increase gearing of business as long term debt finance
Calculate Intrest
Calculating interest on a bank loan rate ( % )
Total Repayment - Borrowed amount / Borrowed amount ×100
Crowd Funding For Source Of Finance
Crowdfunding is finance provided by a large number of small investors on online platforms. ( usually for startup businesses )
- Creates an organic customer base and the platform provides a form of free marketing
- A good credit rating is not required so new businesses that lack a
trading records can attract funding
- Businesses need to provide a persuasive business plan to convince individuals to invest in their product as they will be competing with many other projects online
- Funding goal may not be reached
Business Angels For Source Of Finance
Wealthy individuals who provide capital to startups and early stage businesses in exchange of liquidity
- Angels often offer advice and guidance to the businesses in which
they invest
- Essential for early stage businesses to access capital
- More flexible vs. venture capital
- Investments usually for a determined period of time so owners
regain shares in the future
- Finding the right business angel (e.g. with appropriate experience, expertise or interest) can be challenging
- Selling % of business ∴ lose equity
- Too dependent & how much finance do they have?
New Share Issues For Source Of Finance
When a Limited company issues shares in exchange for a payment
- Long term finance, external finance, established business
- No Interest
- If public limited company 🠮 will be on Stock Exchange ( opportunity for large amount of cash )
- ↑ Opportunity to raise huge amount of finance
- Exit / Cash in method?
- Give up shares of business ( if sold too much might lose control
eg. if you give up 51% you have given up control )
- pay shareholders dividends ∴ ↓ retained profits
- If public limited company. Flotation will cost a lot to be on stock exchange.
Venture Capital For Source Of Finance
Type of finance offered by V.C fund to high risk high reward firms in exchange for a share of the business
- Long term finance, external finance, start up business
- Makes expansion possible
- No repayment ( type of equity finance )
- Reduce personal risk ( V.C has taken the % risk )
- V.C has expertise
- Given up shares of business ∴ profits are shared
- May lose control if more than 50% of shares given up ∴ lost decision making power
- V.C ultimately is looking to exit as they want to make profit
Overdrafts For Source Of Finance
When a business withdraws more cash from a bank account than it holds
- Short term finance, external finance, start up business
- Quick and simple to organise
- Can be bespoke to the needs of each business
- No control of the business given up
- Short term debt so not included in gearing ratio
- Higher interest rates
- Bank could cancel overdraft at any time
- Persistent use of overdrafts will ↓ credit rating
low credit rating = ↓ likely to get loan
low credit rating = ↑ interest rates offered
Grants For Source Of Finance
Financial awards given by the government, local council or charity
- External finance, long term finance, startup business
- Non Repayable ( Free Money )
- No Control Given Up
- Time Consuming Process 🠮 application forms ∴ risk of rejection
- Grant tied to certain conditions ( Match Funded ) = must match the size of grant
Unlimited Liability
( More Detailed )
Owner and business is the same legal entity ∴ owner is responsible for all debt the business incurs
Unincorporated business = Unlimited Liability
🠮 Sole Traders
🠮 Partnerships
Limited Liability
( More Detailed )
Owner and business are different legal entities ∴ Shareholders personal assets are not at risk in the event of the business incurring debts
incorporated Business = Limited Liability
🠮 Private Limited Company ( Ltd )
🠮 Public Limited Company ( PLC )
Budgeting: Planning income and expenses.
- Gives senior + functional managers spending guidance
∴ encourages spending discipline
- Helps support a business plan if profit budget ∴ increases chance for obtaining finance
- Who set the budget? If senior management sets budget but lacks expertise in a specific area =
( Over Ambitious Targets? ) ( Which can be demotivating )
- Historical budgets are based on previous years
- How frequently are budgets reviewed?
Budget ( Variance Analysis )
Adverse / Favourable
Difference between a figure budgeted and the actual figure achieved by the end of the budgetary period
- Bad
- Profits = Lower than expected
- Revenue = Lower than expected
- Costs = Higher than expected
- Good
- Profits = Higher than expected
- Revenue = Higher than expected
- Costs = Lower than expected
Business Plans
A document explaining what a business intends to do
- Executive Summary ( summary of what business intends to do )
- Business Name, Idea, Usp
- Aims + Objectives
- Market Research
- Market Overview = Create Awareness
- Operations = Production
- HR Staffing Needs
- Finances = Budgets, Income Statement
- Entrepreneur Details
- Help Understand Finances ( Budget Forecast, Expected
Costs / Revenue, Break Even Output, Manage Risk, Cash Flow Forecast )
- Increase chances of obtaining external finance
- Allows closer inspection of the various business areas 🠮 Check Gaps
- Only a plan, reality likely to be different
- Who did the plan & if they have business experience?
- Dangers of inflating revenue and deflating costs 🠮 Liquidity issues
Cash Flow Forecast
Why & Issues
Cash Flow Forecast = Helps predict when you may have a liquidity problem
Not Enough Cash = Outflows > Inflows 🠮 Liquidity Issues
Too Much Cash = Outflows < Inflows 🠮 Opportunity Cost
- Put cash in ↑ IR
- Use To Expand
Why Poor cashflow happens:
- Poor Sales ∴ ↓ Revenue ∴ ↓ Cashflow
- Over Trading = spend too much stock = ↓ cash
- Poor debtor / Creditor Management
- No Cash Flow Forecasting ∴ Poor business management
Why is it an issue?
- Not enough cash for day 2 day expenses = lack of working capital
- Cannot pay workers = poor motivation = ↓ productivity
- Indicates need for sources of finance
Cash Flow Forecast
Rescheduling payments
- Increase speed of cash inflows ( May lose sales due to rescheduling )
- decrease speed of cash outflows ( may damage relationship with supplier )
Increase Cash Inflows
- Run marketing campaign to ↑ sales … ↑ Costs
- Increase selling price … ↓ Sales
Decrease cash outflows
- Destock = hold less stock ∴ ↓ Storage Costs
- ↓ Sales … ↓ Revenue
Sources Of Finance … Overdraft
- Quick + Easy
- Interest Rates / worse than bank loan / ↓ Credit Rating